Curated Sequences of Rymovirus

Type Member: Ryegrass mosaic virus

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Ryegrass mosaic virus (RGMV)

AF035637 3'-end including partial NIb and coat protein, Australian AV isolate

AF035638 3'-end including partial NIb and coat protein, Australian RGMV-3 isolate

AF035639 3'-end including partial NIb and coat protein, Australian RGMV-5 isolate

AF035640 3'-end including partial NIb and coat protein, Welsh isolate B

AF035641 3'-end including partial NIb and coat protein, Welsh isolate C

AF035642 3'-end including partial NIb and coat protein, Welsh isolate D

AF035818 Complete sequence, Australian-Victoria isolate

AF091243 Most of coat protein, Otago isolate

AF091244 Most of coat protein, Kaikohe isolate

AJ889241 3'-end including partial NIb and coat protein, German isolate

AY014274 Partial NIb and coat protein, Bulgarian isolate

AY014275 Partial NIb and coat protein, Czech isolate

U27383 Partial NIb and coat protein, South African isolate

Y09854 Complete sequence, Danish isolate

Agropyron mosaic virus (AgMV)

AJ889240 3'-end including partial NIb and coat protein, German isolate

AY623626 Complete sequence, isolate ND402

U30615 3'-end including partial NIb and coat protein, ATTC isolate PV 75

Hordeum mosaic virus (HoMV)

AY623627 Complete sequence, isolate ATCC PV81

U30616 3'-end including partial NIb and coat protein, ATTC isolate PV 81 (Salm et al., 1996)