Sequence of DPV Velvet tobacco mottle virus satellite RNA

Velvet tobacco mottle virus Satellite RNA complete sequence.

ACC No: J02439

Dated: 2002-05-28 | Length: 366 | CRC: -237330221

                !!NA_SEQUENCE 1.0
ID   VTMOVR2    standard; circular RNA; VRL; 366 BP.
AC   J02439;
SV   J02439.1
DT   02-JUL-1986 (Rel. 09, Created)
DT   28-MAY-2002 (Rel. 71, Last updated, Version 5)
DE   Velvet tobacco mottle virus Satellite RNA complete sequence.
KW   .
OS   Velvet tobacco mottle virus Satellite RNA
OC   Viruses; Satellites; Circular Satellite RNAs.
RN   [1]
RP   1-366
RX   MEDLINE; 82274208.
RX   PUBMED; 7111020.
RA   Haseloff J., Symons R.H.;
RT   "Comparative sequence and structure of viroid-like RNAs of two plant
RT   viruses";
RL   Nucleic Acids Res. 10(12):3681-3691(1982).
CC   Roughly 50% of the RNA 2 molecules were 366 bp in length, the
CC   remaining molecules were 365 bp in length [1].  [1] notes seven
CC   open reading frames in the RNA 2.
FH   Key             Location/Qualifiers
FT   source          1. .366
FT                   /db_xref="taxon:196095"
FT                   /note="RNA2"
FT                   /organism="Velvet tobacco mottle virus Satellite RNA"
FT                   /specific_host="Nicotiana clevelandii"
FT   variation       107. .109
FT                   /note="gtc in 50% of RNA 2; gc in 50% of RNA 2"
SQ   Sequence 366 BP; 77 A; 94 C; 110 G; 85 T; 0 other;

   J02439  Length: 366  June 18, 2002 10:22  Type: N  Check: 1507  ..

       1  gttcctgccc ttggggactg atttttggtt cgcctggtcc gtgtccgtag
      51  tggatgtgta tccactctga tgagtccgaa aggacgaaac ggatgtaccg
     101  cttcttgtct cgacctcgac ctggactagt gatcgaggga ggctcaacct
     151  cacgcccgct gggtagatgt agtctcatac tccaatgact tggggtcact
     201  gtgtaaaggt actacagagc tacgaccatg tgataggcgg ggagctggac
     251  cctctcacca cctaggtagt gttgaaggtc gctagggagt caaggacgcc
     301  cggcatcaga ggattgcaca ccaccggtat cacggagggc aactgctttc
     351  caggctggca ggtaac