Sequence of DPV Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA

Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA.

ACC No: D10037

Dated: 2007-12-07 | Length: 335 | CRC: 421168087

ID   D10037; SV 1; linear; genomic RNA; STD; VRL; 335 BP.
AC   D10037;
DT   10-MAR-1992 (Rel. 31, Created)
DT   07-DEC-2007 (Rel. 94, Last updated, Version 10)
DE   Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA.
KW   .
OS   Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA
OC   Viruses; Satellites; Satellite Nucleic Acids;
OC   Single stranded RNA satellites;
OC   Small linear single stranded RNA satellites.
RN   [1]
RP   1-335
RA   Masuta C., Takanami Y.;
RT   "Determination of sequence and structural requirements for pathogenicity of
RT   a cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA (Y-satRNA)";
RL   Plant Cell 1:1165-1173(1989).
CC   Data kindly submitted in computer readable form by:
CC   Yoichi Takanami
CC   Life Science Research Laboratory
CC   Japan Tobacco Incorporated
CC   6-2 Umegaoka, Midori-ku
CC   Yokohama 227
CC   Japan
FH   Key             Location/Qualifiers
FT   source          1. .335
FT                   /organism="Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA"
FT                   /mol_type="genomic RNA"
FT                   /note="isolated from Cucumber mosaic virus strain T73"
FT                   /db_xref="taxon:12436"
FT   misc_feature    1. .335
FT                   /note="non-necrogenic satellite RNA"
SQ   Sequence 335 BP; 69 A; 86 C; 94 G; 86 T; 0 other;

d10037 Length: 335  07-DEC-2007  Type: N  Check: 3326  ..

       1  gttttgtttg atggagaatt gcgtagaggg gttatatcta cgtgaggatc
      51  catcactcgg cggtgtgggt tacctccctg ctacggcggg ttgagtcgac
     101  gcacctcgga ctggggaccg ctggcttgcg agctatgtcc gctaccctca
     151  gcactacgcg ctcatttgag cccccgctca gtttgctagc aaaacccggc
     201  acatggttcg ccgttaccat ggacttcgaa agaaaaactc tgttaggtgg
     251  tatcgtggat gacgcacgca gggagaggct aagacttatg ttatgctgat
     301  ctccgtgaat gtctatacat tcctctacag gaccc