Members of Genus: Tymovirus

Type member:

Turnip yellow mosaic virus

Viruses in the Genus

Anagyris vein yellowing virus (AVYV)
Andean potato latent virus (APLV)
Potato (Andean) latent virus
Belladonna mottle virus (BeMV)
Cacao yellow mosaic virus (CYMV)
Calopogonium yellow vein virus (CalYVV)
Chayote mosaic virus (ChaMV)
Chiltepin yellow mosaic virus (ChiYMV)
Clitoria yellow vein virus (CYVV)
Desmodium yellow mottle virus (DYMoV)
Dulcamara mottle virus (DuMV)
Eggplant mosaic virus (EMV)
Abelia latent virus
Erysimum latent virus (ErLV)
Kennedya yellow mosaic virus (KYMV)
Melon rugose mosaic virus (MRMV)
Nemesia ring necrosis virus (NeRNV)
Diascia yellow mottle virus
Okra mosaic virus (OkMV)
Virus de la mosaique du Gombo
Ononis yellow mosaic virus (OYMV)
Passion fruit yellow mosaic virus (PFYMV)
Peanut yellow mosaic virus (PeYMV)
Petunia vein banding virus (PetVBV)
Physalis mottle virus (PhyMV)
Belladonna mottle virus (I)
Plantago mottle virus (PlMoV)
Scrophularia mottle virus (ScrMV)
Scrophularia-Scheckungs virus
Turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV)
Cardamine yellow mosaic virus
Voandzeia necrotic mosaic virus (VNMV)
Wild cucumber mosaic virus (WCMV)
Cucumber (wild) mosaic virus

Tentative Members of the Genus

Andean potato mild mottle virus
Asclepias asymptomatic virus
Cassia yellow mosaic-associated virus
Mertensia leaf curl virus
Tomato blistering mosaic virus
Tomato yellow blotch virus
Watercress white vein virus