Sequence of DPV Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA

Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA, complete genome, clone: pKN-sat.

ACC No: D28559

Dated: 2004-10-30 | Length: 405 | CRC: -1759889292

                !!NA_SEQUENCE 1.0
ID   MCVKN      standard; genomic RNA; VRL; 405 BP.
AC   D28559;
SV   D28559.1
DT   18-MAY-1994 (Rel. 39, Created)
DT   30-OCT-2004 (Rel. 81, Last updated, Version 6)
DE   Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA, complete genome, clone: pKN-sat.
KW   .
OS   Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA
OC   Viruses; Satellites; Satellite Nucleic Acids.
RN   [1]
RP   1-405
RA   Hidaka S.;
RT   ;
RL   Submitted (17-FEB-1994) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
RL   Soh Hidaka, Tohoku National Agricultural Experiment Station;
RL   Shimo-kuriyagawa, Morioka, Iwate, 020-01, Japan (Tel:81-196-43-3514,
RL   Fax:81-196-43-3514)
RN   [2]
RP   1-405
RA   Hidaka S., Hanada K.;
RT   "Structural features unique to a new 405-nucleotide satellite RNA of
RT   cucumber mosaic virus inducing tomato necrosis";
RL   Virology 200:806-808(1994).
FH   Key             Location/Qualifiers
FT   source          1. .405
FT                   /db_xref="taxon:12436"
FT                   /mol_type="genomic RNA"
FT                   /note="isolated from Cucumber mosaic virus strain KN"
FT                   /note="lethal necrosis"
FT                   /organism="Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA"
FT                   /clone="pKN-sat"
FT   primer_bind     order(1. .20,complement(387. .405))
FT                   /PCR_conditions="20 cycle program of 94degC for 1 min,
FT                   45degC for 1 min, and 72degC for 30 sec."
FT   stem_loop       19. .45
FT   stem_loop       70. .127
FT   misc_feature    352. .367
FT                   /note="necrogenic consensus sequence"
SQ   Sequence 405 BP; 89 A; 98 C; 115 G; 103 T; 0 other;

 D28559  Length: 405  November 2, 2004 08:27  Type: N  Check: 4416  ..

       1  gttttgtttg atagagaatt gcgcggaggg gatatatctg cgtgaggatc
      51  tatcactagg cggtgtgggt tacctccctg ggtagctgca tggtggtgac
     101  agcccacctg tagtccgggt tgagtgacgc atctcggact ggggacctct
     151  ggcgaattaa gtagctaagt ccgctgccca cgatggtggg atacctccta
     201  acggaggcta tttttcagct ctgcgcattt catttgagcc cccgctcagt
     251  ttgctaacaa gacccggcac atggttcgcc gttaccatgg acaaattcga
     301  aagaaacact ctgtaaggtg gtatcagtga cgacgcacgc agggagaggc
     351  taaggcttat gctatgctga tctccgtgaa tgtctaacat tcctctacag
     401  gaccc