Sequence of DPV Subterranean clover mottle virus satellite RNA
Subterranean clover mottle virus satellite RNA sequence.
ACC No: M33001
Dated: 2002-05-14 | Length: 388 | CRC: 831681864
!!NA_SEQUENCE 1.0 ID SUVSATB standard; RNA; VRL; 388 BP. XX AC M33001; XX SV M33001.1 XX DT 10-JUL-1990 (Rel. 24, Created) DT 14-MAY-2002 (Rel. 71, Last updated, Version 4) XX DE Subterranean clover mottle virus satellite RNA sequence. XX KW . XX OS Subterranean clover mottle virus satellite RNA OC Viruses; Satellites. XX RN [1] RP 1-388 RX MEDLINE; 90281584. RX PUBMED; 1693803. RA Davies C., Haseloff J., Symons R.H.; RT "Structure, self-cleavage, and replication of two viroid-like satellite RT RNAs (virusoids) of subterranean clover mottle virus"; RL Virology 177(1):216-224(1990). XX CC Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [1] kindly submitted CC by R.H.Symons, 20-MAR-1990. XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT source 1. .388 FT /db_xref="taxon:195063" FT /organism="Subterranean clover mottle virus satellite RNA" FT misc_feature 1. .120 FT /note="high sequence homology with virusoid of subterranean FT clover mottle virus; putative" FT misc_feature 63. .64 FT /note="self-cleavage site" FT misc_feature 286. .388 FT /note="high sequence homology with virusoid of subterranean FT clover mottle virus; putative" XX SQ Sequence 388 BP; 97 A; 106 C; 91 G; 94 T; 0 other; M33001 Length: 388 May 21, 2002 09:06 Type: N Check: 4786 .. 1 agaggcatac cctcctcgcg gattttgaag gtgtttcagc tacccaaagt 51 attccacgct gtctgtactt atatcagtac actgacgagt ccctaaagga 101 cgaaacagcg caccgcaact tggccagacc tcgccaatca cccccacacc 151 aagccaaaaa ccggtcccca acgcagttta gtatcaagtc gtcgcatcca 201 cgctcccgag ggaggaagtt tgcgccttga ggttctgcac ggtcgtggta 251 acaggaaaag tgttggaatg tttgaaggtc ttgcggttgt caaggaccaa 301 gtcgttagtg ttactatata ttactaccct acgtgttact ttgttaggtg 351 gccccacctc actttcgtga aggctaggaa acgtccac