Notes on Genus: Tobamovirus

rigid rods
rigid rods

Type member: Tobacco mosaic virus


General Description

The genus Tobamovirus (tobacco mosaic virus group) is the only genus of plant viruses with rigid rod shaped particles and a monopartite genome. Members of the genus are transmitted by sap and sometimes by seed.


Virions rod-shaped, not enveloped, usually straight and with a distinct central canal. Mostly 300 nm long and18 nm in diameter. Symmetry helical with pitch of 2.3 nm.

Virions composed of 5 % nucleic and 95 % protein.


Monopartite, linear, single stranded, positive sense RNA about 6400 nucleotides long. The 3'-terminus has a tRNA-like structure (which accepts histidine). The 5' terminus has a methylated nucleotide cap with the sequence m7G5'pppG.

Genus Genomic Organization

The genome encodes at least four proteins, two of which (126-129 and 183-187 kDa) are involved in virus replication. These are in the 5' half of the genome and the larger one is produced by readthrough of the termination codon of the first gene. The other two, a movement protein (28-31 kDa) and the coat protein (17-18 kDa) are expressed from separate subgenomic mRNAs.

Type Member Genomic Organization

The genome encodes at least four proteins:
1. 126 kDa Relication protein with methyl transferase and helicase domains
2. 183 kDa Polymerase readthrough incorporating RdRp domain
3. 30 kDa Movement protein, expressed from 3'-coterminal subgenomic mRNA I2 (1500 nucleotides)
4. 17 kDaCoat protein, expressed from 3'-coterminal subgenomic mRNA (692 nucleotides)