Sequence of DPV Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA
Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA clone pBsat2.
ACC No: M30592
Dated: 2004-10-22 | Length: 338 | CRC: -748023005
!!NA_SEQUENCE 1.0 ID MCVBSA2A standard; genomic RNA; VRL; 338 BP. XX AC M30592; XX SV M30592.1 XX DT 25-APR-1990 (Rel. 23, Created) DT 22-OCT-2004 (Rel. 81, Last updated, Version 3) XX DE Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA clone pBsat2. XX KW . XX OS Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA OC Viruses; Satellites; Satellite Nucleic Acids. XX RN [1] RP 1-338 RX MEDLINE; 90051073. RX PUBMED; 2479169. RA Kurath G., Palukaitis P.; RT "RNA sequence heterogeneity in natural populations of three satellite RNAs RT of cucumber mosaic virus"; RL Virology 173(1):231-240(1989). XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT source 1. .338 FT /db_xref="taxon:12436" FT /mol_type="genomic RNA" FT /note="B-1 satellite" FT /organism="Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA" FT /clone="pBsat2" XX SQ Sequence 338 BP; 69 A; 85 C; 95 G; 89 T; 0 other; M30592 Length: 338 October 26, 2004 08:38 Type: N Check: 6977 .. 1 gttttgtttg ttagagaatt gggtagaggg gttatatcta cgtgaggatc 51 tatcactcgg cggtgtggga tacctccctg ctacggcggg ttgagtgacg 101 cacctcggac tggggaccgc tgacttgcga gttatgtccg ctgttcttca 151 gcactacgca ctcatttgag cccccgctca gttcgctagc aaaacccggc 201 ccgtggtttg ccgttaccgc ggaacttcga aagaaacact ctgttaggtg 251 gtatcagtga tgacgcacgc agggagaggc taaaacctat atggtcatgc 301 tgatctccgt ggatgtttat cattccctac caggaccc