Sequence of DPV Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA

Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA (isolate To/1990/21.1)

ACC No: Z75880

Dated: 2008-10-23 | Length: 334 | CRC: -1571315824

ID   Z75880; SV 1; linear; genomic RNA; STD; VRL; 334 BP.
AC   Z75880;
DT   11-JUL-1996 (Rel. 48, Created)
DT   23-OCT-2008 (Rel. 97, Last updated, Version 5)
DE   Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA (isolate To/1990/21.1)
KW   satellite.
OS   Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA
OC   Viruses; Satellites; Satellite Nucleic Acids;
OC   Single stranded RNA satellites;
OC   Small linear single stranded RNA satellites.
RN   [1]
RP   1-334
RX   DOI; 10.1007/PL00006124.
RX   PUBMED; 9010139.
RA   Aranda M.A., Fraile A., Dopazo J., Malpica J.M., Garcia-Arenal F.;
RT   "Contribution of mutation and RNA recombination to the evolution of a plant
RT   pathogenic RNA";
RL   J. Mol. Evol. 44(1):81-88(1997).
RN   [2]
RP   1-334
RA   Fraile A.;
RT   ;
RL   Submitted (11-JUL-1996) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
RL   Fraile A., E.T.S.Ingenieros Agronomos, Biotecnologia, Ciudad Universitaria,
RL   Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 28040
FH   Key             Location/Qualifiers
FT   source          1. .334
FT                   /organism="Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA"
FT                   /isolate="isolate To/1990/21.1"
FT                   /mol_type="genomic RNA"
FT                   /db_xref="taxon:12436"
FT   repeat_region   1. .334
SQ   Sequence 334 BP; 66 A; 83 C; 96 G; 89 T; 0 other;

z75880 Length: 334  23-OCT-2008  Type: N  Check: 5524  ..

       1  gttttgtttg atggagaatt gcgcagaggg gttatatctg cgtgaggatc
      51  tgtcactcgg cggtgtggga tacctccctg ctaaggcggg ttgagtgatg
     101  ttccctcgga ctggggaccg ctggcttgcg agctatgtcc gctactctca
     151  gtactacact ctcatttgag cccccgctca gtttgctaac agaacccggc
     201  ccatggttcg ccgttaccgt ggatttcgaa agaaacactc tgcatggtgg
     251  tatgagtcat gacgcacgca gggagaggct aaggcttagg ctatgctgat
     301  ctccgtgaat gtctatcatt ccattacagg accc