Curated Sequences of Picobirnavirus

Type Member: Human picobirnavirus

Click on the accession number to display the complete sequence (EMBL format). To obtain a FASTA file containing the nucleotide or protein sequences of selected features (genes etc.), check the boxes required and then click on this button:

Bovine picobirnavirus

None reported

Chicken picobirnavirus

None reported

Dog picobirnavirus

None reported

Foal picobirnavirus

None reported

Giant anteater picobirnavirus

None reported

Guinea pig picobirnavirus

None reported

Hamster picobirnavirus

None reported

Porcine picobirnavirus

None reported

Rabbit picobirnavirus (RPBV)

None reported

Rat picobirnavirus

None reported

Snake picobirnavirus

None reported

Human picobirnavirus (HPBV)

AB186897 RNA1, Thailand isolate

AB186898 RNA2, Thailand isolate

Otarine picobirnavirus

JQ776551 RNA1, isolate HKG-PF080915

JQ776552 RNA2, isolate HKG-PF080915