Sequence of DPV Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA
Satellite RNAs , attenuated Cucumber mosaic viruses containing the same satellite RNAs, tolerant plants inoculated with the same attenuated Cucumber mosaic viruses and protective methods of Cucumber mosaic viruses.
ACC No: DD290167
Dated: 2006-08-17 | Length: 391 | CRC: -2046714070
ID DD290167; SV 1; linear; unassigned RNA; PAT; VRL; 391 BP. XX AC DD290167; XX DT 17-AUG-2006 (Rel. 88, Created) DT 17-AUG-2006 (Rel. 88, Last updated, Version 1) XX DE Satellite RNAs , attenuated Cucumber mosaic viruses containing the same DE satellite RNAs, tolerant plants inoculated with the same attenuated DE Cucumber mosaic viruses and protective methods of Cucumber mosaic viruses. XX KW JP 2006050902-A/2. XX OS Cucumber mosaic virus (cucumber mosaic cucumovirus) OC Viruses; ssRNA positive-strand viruses, no DNA stage; Bromoviridae; OC Cucumovirus. XX RN [1] RP 1-391 RA Atarashi Y., Sayama H., Kominato M., Ishimura E.; RT "Satellite RNAs , attenuated Cucumber mosaic viruses containing the same RT satellite RNAs, tolerant plants inoculated with the same attenuated RT Cucumber mosaic viruses and protective methods of"; RL Unpublished. XX CC OS CUCUMBER MOSAIC VIRUS CC PN JP 2006050902-A/2 CC PD 23-FEB-2006 CC PF 04-SEP-2002 JP 2002258739 CC PI yasunori atarashi,haruki sayama,masayuki kominato,eiji CC PI ishimura CC CC Origin strain is CMV NDM-5 CC FH Key Location/Qualifiers XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT source 1. .391 FT /organism="Cucumber mosaic virus" FT /mol_type="unassigned RNA" FT /db_xref="taxon:12305" XX SQ Sequence 391 BP; 75 A; 106 C; 120 G; 90 T; 0 other; dd290167 Length: 391 17-AUG-2006 Type: N Check: 5837 .. 1 gttttgtttg ttggagaccc gcacggaggg gttatattcg tgcggtgatc 51 cttcactcgg cggtgtgggt taactccctg ctaaggcggg ttggagactg 101 cgcccgggac aggccggacc ttgggggagc ccacgagccg cgtgggaacg 151 tagcggtttc cggttgaact ggcgccggag gccctcagcg gtctgtttcg 201 acgcttccct ccatttgagc ccccgctcag tttgctagca gaacccggca 251 catggttcgc cgttaccatg gaatttcgaa agaaacactc tgtaaggtgg 301 tatcagtaga cgacgcacgc agggagaggc taaaacctta actggtcatg 351 ctgatctccg cgcgtatgtc tatcatacct taacaggacc c