All Known Sequences of Tymovirus
Type member: Turnip yellow mosaic virus
Melon rugose mosaic virus (MRMV) - Tymovirus
None reported
Peanut yellow mosaic virus (PeYMV) - Tymovirus
None reported
Voandzeia necrotic mosaic virus (VNMV) - Tymovirus
None reported
Turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV) - Tymovirus
- AB358971 Turnip yellow mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, complete cds, isolate: A-2.
- AB358972 Turnip yellow mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, complete cds, isolate: B-3.
- AF035403 Turnip yellow mosaic Blue Lake isolate, complete genome.
- AF035635 Turnip yellow mosaic virus isolate Rothamstead virion protein gene, complete cds.
- AF035636 Turnip yellow mosaic virus isolate Cauliflower virion protein gene, complete cds.
- AY673642 Turnip yellow mosaic virus isolate Dorset 17 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- J04373 Turnip yellow mosaic virus Club Lake isolate, complete genome.
- U88845 Turnip yellow mosaic virus variant D5, virion protein (VP) gene, complete cds.
- U88846 Turnip yellow mosaic virus variant F39, virion protein (VP) gene, complete cds.
- U88847 Turnip yellow mosaic virus variant F41, virion protein (VP) gene, complete cds.
- U88848 Turnip yellow mosaic virus variant N37, virion protein (VP) gene, complete cds.
- U88849 Turnip yellow mosaic virus variant P1, virion protein (VP) gene, complete cds.
- U88850 Turnip yellow mosaic virus variant Q18, virion protein (VP) gene, complete cds.
- X07441 Turnip yellow mosaic virus genome
- X16378 Turnip yellow mosaic virus complete RNA genome
Tomato blistering mosaic virus - Tymovirus
- AB627084 Tomato blistering mosaic virus gene for coat protein, complete cds.
Kennedya yellow mosaic virus (KYMV) - Tymovirus
- AF035198 Kennedya yellow mosaic virus strain Port Douglas virion protein gene, complete cds.
- AF035199 Kennedya yellow mosaic virus strain Bawley Point virion protein gene, complete cds.
- D00637 Kennedya yellow mosaic virus genomic RNA, complete genome.
Clitoria yellow vein virus (CYVV) - Tymovirus
- AF035200 Clitoria yellow vein virus virion protein gene, complete cds.
Desmodium yellow mottle virus (DYMoV) - Tymovirus
- AF035201 Desmodium yellow mottle tymovirus virion protein gene, complete cds.
Okra mosaic virus (OkMV) - Tymovirus
- AF035202 Okra mosaic tymovirus virion protein gene, complete cds.
- EF554577 Okra mosaic virus isolate PV-0264, complete genome.
Andean potato latent virus (APLV) - Tymovirus
- AF035402 Andean potato latent virus replicase protein gene, partial cds; and virion protein gene, complete cds.
- JX508291 Andean potato latent virus, complete genome.
- JX982324 Andean potato latent virus isolate Bo-15 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX982325 Andean potato latent virus isolate Bo-14 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX982326 Andean potato latent virus isolate Caj coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX982327 Andean potato latent virus isolate Col-4 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX982328 Andean potato latent virus isolate Col-5 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX982329 Andean potato latent virus isolate Col-2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX982330 Andean potato latent virus isolate Col-3 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX982331 Andean potato latent virus isolate Col coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX982332 Andean potato latent virus isolate Ec-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX982333 Andean potato latent virus isolate Ay coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX982334 Andean potato latent virus isolate Hu coat protein gene, complete cds.
Wild cucumber mosaic virus (WCMV) - Tymovirus
- AF035633 Wild cucumber mosaic virus replicase protein gene, partial cds; and virion protein gene, complete cds.
Dulcamara mottle virus (DuMV) - Tymovirus
- AF035634 Dulcamara mottle tymovirus virion protein gene, complete cds.
- AY789137 Dulcamara mottle virus, complete genome.
Erysimum latent virus (ErLV) - Tymovirus
- AF098523 Erysimum latent virus, complete genome.
Chayote mosaic virus (ChaMV) - Tymovirus
- AF195000 Chayote mosaic tymovirus, complete genome.
Petunia vein banding virus (PetVBV) - Tymovirus
- AF210709 Petunia vein banding virus replicase gene, partial cds; and coat protein gene, complete cds.
Passion fruit yellow mosaic virus (PFYMV) - Tymovirus
- AF467107 Passion fruit yellow mosaic virus polymerase protein gene, partial cds; and coat protein gene, complete cds.
Eggplant mosaic virus (EMV) - Tymovirus
- AY014402 Eggplant mosaic virus coat protein gene, complete cds.
- J04374 Eggplant mosaic virus genome.
Scrophularia mottle virus (ScrMV) - Tymovirus
- AY751777 Scrophularia mottle virus putative movement protein, polyprotein, and coat protein genes, complete cds.
Nemesia ring necrosis virus (NeRNV) - Tymovirus
- AY751778 Nemesia ring necrosis virus from Nemesia fruticans putative movement protein, polyprotein, and coat protein genes, complete cds.
- AY751781 Nemesia ring necrosis virus from Diascia sp. coat protein gene, complete cds.
- EU684141 Diascia yellow mottle virus strain OR, complete genome.
- EU684142 Nemesia ring necrosis virus strain WA replicase-associated protein RP gene, partial cds; and coat protein CP gene, complete cds.
Plantago mottle virus (PlMoV) - Tymovirus
- AY751779 Plantago mottle virus putative movement protein, polyprotein, and coat protein genes, complete cds.
Anagyris vein yellowing virus (AVYV) - Tymovirus
- AY751780 Anagyris vein yellowing virus putative movement protein, polyprotein, and coat protein genes, complete cds.
Tomato yellow blotch virus - Tymovirus
- EU779803 Tomato yellow blotch virus strain Minnesota, complete genome.
Mertensia leaf curl virus - Tymovirus
- FJ713509 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate HP25 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713510 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate HP26 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713511 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate HP27 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713512 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate HP31 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713513 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate HP32 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713514 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate HP35 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713515 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate LM8 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713516 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate LM9 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713517 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate LM10 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713518 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate LM14 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713519 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate LM15 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713520 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate NTR2 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713521 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate NTR3 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713522 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate NTR5 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713523 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate NTR6 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713524 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate NTR8 replication-associated polyprotein (RP) gene, partial cds; and coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713525 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate NTR9 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713526 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate NTR11 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713527 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate NTR12 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713528 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate NTR13 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713529 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate NTR14 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713530 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate STR1 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713531 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate STR3 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713532 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate STR4 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713533 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate STR5 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713534 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate STR7 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713535 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate STR8 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713536 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate STR10 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713537 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate STR11 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713538 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate STR12 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713539 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate STR27 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- FJ713540 Mertensia leaf curl virus isolate STR28 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
Chiltepin yellow mosaic virus (ChiYMV) - Tymovirus
- FN563123 Chiltepin yellow mosaic virus, complete genome, isolate 20.5
- FN563124 Chiltepin yellow mosaic virus, complete genome, isolate 20.8
Asclepias asymptomatic virus - Tymovirus
- HQ425778 Asclepias asymptomatic virus, complete genome.
Ononis yellow mosaic virus (OYMV) - Tymovirus
- J04375 Ononis yellow mosaic virus complete genome.
Cassia yellow mosaic-associated virus - Tymovirus
- JN545837 Cassia yellow mosaic-associated virus RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase-like gene, partial sequence; and coat protein gene, complete cds.
Watercress white vein virus - Tymovirus
- JN808774 Watercress white vein virus coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JQ001816 Watercress white vein virus isolate 20903772 movement protein, RNA polymerase, and capsid protein genes, complete cds.
Andean potato mild mottle virus - Tymovirus
- JX508290 Andean potato mild mosaic virus isolate Hu, complete genome.
Physalis mottle virus (PhyMV) - Tymovirus
- S97776 Physalis mottle virus replicase protein (coat protein, CP) gene, partial cds; and coat protein gene, complete cds.
- Y16104 Physalis mottle tymovirus OP, RP, CP genes
Calopogonium yellow vein virus (CalYVV) - Tymovirus
- U91413 Calopogonium yellow vein tymovirus virion protein gene, complete cds.
Cacao yellow mosaic virus (CYMV) - Tymovirus
- X54354 Cacao yellow mosaic virus virion protein gene
Belladonna mottle virus (BeMV) - Tymovirus
- X54529 Belladonna mottle virus VP gene for virion protein and ORF