Sequence of DPV Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA
Satellite RNAs, attenuated Cucumber mosaic viruses containing the same satellite RNAs, tolerant plants inoculated with the same attenuated Cucumber mosaic viruses and protective methods of Cucumber mosaic viruses.
ACC No: FW342682
Dated: 2010-07-27 | Length: 368 | CRC: 442991487
ID FW342682; SV 1; linear; unassigned RNA; PAT; VRL; 368 BP. XX AC FW342682; XX DT 27-JUL-2010 (Rel. 105, Created) DT 27-JUL-2010 (Rel. 105, Last updated, Version 1) XX DE Satellite RNAs, attenuated Cucumber mosaic viruses containing the same DE satellite RNAs, tolerant plants inoculated with the same attenuated DE Cucumber mosaic viruses and protective methods of Cucumber mosaic viruses. XX KW JP 2010088328-A/3. XX OS Cucumber mosaic virus (cucumber mosaic cucumovirus) OC Viruses; ssRNA positive-strand viruses, no DNA stage; Bromoviridae; OC Cucumovirus. XX RN [1] RP 1-368 RA Yamada M., Sayama H.; RT "Satellite RNAs, attenuated Cucumber mosaic viruses containing the same RT satellite RNAs, tolerant plants inoculated with the same attenuated RT Cucumber mosaic viruses and protective methods of"; RL Patent number JP2010088328-A/3, 22-APR-2010. RL Nippon Del Monte Corporation. XX CC OS Cucumber mosaic virus CC PN JP 2010088328-A/3 CC PD 22-APR-2010 CC PF 07-OCT-2008 JP 2008260242 CC PI megumi yamada,haruki sayama CC CC Origin strain is CMV KO2 CC FH Key Location/Qualifiers XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT source 1. .368 FT /organism="Cucumber mosaic virus" FT /mol_type="unassigned RNA" FT /db_xref="taxon:12305" XX SQ Sequence 368 BP; 74 A; 86 C; 107 G; 101 T; 0 other; fw342682 Length: 368 27-JUL-2010 Type: N Check: 1490 .. 1 gttttgtttg ttggagaatt gcgtagaggg gttatttcta cgtgaggatc 51 catcactagg cggtgtgggt tacctccctg ggtagctaca tggtggtgta 101 gggacacctg tagtccgggt tgagtgacgc atctcggact ggggacctct 151 ggcgaattaa gtagctaagt ccgctgcttt cagctctgcg catttcattt 201 gagcccccgc tcagtttgct agcaagaccc ggcacatggt tcgccgttac 251 catggatttc gaaagaaaca ctctgttagg tggtatcgtg gatgacgcac 301 gcagggagag gctaaggctt atgctacgct gatctccgtg aatgtctaca 351 cattcctcta caggaccc