Notes on Genus: Pecluvirus

rigid rods
rigid rods

Type member: Peanut clump virus


General Description

Pecluviruses (from peanut clump virus) had originally been classified with furoviruses but have a different genome structure, including a triple-gene-block on RNA2. The vectors are Polymyxa spp., root-infecting parasites, classified in the Plasmodiophorales.


Virions rod-shaped, not enveloped. Usually straight with a distinct central canal. Generally of two modal lengths, 250-300 nm and 92-160 nm, (but difficult to estimate because they are fragile) and about 20 nm in diameter. Symmetry helical. Surface capsomere arrangement obvious. Pitch of helix 2.6 nm.


Linear, single-stranded, positive sense RNA in two segments. The 3'-terminus has a tRNA-like structure.

Genus Genomic Organization

There are several ORFs on each RNA. Products for replication are encoded on RNA1. The coat protein is at the 5'-end of RNA2 and there is a triple gene block at its 3'-end.

Type Member Genomic Organization

RNA1 (c. 5900 nucleotides) produces:
1     131 kDaReplication protein
2 191 kDaPolymerase readthrough of ORF1, including RNA polymerase motif
3 15 kDaunknown function
RNA2 (c. 4500 nucleotides) produces:
4 23 kDaCoat protein
5 39 kDa ORF2, unknown function
6 51 kDa6-8 =Triple gene block probably involved in cell-to-cell movement
7 14 kDa
8 17 kDa