Plant Virus and Viroid Sequences
Abaca bunchy top virus (ABTV) - Babuvirus
- EF546802 Abaca bunchy top virus isolate Q1108 segment DNA-N, complete sequence.
- EF546803 Abaca bunchy top virus isolate Q1108 segment DNA-U3, complete sequence.
- EF546804 Abaca bunchy top virus isolate Q1108 segment DNA-S, complete sequence.
- EF546805 Abaca bunchy top virus isolate Q1108 segment DNA-M, complete sequence.
- EF546806 Abaca bunchy top virus isolate Q1108 segment DNA-C, complete sequence.
- EF546807 Abaca bunchy top virus isolate Q1108 segment DNA-R, complete sequence.
- EF546808 Abaca bunchy top virus isolate Q767 segment DNA-N, complete sequence.
- EF546809 Abaca bunchy top virus isolate Q767 segment DNA-U3, complete sequence.
- EF546810 Abaca bunchy top virus isolate Q767 segment DNA-S, complete sequence.
- EF546811 Abaca bunchy top virus isolate Q767 segment DNA-M, complete sequence.
- EF546812 Abaca bunchy top virus isolate Q767 segment DNA-C, complete sequence.
- EF546813 Abaca bunchy top virus isolate Q767 segment DNA-R, complete sequence.
- FJ787433 Abaca bunchy top virus isolate Laguna coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ787434 Abaca bunchy top virus isolate Leyte coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ787435 Abaca bunchy top virus isolate Bicol coat protein gene, complete cds.
Abutilon golden mosaic Yucatan virus () - Begomovirus
- KC430935 Abutilon golden mosaic Yucatan virus isolate Conkal-2007 segment A, complete sequence.
Abutilon mosaic Bolivia virus () - Begomovirus
- HM585445 Abutilon mosaic Bolivia virus segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- HM585446 Abutilon mosaic Bolivia virus segment DNA-B, complete sequence.
Abutilon mosaic Brazil virus (AbBV) - Begomovirus
- FN434438 Abutilon Brazil virus DNA A segment, complete sequence
- FN434439 Abutilon Brazil virus DNA B segment, complete sequence
- JF694479 Abutilon mosaic Brazil virus isolate BgV06B.1.C77 segment DNA-B, complete sequence.
- JF694480 Abutilon mosaic Brazil virus isolate BgV01A.1.C21 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- JF694481 Abutilon mosaic Brazil virus isolate BgV01A.1.C67 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- JF694482 Abutilon mosaic Brazil virus isolate BgV01A.1.C22 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- JF694483 Abutilon mosaic Brazil virus isolate BgV01B.1.C35 segment DNA-B, complete sequence.
Abutilon mosaic virus (AbMV) - Begomovirus
- AM886130 Abutilon mosaic virus DNA-B south africa isolate, complete genome
- HQ588899 Abutilon mosaic virus strain IN-Udg-JIE1-2010 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- HQ588900 Abutilon mosaic virus strain IN-Udg-JIK5-2010 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- HQ588901 Abutilon mosaic virus strain IN-Udg-JIX12-2010 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- JN236209 Abutilon mosaic virus strain IN-UDG-JAX-2010 segment DNA B, complete sequence.
- U51137 Abutilon mosaic virus-HW AV1 and partial coat protein, AC3 and partial coat protein, AC2 and partial coat protein, AC1 and partial coat protein, and AC4 genes and partial coat protein, complete cds.
- U51138 Abutilon mosaic virus-HW BV1 and BC1 genes and partial coat protein, complete cds.
- X15983 Abutilon mosaic virus subgenome DNA A
- X15984 Abutilon mosaic virus subgenome DNA B
Abutilon yellow mosaic virus () - Tobamovirus
- EU559678 Abutilon yellow mosaic virus genomic sequence.
Abutilon yellows virus (AbYV) - Crinivirus
- AY422070 Abutilon yellows virus coat protein gene and partial coat protein, complete cds.
Acalypha yellow mosaic Siliguri virus () - Begomovirus
- JN676052 Acalypha yellow mosaic Siliguri virus coat protein (AV1) gene, partial cds; replication enhancer protein (AC3) and transcription activator protein (AC2) genes, complete cds; and replication associated protein (AC1) gene, partial cds.
Acalypha yellow mosaic virus (AYMV) - Begomovirus
- EU184018 Acalypha yellow mosaic virus - [Barrackpore] coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
- JN807766 Acalypha yellow mosaic virus-[Croton] isolate Croton coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
- JN807769 Acalypha yellow mosaic virus-[Acalypha] isolate Acalypha coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
Achimota virus 1 () - Rubulavirus
- JX051319 Achimota virus 1, complete genome.
Achimota virus 2 () - Rubulavirus
- JX051320 Achimota virus 2, complete genome.
Aconitum latent virus (AcLV) - Carlavirus
- AB051848 Aconitum latent virus genomic RNA, complete genome, isolate:D.
Actinidia virus A () - Vitivirus
- JN427014 Actinidia virus A isolate TP7-93A putative replicase (ORF1) gene, partial cds; and hypothetical protein (ORF2), movement protein (ORF3), coat protein (ORF4), and RNA-binding protein (ORF5) genes, complete cds.
Actinidia virus B () - Vitivirus
- JN427015 Actinidia virus B isolate TP7-93B, complete genome.
Actinidia virus X () - Potexvirus
- KC568202 Actinidia virus X isolate L5 RNA dependent RNA polymerase gene, partial cds; and triple gene block protein 1, triple gene block 2, triple gene block protein 3, and coat protein genes, complete cds.
Adelaide River virus (ARV) - Ephemerovirus
- JN935380 Adelaide River virus isolate DPP61, complete genome.
Adeno-associated virus-1 (AAV-1) - Dependovirus
- AF028704 Adeno-associated virus 6 and partial coat protein, complete genome.
- AF063497 Adeno-associated virus 1 and partial coat protein, complete genome.
Adeno-associated virus-2 (AAV-2) - Dependovirus
- J01901 Adeno-associated virus 2 and partial coat protein, complete genome.
Adeno-associated virus-3 (AAV-3) - Dependovirus
- AF028705 Adeno-associated virus 3B and partial coat protein, complete genome.
- U48704 Adeno-associated virus 3 nonstructural protein and capsid protein genes and partial coat protein, complete cds and partial coat protein, and complete genome.
Adeno-associated virus-4 (AAV-4) - Dependovirus
- U89790 Adeno-associated virus 4 and partial coat protein, complete genome.
Adeno-associated virus-5 (AAV-5) - Dependovirus
- AF085716 Adeno-associated virus 5 DNA binding trs helicase (Rep22) and capsid protein (VP1) genes and partial coat protein, complete cds.
Adeno-associated virus-7 (AAV-7) - Dependovirus
- AF513851 Adeno-associated virus 7 nonstructural protein and capsid protein genes and partial coat protein, complete cds.
Adeno-associated virus-8 (AAV-8) - Dependovirus
- AF513852 Adeno-associated virus 8 nonstructural protein and capsid protein genes and partial coat protein, complete cds.
African cassava mosaic Burkina Faso virus () - Begomovirus
- HE616777 African cassava mosaic Burkina Faso virus DNA-A complete genome, isolate BF:Oua:BF127:08
- HE616778 African cassava mosaic Burkina Faso virus DNA-B complete genome, isolate BF:Oua:BF127:08
- HE616779 African cassava mosaic Burkina Faso virus DNA-A complete genome, isolate BF:Oua:BF128A:08
- HE616780 African cassava mosaic Burkina Faso virus DNA-A complete genome, isolate BF:Oua:BF128B:08
- HE616781 African cassava mosaic Burkina Faso virus DNA-A complete genome, isolate BF:Oua:BF128C:08
African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) - Begomovirus
- AF112352 African cassava mosaic virus-[Cameroon] component A and partial coat protein, complete sequence.
- AF112353 African cassava mosaic virus-[Cameroon] component B, complete sequence.
- AF126800 African cassava mosaic virus-Uganda Mild DNA-A strain ACMV/Ug//Mld AV2 (AV2), AV1 (AV1), AC3 (AC3), AC2 (AC2), and AC1 (AC1) genes, complete cds.
- AF126801 African cassava mosaic virus-Uganda Mild DNA-B strain ACMV/Ug//Mld BV1 (BV1) and BC1 (BC1) genes, complete cds.
- AF126802 African cassava mosaic virus-Uganda Severe DNA-A strain ACMV/Ug//Svr AV2 (AV2), AV1 (AV1), AC3 (AC3), AC2 (AC2), and AC1 (AC1) genes, complete cds.
- AF126803 African cassava mosaic virus-Uganda Severe DNA-B strain ACMV/Ug//Svr BV1 (BV1) and BC1 (BC1) genes, complete cds.
- AF259894 African cassava mosaic virus-[Ivory Coast] DNA-A, complete sequence.
- AF259895 African cassava mosaic virus-[Ivory Coast] DNA-B, complete sequence.
- AF366902 African cassava mosaic virus-[Cameroon-DO2] strain ACMV-CM/D02 component A, complete sequence.
- AF423177 African cassava mosaic virus isolate ACMV-[Nam] coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
- AJ427910 African cassava mosaic virus-[Nigeria-Ogo] AC1 gene, AC2 gene, AC3 gene, AC4 gene, AV2 gene and AV1 gene
- AJ427911 African cassava mosaic virus-[Nigeria-Ogo] BV1 gene for nuclear shuttle protein and BC1 gene for movement protein
- AM502338 African cassava mosaic virus DNA-A, clone 27-ug226-2
- AM502339 African cassava mosaic virus DNA-A, clone 22-ug56b5
- AM502340 African cassava mosaic virus DNA-A, clone wcass4-3
- AY211460 African cassava mosaic virus isolate CM/AK2 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- AY211461 African cassava mosaic virus isolate CM/AK coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
- AY211462 African cassava mosaic virus isolate CM/39 coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
- AY211463 African cassava mosaic virus isolate CM/YA coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
- AY211464 African cassava mosaic virus isolate CM/BB coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
- AY211465 African cassava mosaic virus isolate CM/H7 coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
- AY211466 African cassava mosaic virus isolate CM/DO3 coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
- AY211884 African cassava mosaic virus AV2, coat protein, AC3, AC2, AC1, and AC4 genes, complete cds.
- AY211885 African cassava mosaic virus isolate CM/DO3 AV2, coat protein, AC3, AC2, AC1, and AV4 genes, complete cds.
- AY211886 African cassava mosaic virus isolate CM/KT BV1 and BC1 genes, complete cds.
- AY562421 African cassava mosaic virus-Uganda Severe isolate aug115 AV2 and AV1 genes, complete cds.
- AY562422 African cassava mosaic virus-Uganda Severe isolate aug211 AV2 and AV1 genes, complete cds.
- AY562423 African cassava mosaic virus-Uganda Severe isolate aug226 AV2 and AV1 genes, complete cds.
- AY562429 African cassava mosaic virus-Uganda Mild isolate aug124 AV2 and AV1 genes, complete cds.
- AY795982 African cassava mosaic virus isolate TZ segment A, complete sequence.
- EU367500 African cassava mosaic virus segment DNA-A AC1 protein (AC1) gene, partial cds; and AC4 protein (AC4) gene, complete cds.
- EU685318 African cassava mosaic virus isolate ACMV-[NG:Mg:03] segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- EU685320 African cassava mosaic virus isolate ACMV-[NG:Ll:06] segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- EU685322 African cassava mosaic virus isolate ACMV-[NG:So:03] segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- EU685324 African cassava mosaic virus isolate ACMV-[NG:Rc:03] segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- EU685325 African cassava mosaic virus isolate ACMV-[NG:Sb:07] segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- EU685328 African cassava mosaic virus isolate ACMV-CM[NG:Cc:03] segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- FJ751233 African cassava mosaic virus-cotton clone ACMV-Punc19, complete genome.
- FJ751234 African cassava mosaic virus-cotton clone ACMV-Lob1, complete genome.
- FJ751235 African cassava mosaic virus-cotton clone ACMV-Gos1, complete genome.
- FJ807631 African cassava mosaic virus isolate Angola:Funda:2008 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- FM877473 African cassava mosaic virus complete genome, isolate Burkina Faso-Kamboinse-2008
- FN435271 African cassava mosaic virus segment DNA-A, complete sequence, isolate ACMCV-Ybi1[Pr]
- FN435272 African cassava mosaic virus segment DNA-A, complete sequence, isolate ACMCV-Ybi2[Pr]
- FN435273 African cassava mosaic virus segment DNA-A, complete sequence, isolate ACMCV-Ybi3[Pr]
- FN435274 African cassava mosaic virus segment DNA-A, complete sequence, isolate ACMCV-Ybi4[Pr]
- FN435275 African cassava mosaic virus segment DNA-A, complete sequence, isolate ACMCV-Ybi1[Cm]
- FN435276 African cassava mosaic virus segment DNA-A, complete sequence, isolate ACMCV-Ybi2[Cm]
- FN435277 African cassava mosaic virus segment DNA-A, complete sequence, isolate ACMCV-Ybi3[Cm]
- FN668378 African cassava mosaic virus segment A, isolate DRC 6
- FN668379 African cassava mosaic virus segment B, isolate DRC 6
- FR675645 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yandumba
- FR675646 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Bodadi
- FR675647 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Banalia
- FR675648 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Bodjaba
- FR675649 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yongo
- FR675650 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Bombombwa
- FR675651 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Bahume
- FR675652 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Bambwe
- FR675653 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Badambila
- FR675654 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Gwania
- FR675655 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Bandagwe
- FR675656 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Bakweme
- FR675657 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Bengamisa
- FR675658 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Bangwade
- FR675659 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Bawi
- FR675660 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Bagbasingbe
- FR675661 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Bawombi
- FR675662 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Batiamanduku
- FR675663 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yakusu
- FR675664 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Madula
- FR675665 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Kisangani
- FR675666 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Bandu
- FR675667 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Biaro
- FR675668 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Batiakasima
- FR675669 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Kisobi-Maliabo
- FR675670 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yalokombe
- FR675671 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yalikanda
- FR675672 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Belgika
- FR675673 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yaotumbe
- FR675674 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yalifoka
- FR675675 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yaombo
- FR675676 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yalosuka
- FR675677 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yatolema
- FR675678 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yaniongo
- FR675679 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yalokombe1
- FR675680 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Lianga
- FR675681 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yanonge
- FR675682 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Baulo
- FR675683 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yangambi
- FR675684 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Isangi
- FR675685 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yaeoli
- FR675686 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Lileko
- FR675687 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Ngazi
- FR675688 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yaotonga
- FR675689 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Djabir
- FR675690 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Ligasa
- FR675691 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Liande
- FR675692 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Bolinga
- FR675693 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yafeta
- FR675694 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yafela
- FR675695 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yaula
- FR675696 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yailombo
- FR675697 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Wenge
- FR675698 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yaolelemo
- FR675699 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Basoko
- FR675700 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Bosuku
- FR675701 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yakondo
- FR675702 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Mangala
- FR675703 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Ibila
- FR675704 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Liesse
- FR675705 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yangonde
- FR675706 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Bolikango1
- FR675707 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Bobati2
- FR675708 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Mongandjo
- FR675709 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Bogbalagbogbo
- FR675710 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Bogbogobo
- FR675711 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yambuya
- FR675712 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Ekilo
- FR675713 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yalibongo
- FR675714 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yalibutu
- FR675715 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yambaw
- FR675716 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Bakere
- FR675717 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yambesa
- FR675718 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yaoloko
- FR675719 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Mombana
- FR675720 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Bongwange
- FR675721 African cassava mosaic virus, partial DNA-A segment, partial AC4 gene for symptom expression, isolate ACMV-Ybi Yamabuki
- GQ169505 African cassava mosaic virus clone ACMV-[PK;Mul;Dar;06] segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- GQ204106 African cassava mosaic virus clone ACMV/PK/Mul/Gos2/08 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- GQ204107 African cassava mosaic virus clone ACMV/PK/Mul/Har/08 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- GQ204108 African cassava mosaic virus clone ACMV/PK/Mul/Som/08 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- GQ204109 African cassava mosaic virus clone ACMV/PK/Mul/Sto/08 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- GU580897 African cassava mosaic virus isolate AOS segment A precoat protein (AV2), coat protein (AV1), replicational enhancer protein (AC3), transcriptional activator (AC2), replicase (AC1), and transcriptional regulator AC4 (AC4) genes, complete cds.
- HE814062 African cassava mosaic virus segment DNA-A, isolate Central African Republic-Bambari-CF35-2007 complete sequence
- HE814065 African cassava mosaic virus segment DNA-A, isolate Chad-Ndokono-TD2-2008 complete sequence
- HM468428 African cassava mosaic virus strain Pakistan/Multan/Tomentosum/08, complete genome.
- J02057 Cassava latent virus (West Kenyan 844), DNA 1 of complete genome.
- J02058 Cassava latent virus (West Kenyan 844), DNA 2 of complete genome.
- JN053421 African cassava mosaic virus isolate K1J1 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- JN053422 African cassava mosaic virus isolate B5J1 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- JN053423 African cassava mosaic virus isolate B5J2 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- JN053424 African cassava mosaic virus isolate K1J16 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- JN053425 African cassava mosaic virus isolate K4J2 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- JN053426 African cassava mosaic virus isolate S5J1 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- JN053427 African cassava mosaic virus isolate K3J16 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- JN053428 African cassava mosaic virus isolate K4J20 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- JN053429 African cassava mosaic virus isolate S5J3 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- JN053430 African cassava mosaic virus isolate K4C1 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- JN053431 African cassava mosaic virus isolate S4C2 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- JN165086 African cassava mosaic virus-Ghana isolate ACMV segment DNA-B, complete sequence.
- JN165088 African cassava mosaic virus-Ghana isolate ACMV segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- X17095 African cassava mosaic virus-[Nigeria] DNA 1
- X17096 African cassava mosaic virus-[Nigeria] DNA-2
- X68318 African Cassava Mosaic Virus gene for coat protein (clone pPCR6).
- X68319 African Cassava Mosaic Virus gene for coat protein (clone pPCR5).
- X68320 African Cassava Mosaic Virus gene for coat protein (clone pPCR4)
African cassava mosaic virus-associated DNA-II () - Other begomovirus satellite DNAs
- AY836366 Begomovirus-associated DNA-II satellite, complete sequence.
African cassava mosaic virus-associated DNA-III () - Other begomovirus satellite DNAs
- AY836367 Begomovirus-associated DNA-III satellite, complete sequence.
African green monkey simian foamy virus (SFVagm) - Spumavirus
- M74895 Simian foamy virus type 3, gag polyprotein 3' end, pol polyprotein 3' end, env protein 3' end, orf1 3' end, orf2 partial cds, and orf3 3' end.
African horse sickness virus (AHSV) - Orbivirus
- AF043926 African horse sickness virus serotype 9 major outer capsid protein VP2 gene, complete cds.
- D12480 African horse sickness virus 9 gene for NS3 protein, complete cds.
- D14402 African horse sickness virus 4 VP4 gene for inner capsid protein, complete cds.
- D26572 African horse sickness virus 4 VP3 gene for core protein, complete cds.
- M69090 African horsesickness virus NS2 gene, complete cds.
- U01069 African horse sickness virus serotype 9 nonstructural protein (NS1) gene, complete cds.
- U33000 African horse sickness virus (AHSV6-VP6) gene, complete cds.
- U74489 African horse sickness virus outer capsid protein VP5 (M6) gene, complete cds.
- U90337 African horse sickness virus 9 segment 7 structural protein VP7 gene, complete cds.
- U94887 African horse sickness virus AHSV-9 genome segment 1, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase VP1 gene, complete cds.
African oil palm ringspot virus (AOPRV) - Unassigned Betaflexiviridae
- AY072921 African oil palm ringspot virus, complete genome.
Ageratum enation virus (AEV) - Begomovirus
- AJ437618 Ageratum enation virus complete genome
- AJ810825 Ageratum yellow vein virus-Pakistan V2 gene for coat protein
- AM261836 Ageratum enation virus complete genome, clone SonAL8(3)
- AM698011 Ageratum enation virus, complete genome
- AM701770 Ageratum enation virus AV1 gene, AV2 gene, AC1 gene, AC3 gene, AC2 gene and AC4 gene, clone Turnip A
- DQ343286 Ageratum enation virus - Lucknow coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
- DQ515969 Ageratum enation virus - Lucknow coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
- EU439259 Ageratum enation virus - Lucknow coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
- EU798949 Ageratum enation virus isolate Lucknow AC1 protein (AC1) gene, partial cds; and AC4 protein (AC4) and pre-coat protein (AV2) genes, complete cds.
- EU867513 Ageratum enation virus - Lucknow segment A, complete sequence.
- EU867514 Ageratum enation virus - Gorakhpur AV1 gene, complete cds.
- FJ177031 Ageratum enation virus - Lucknow segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- FN543099 Ageratum enation virus, complete sequence
- FN794198 Ageratum enation virus complete genome, clone AgrA
- FN794201 Ageratum enation virus complete genome, clone UwuA
- GQ268327 Ageratum enation virus isolate Gorakhpur, complete genome.
- GQ412352 Ageratum enation virus - Gorakhpur coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
- HE861940 Ageratum enation virus complete genome, isolate Palampur
- HM134237 Ageratum enation virus-B2 [India:Haryana:Papaya:2009] coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HM149260 Ageratum enation virus-Papaver somniferum isolate 2 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- HQ407395 Tobacco curly shoot virus isolate WSF1 segment A, complete sequence.
- JF682240 Ageratum enation virus isolate Lucknow coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
- JF682242 Ageratum enation virus isolate Lucknow segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- JF682243 Ageratum enation virus isolate Lucknow coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
- JF728860 Ageratum enation virus clone Age 1, complete genome.
- JF728861 Ageratum enation virus clone Age 3, complete genome.
- JF728862 Ageratum enation virus clone Age 4, complete genome.
- JF728863 Ageratum enation virus clone Age 5, complete genome.
- JF728864 Ageratum enation virus clone Age 6, complete genome.
- JF728865 Ageratum enation virus clone Age 9, complete genome.
- JF728866 Ageratum enation virus clone Age 10, complete genome.
- JF728867 Ageratum enation virus clone Age 11, complete genome.
- JN896941 Ageratum enation virus [India:UP:Bahraich:Black Gram3:2011] coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
- JN896942 Ageratum enation virus [India:UP:Bahraich:Ageratum conyzoides5a:2011] coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
- JN896943 Ageratum enation virus [India:UP:Bahraich:Ageratum conyzoides6:2011] coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
- JN896944 Ageratum enation virus [India:UP:Bahraich:Croton bonplandianum7:2011] coat protein-like (AV1) gene, complete sequence.
- JN896945 Ageratum enation virus [India:UP:Bahraich:Croton bonplandianum9:2011] coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
- JQ911765 Ageratum enation virus from Papaver somniferum segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- JQ911767 Ageratum enation virus from Ageratum sp. segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- JX436472 Ageratum enation virus isolate TC357, complete genome.
- JX436473 Ageratum enation virus isolate BG199, complete genome.
- KC589699 Ageratum enation virus isolate Sikar M 2 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
Ageratum leaf curl betasatellite (AYLCB) - Begomovirus betasatellites
- AM701771 Ageratum leaf curl virus beta C1 gene, clone Turnip beta
Ageratum leaf curl Cameroon betasatellite (ALCCB) - Begomovirus betasatellites
- FM164737 Ageratum leaf curl disease associated satellite DNA beta complete sequence, isolate AMBF
- FM164738 Ageratum leaf curl disease associated satellite DNA beta complete sequence, isolate ALBF
- FN298804 Ageratum leaf curl Cameroon betasatellite, complete sequence, isolate AGLI4B1
- FN298805 Ageratum leaf curl Cameroon betasatellite, complete sequence, isolate AGLI4B2
- FN298806 Ageratum leaf curl Cameroon betasatellite, complete sequence, isolate AGLI4B7
- FN298807 Ageratum leaf curl Cameroon betasatellite, complete sequence, isolate AL2B1
- FN298808 Ageratum leaf curl Cameroon betasatellite, complete sequence, isolate AL2B2
- FN298809 Ageratum leaf curl Cameroon betasatellite, complete sequence, isolate AL2B3
- FN435836 Vernonia yellow vein betasatellite, isolate Madurai, complete genome
- FR717138 Ageratum leaf curl Cameroon betasatellite, complete sequence, isolate SatB6
- FR717139 Ageratum leaf curl Cameroon betasatellite, complete sequence, isolate SatB14
- FR717140 Ageratum leaf curl Buea betasatellite, complete sequence, isolate SatB33
- FR717141 Ageratum leaf curl Cameroon betasatellite, complete sequence, isolate SatB35
Ageratum leaf curl Cameroon virus () - Begomovirus
- FR717143 Ageratum leaf curl Cameroon alphasatellite, complete sequence, isolate SatA7
- FR717144 Ageratum leaf curl Cameroon virus, complete sequence, isolate pBal
- FR873228 Ageratum leaf curl Cameroon virus [CM:AGFG24:2009] complete A component, isolate AGFG24
- FR873229 Ageratum leaf curl Cameroon virus [CM:AGFG14:2009] complete A component, isolate AGFG14
- FR873230 Ageratum leaf curl Cameroon virus [CM:AGFG23:2009] complete A component, isolate AGFG23
Ageratum leaf curl virus (ALCuV) - Begomovirus
- AJ851005 Ageratum leaf curl virus -[G52] complete genome
Ageratum yellow leaf curl betasatellite (AYLCB) - Begomovirus betasatellites
- AJ316026 Ageratum leaf curl disease associated sequence putative C1 gene, clone F24-9
- AJ316027 Ageratum leaf curl disease associated sequence putative C1 gene, clone NIB8-2
- AJ316028 Zinnia leaf curl disease associated sequence putative C1 gene, clone NIB18-1
- AJ316031 Okra leaf curl disease associated sequence, putative C1 gene, clone NIB10-3
- AJ316041 Zinnia leaf curl disease associated sequence defective DNA beta molecule, clone NIB9-1
- AJ316042 Ageratum yellow vein disease associated sequence defective DNA beta molecule, clone SB8-4
- AM412239 Ageratum yellow leaf curl beta - [Pakistan:Lahore:2005] C1 gene, clone AEVbeta1
- AM494977 Digera arvensis yellow vein disease-associated DNA beta, complete sequence, clone tan1
- AM494980 Digera arvensis yellow vein disease-associated DNA beta, complete sequence, clone tan38
- AM698010 Ageratum leaf curl disease associated satellite DNA beta, complete sequence
- FN432358 Okra leaf curl virus satellite DNA beta, complete sequence
- HM143915 Ageratum leaf curl virus beta C1 gene, complete cds.
- HQ407397 Ageratum yellow leaf curl betasatellite isolate WSFB1, complete sequence.
- JF728868 Ageratum yellow leaf curl betasatellite clone Age B5, complete sequence.
- JF728869 Ageratum yellow leaf curl betasatellite clone Age B6, complete sequence.
- JQ408217 Ageratum leaf curl virus betasatellite isolate SKR beta C1 gene, complete cds.
- JQ408218 Ageratum yellow leaf curl betasatellite isolate SKS beta C1 gene, complete cds.
- JQ710745 Ageratum leaf curl betasatellite isolate AC-ASNBRI 1, complete sequence.
- JX512904 Ageratum leaf curl betasatellite clone beta, complete sequence.
- KC305084 Ageratum yellow leaf curl betasatellite clone BW01_B11, complete sequence.
- KC305085 Ageratum yellow leaf curl betasatellite clone B81_B03, complete sequence.
- KC305086 Ageratum yellow leaf curl betasatellite clone B81_B04, complete sequence.
- KC305087 Ageratum yellow leaf curl betasatellite clone BW04_B08, complete sequence.
- KC305088 Ageratum yellow leaf curl betasatellite clone B81_B06, complete sequence.
- KC305089 Ageratum yellow leaf curl betasatellite clone B81_B07, complete sequence.
- KC305090 Ageratum yellow leaf curl betasatellite clone B81_B09, complete sequence.
- KC305091 Ageratum yellow leaf curl betasatellite clone BW01_B02, complete sequence.
- KC305092 Ageratum yellow leaf curl betasatellite clone B81_B23, complete sequence.
- KC589700 Ageratum leaf curl betasatellite isolate Sikar M 2, complete sequence.
Ageratum yellow vein alphasatellite (AYVA) - Begomovirus alphasatellites
- AJ238493 Nanovirus-like particle rep gene for replication-associated protein
Ageratum yellow vein betasatellite (AYVB) - Begomovirus betasatellites
- AB306522 Ageratum yellow vein virus satellite DNA beta-[Ishigaki] DNA, complete genome.
- AJ252072 Ageratum yellow vein virus satellite DNA beta C1 gene
- AJ542494 Tomato leaf curl virus-associated DNA beta nonanucleotide replication initiation motif, clone d-1
- AJ542495 Tomato leaf curl virus-associated DNA beta C1 gene, clone ch1-12
- AJ542496 Tomato leaf curl virus-associated DNA beta nonanucleotide replication initiation motif, clone c1-2
- AJ542497 Ageratum yellow vein virus-associated DNA beta C1 gene, clone ma-2
- AJ542500 Cucurbita yellow vein virus-associated DNA beta nonanucleotide replication initiation motif, clone mp1-9
- AJ971257 Ageratum yellow vein China virus-associated DNA beta complete genome, isolate G66
- AJ971258 Ageratum yellow vein China virus-associated DNA beta complete genome, isolate G69
- AJ971259 Ageratum yellow vein China virus-associated DNA beta complete genome, isolate G86
- AJ971260 Ageratum yellow vein China virus-associated DNA beta complete genome, isolate G95
- AJ971261 Ageratum yellow vein China virus-associated DNA beta complete genome, isolate G96
- AJ971262 Ageratum yellow vein China virus-associated DNA beta complete genome, isolate G98
- AM048834 Ageratum yellow vein China virus-associated DNA beta c1 gene for SatC1 protein, isolate Hn2
- AM048835 Ageratum yellow vein China virus-associated DNA beta c1 gene for SatC1 protein, isolate Hn9
- AM048836 Ageratum yellow vein China virus-associated DNA beta c1 gene for SatC1 protein, isolate Hn12
- AM691551 Tomato leaf curl virus-associated DNA beta, isolate F09
- DQ641709 Papaya leaf curl China virus satellite DNA beta, complete sequence.
- EF527824 Ageratum yellow vein virus satellite DNA beta isolate F2, complete sequence.
- EU286799 Tomato leaf curl virus-associated DNA beta isolate F30, complete genome.
- FJ605171 Ageratum yellow vein virus defective satellite DNA beta isolate F5, complete sequence.
- FJ869906 Emilia yellow vein virus-associated DNA beta isolate Fz1, complete genome.
- FJ869909 Ageratum yellow vein virus satellite DNA beta isolate F11, complete genome.
- HF569258 Ageratum yellow vein China betasatellite betaC1 gene, isolate G111
- HF569259 Ageratum yellow vein China betasatellite betaC1 gene, isolate G50
- HF569260 Ageratum yellow vein China betasatellite betaC1 gene, isolate G48
- HF569261 Ageratum yellow vein China betasatellite betaC1 gene, isolate Y342
- HF569262 Ageratum yellow vein China betasatellite betaC1 gene, isolate Y346
- HF569263 Ageratum yellow vein China betasatellite betaC1 gene, isolate Y274
- HF569264 Ageratum yellow vein China betasatellite betaC1 gene, isolate Y282
- JQ247187 Emilia yellow vein virus-associated DNA beta isolate Fz6, complete genome.
Ageratum yellow vein Hualian virus (AYVHuV) - Begomovirus
- DQ866124 Ageratum yellow vein Hualian virus-[Taiwan:Hsinchu:tom:2003] segment DNA A, complete sequence.
- DQ866132 Ageratum yellow vein Hualian virus-[Taiwan:Hualian4:2000] segment DNA A, complete sequence.
- DQ866133 Ageratum yellow vein Hualian virus-[Taiwan:Hualian2:2000] segment DNA A, complete sequence.
Ageratum yellow vein India alphasatellite (AYVIA) - Begomovirus alphasatellites
- AJ512948 Nanovirus-like particle rep gene for replication associated protein, clone SB41-5
- AJ512958 Nanovirus-like particle rep gene for replication associated protein, clone SB5-2
- JQ012793 Nanovirus-like particle replication-associated protein (Rep) gene, complete cds.
- JX570736 Tomato leaf curl Karnataka alphasatellite, complete genome.
Ageratum yellow vein Kenya alphasatellite (AYVKA) - Begomovirus alphasatellites
- AJ512960 Nanovirus-like particle rep gene for replication associated protein, clone SB45-2
- AJ512963 Nanovirus-like particle rep gene for replication associated protein, clone SB32-1
- AJ512964 Nanovirus-like particle partial rep gene for truncated replication associated protein, clone U95-1
Ageratum yellow vein Pakistan alphasatellite (AYVPKA) - Begomovirus alphasatellites
- AJ512949 Nanovirus-like particle rep gene for replication associated protein, clone NOB-4
- FR772085 Ageratum conyzoides associated symptomless virus alphasatellite, isolate [Pakistan:17-5:06] Lahore1
Ageratum yellow vein Singapore alphasatellite () - Begomovirus alphasatellites
- AJ416153 Ageratum yellow vein virus-associated DNA Rep gene for replication-associated protein
- FJ956707 Ageratum yellow vein Singapore alphasatellite, complete genome.
Ageratum yellow vein Sri Lanka betasatellite (AYVSLB) - Begomovirus betasatellites
- AJ542493 Tomato leaf curl virus-associated DNA beta C1 gene, clone sl5-3
- AJ542498 Ageratum yellow vein virus-associated DNA beta C1 gene, clone sl7-1
- AJ557441 Ageratum yellow vein virus-associated DNA beta C1 gene
Ageratum yellow vein Sri Lanka virus (AYVSLV) - Begomovirus
- AF314144 Ageratum yellow vein Sri Lanka virus segment A, complete sequence.
Ageratum yellow vein virus (AYVV) - Begomovirus
- AB100305 Ageratum yellow vein virus-[Tomato] DNA, complete genome.
- AB189846 Ageratum yellow vein virus-[Tomato2] C1, C4, V1, V2 genes for replication-associated protein, putative C4 protein, capsid protein, putative V2 protein, partial and complete cds, clone: ToBadII-20.
- AB189851 Ageratum yellow vein virus-[Indonesia] C1, C4, V1, V2 genes for replication-associated protein, putative C4 protein, capsid protein, putative V2 protein, partial and complete cds, clone: AgPur-2.
- AB189852 Ageratum yellow vein virus-[Indonesia] C1, C4, V1, V2 genes for replication-associated protein, putative C4 protein, capsid protein, putative V2 protein, partial and complete cds, clone: AgBadI-1.
- AB189853 Ageratum yellow vein virus-[Indonesia] C1, C4, V1, V2 genes for replication-associated protein, putative C4 protein, capsid protein, putative V2 protein, partial and complete cds, clone: AgMal-4.
- AB189854 Ageratum yellow vein virus-[Indonesia] C1, C4, V1, V2 genes for replication-associated protein, putative C4 protein, capsid protein, putative V2 protein, partial and complete cds, clone: AgMag-5.
- AB189913 Ageratum yellow vein virus-[Indonesia] C1, C4, V1, V2 genes for replication-associated protein, putative C4 protein, capsid protein, putative V2 protein, partial and complete cds, clone: AgBadII-5.
- AB306314 Ageratum yellow vein virus-Ishigaki DNA, complete genome.
- AF307861 Ageratum yellow vein Taiwan virus-[Taiwan] DNA A, complete sequence.
- AF327902 Ageratum yellow vein Taiwan virus-[TaiwanPD] isolate Tw-PD DNA-A, complete sequence.
- AJ495813 Ageratum yellow vein China virus-[Hn2] complete genome, isolate Hn2
- AJ514868 Ageratum yellow vein china virus AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein, isolate H1
- AJ514869 Ageratum yellow vein china virus AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein, isolate H3
- AJ558120 Ageratum yellow vein china virus DNA A, complete sequence, isolate G13
- AJ564744 Ageratum yellow vein China virus - [Hn2.19] complete genome, isolate Hn2-19
- AJ704580 Ageratum yellow vein China virus av2 gene and partial av1 gene, isolate G11
- AJ811441 Ageratum yellow vein china virus AV1 gene (3' partial), AC3 gene, AC2 gene, AC1 gene (partial) and AC4 gene (partial)
- AJ849900 Ageratum yellow vein China virus - [Hn9] AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein
- AJ849901 Ageratum yellow vein China virus - [Hn10] AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein
- AJ849902 Ageratum yellow vein China virus - [Hn11] AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein
- AJ849903 Ageratum yellow vein China virus - [Hn12] AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein
- AJ849904 Ageratum yellow vein China virus - [Hn13] AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein
- AJ849905 Ageratum yellow vein China virus - [Hn14] AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein
- AJ849906 Ageratum yellow vein China virus - [Hn17] AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein
- AJ849907 Ageratum yellow vein China virus - [Hn19] AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein
- AJ849908 Ageratum yellow vein China virus - [Hn20] AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein
- AJ849909 Ageratum yellow vein China virus - [Hn22] AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein
- AJ849910 Ageratum yellow vein China virus - [Hn23] AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein
- AJ849911 Ageratum yellow vein China virus - [Hn24] AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein
- AJ849912 Ageratum yellow vein China virus - [G66] AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein
- AJ849913 Ageratum yellow vein China virus - [G67] AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein
- AJ849914 Ageratum yellow vein China virus - [G69] AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein
- AJ849915 Ageratum yellow vein China virus - [G86] AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein
- AJ849916 Ageratum yellow vein China virus - [G68], complete genome
- AJ971253 Ageratum yellow vein China - [G95] virus av2 gene and partial av1 gene for coat protein
- AJ971254 Ageratum yellow vein China virus - [G96] AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein, isolate G96
- AM691013 Ageratum yellow vein virus av2 gene and partial av1 gene, isolate F09
- AM940137 Ageratum yellow vein virus - [G129], complete genome
- AM940138 Ageratum yellow vein virus - [G130] AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein
- DQ866134 Ageratum yellow vein virus-[Taiwan:Taoyuan3:2000] segment DNA A, complete sequence.
- EF458639 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate NT, complete genome.
- EF527823 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate F2, complete sequence.
- EF531601 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate F1 AV2 protein (AV2) gene, complete cds; and coat protein (AV1) gene, partial cds.
- EF531602 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate F3 AV2 protein (AV2) gene, complete cds; and coat protein (AV1) gene, partial cds.
- EF531603 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate F4 AV2 protein (AV2) gene, complete cds; and coat protein (AV1) gene, partial cds.
- EF544600 Ageratum yellow vein Taiwan virus isolate F09 segment DNA A, complete sequence.
- EF554784 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate Fujian segment A, complete sequence.
- EU200958 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate Fs2 AV2 protein (AV2) gene, complete cds; and coat protein (AV1) gene, partial cds.
- EU200959 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate Fs4 AV2 protein (AV2) gene, complete cds; and coat protein (AV1) gene, partial cds.
- EU200960 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate Fs6 AV2 protein (AV2) gene, complete cds; and coat protein (AV1) gene, partial cds.
- EU487045 Ageratum yellow vein China virus isolate P157, complete genome.
- FJ495183 Ageratum yellow vein virus segment A, complete sequence.
- FJ869908 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate F11, complete genome.
- HF569291 Ageratum yellow vein China virus AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein, isolate G97
- HF569292 Ageratum yellow vein China virus AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein, isolate G115
- HF674926 Ageratum yellow vein China virus AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein, isolate GX0718-2
- HF674927 Ageratum yellow vein China virus AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein, isolate GX0718-3
- HF674928 Ageratum yellow vein China virus AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein, isolate GX1011-21
- HG003652 Ageratum yellow vein China virus complete genome, isolate G115
- JN703794 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate Lis 1 segment A, complete sequence.
- JN809811 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate AFSP1 segment A, complete sequence.
- JN809812 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate AFSP2a segment A, complete sequence.
- JN809813 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate AFSP2b segment A, complete sequence.
- JN809815 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate AFSP3a segment A, complete sequence.
- JN809816 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate AFSP3d segment A, complete sequence.
- JN809817 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate AFSP4a segment A, complete sequence.
- JN809818 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate AFSP5d segment A, complete sequence.
- JN809820 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate AFSP6b segment A, complete sequence.
- JN809821 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate AFSP6d segment A, complete sequence.
- JN809823 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate AFSP7b segment A, complete sequence.
- JN809824 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate AFSP7d segment A, complete sequence.
- JN809826 Ageratum yellow vein virus isolate AFSP8d segment A, complete sequence.
- JQ804985 Ageratum yellow vein China virus isolate NN-1, complete genome.
- JX911332 Ageratum yellow vein China virus - [Z1], complete genome.
- JX972141 yellow vein China virus - OX1, complete genome.
- KC172826 Ageratum yellow vein China virus isolate tomato segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- KC282641 Ageratum yellow vein virus clone R3, complete sequence.
- KC577539 Ageratum yellow vein China virus isolate Sn1 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- X74516 Ageratum yellow vein virus V1, V2, C1, C2, C3, C4 ,C5 genes
- Y14167 Ageratum conyzoides DNA; Ageratum yellow vein virus, subgenomic DNA, retained viral and C1 gene motifs
- Y14168 Ageratum conyzoides DNA; Ageratum yellow vein virus, subgenomic DNA, retained viral, C1 and V2 gene motifs
Agropyron mosaic virus (AgMV) - Rymovirus
- AJ889240 Agropyron mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, genomic RNA, isolate Ger
- AY623626 Agropyron mosaic virus strain ND402, complete genome.
- U30615 Agropyron mosaic virus polyprotein mRNA, partial cds.
Aguacate virus (AGUV) - Phlebovirus
- HM566137 Aguacate virus strain VP-175A segment M, complete sequence.
- HM566138 Aguacate virus strain VP-175A segment L, complete sequence.
- HM566139 Aguacate virus strain VP-175A segment S, complete sequence.
Aichivirus A (AiV-A) - Kobuvirus
- AB010145 Aichi virus genomic RNA, complete genome.
Aichivirus B (AiV-B) - Kobuvirus
- AB084788 Bovine kobuvirus genomic RNA, complete genome, strain:U-1.
Aichivirus C (AiV-C) - Kobuvirus
- EU787450 Porcine kobuvirus swine/S-1-HUN/2007/Hungary, complete genome.
Akabane virus (AKAV) - Orthobunyavirus
- AB000851 Akabane virus genomic RNA, viral-complementary sequence of S RNA segment, complete sequence.
- AB100604 Akabane virus M gene for M polyprotein, complete cds.
- AB190458 Akabane virus genomic RNA, viral-complementary sequence of L RNA segment, complete sequence.
Aleutian mink disease virus (AMDV) - Amdovirus
- M20036 Aleutian mink disease parvovirus complete genome.
Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) - Alfamovirus
- AB126031 Alfalfa mosaic virus RNA 3, complete sequence, strain:AZ.
- AB126032 Alfalfa mosaic virus RNA 3, complete sequence, strain:Kr.
- AF015716 Alfalfa mosaic virus VRU movement protein (P3) and coat protein genes, complete cds.
- AF015717 Alfalfa mosaic virus 15/64 movement protein (P3) and coat protein genes, complete cds.
- AF215663 Alfalfa mosaic virus strain NZ1 Lincoln coat protein gene, complete cds.
- AF215664 Alfalfa mosaic virus strain NZ34 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- AF294432 Alfalfa mosaic virus strain KR1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- AF294433 Alfalfa mosaic virus strain KR2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- AF332998 Alfalfa mosaic virus movement protein and coat protein genes, complete cds; and unknown genes.
- AJ130703 Alfalfa mosaic virus gene encoding coat protein, isolate Lye 80
- AJ130704 Alfalfa mosaic virus gene encoding coat protein, isolate 126 A
- AJ130705 Alfalfa mosaic virus gene encoding coat protein, isolate 195 AN
- AJ130706 Alfalfa mosaic virus gene encoding coat protein, isolate F 430
- AJ130707 Alfalfa mosaic virus gene encoding coat protein, isolate Caa 1
- AJ130708 Alfalfa mosaic virus gene encoding coat protein, isolate Dac 16
- AJ130709 Alfalfa mosaic virus gene encoding coat protein, isolate Lyh 1
- AY340070 Alfalfa mosaic virus strain NY-A 2002 coat protein mRNA, complete cds.
- AY340071 Alfalfa mosaic virus strain NY-B 2002 coat protein mRNA, complete cds.
- AY957607 Alfalfa mosaic virus coat protein gene, complete cds.
- DQ139866 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate Chinese nonfunctional replicase gene, complete sequence.
- DQ314749 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate Ca375 coat protein (CP) mRNA, complete cds.
- DQ314750 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate Ca175 coat protein (CP) mRNA, complete cds.
- DQ314751 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate Ca399 coat protein (CP) mRNA, complete cds.
- DQ314752 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate Ca400 coat protein (CP) mRNA, complete cds.
- DQ314753 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate Ca401 coat protein (CP) mRNA, complete cds.
- DQ314754 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate Ca508 coat protein (CP) mRNA, complete cds.
- DQ314755 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate Ca518 coat protein (CP) mRNA, complete cds.
- DQ314756 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate Ca616 coat protein (CP) mRNA, complete cds.
- EU925642 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate 100-08 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ527748 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate 95-08 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ858265 Alfalfa mosaic virus from Medicago sativa coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FN667965 Alfalfa mosaic virus RNA1 segment complete sequence, genomic RNA
- FN667966 Alfalfa mosaic virus RNA2 segment complete sequence, genomic RNA
- FN667967 Alfalfa mosaic virus RNA3 segment complete sequence, genomic RNA
- FR715040 Alfalfa mosaic virus RNA1 segment complete sequence, genomic RNA, isolate Tec1
- FR715041 Alfalfa mosaic virus RNA2 segment complete sequence, genomic RNA, isolate Tec1
- FR715042 Alfalfa mosaic virus RNA3 segment complete sequence, genomic RNA, isolate Tec1
- FR854391 Alfalfa mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate Tef-1
- HE591386 Alfalfa mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, isolate TM2, genomic RNA
- HE591387 Alfalfa mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, isolate CV1, genomic RNA
- HF570950 Alfalfa mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, segment RNA3, genomic RNA, isolate Ars2
- HM807304 Alfalfa mosaic virus strain N20 coat protein (cp) gene, complete cds.
- HM807305 Alfalfa mosaic virus strain S30 coat protein (cp) gene, complete cds.
- HM807306 Alfalfa mosaic virus strain S40 coat protein (cp) gene, complete cds.
- HM807307 Alfalfa mosaic virus strain W1 coat protein (cp) gene, complete cds.
- HQ185568 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate TN coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- HQ185569 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate Joe Davis coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- HQ288892 Alfalfa mosaic virus coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HQ316635 Alfalfa mosaic virus strain HZ segment RNA1, complete sequence.
- HQ316636 Alfalfa mosaic virus strain HZ segment RNA2, complete sequence.
- HQ316637 Alfalfa mosaic virus strain HZ segment RNA3, complete sequence.
- JN209847 Alfalfa mosaic virus strain WC3 coat protein (cp) gene, complete cds.
- JN256019 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate Champaign coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- JN256020 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate S01-18 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- JN256021 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate Rotation coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- JN256022 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate Ar15 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- JN256023 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate SturdyII coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- JN256024 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate C coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- JN256025 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate K1 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- JN256026 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate SE12 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- JQ281522 Alfalfa mosaic virus coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JQ673587 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate Ke.Ba.Al coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JQ685858 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate Ke.Sh.Al coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JQ685859 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate Ke.Si.Al coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JQ685860 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate Ke.Ba.Po coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX112757 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate EW capsid protein gene, complete cds.
- JX112758 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate Aq capsid protein gene, complete cds.
- JX112759 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate Hu capsid protein gene, complete cds.
- K02703 Alfalfa mosaic virus strain 425 Madison complete sequence.
- K03542 Alfalfa mosaic virus RNA 3 encoding viral coat protein, complete.B.
- KC767660 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate 175 movement protein and coat protein genes, complete cds.
- KC767661 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate 176 movement protein and coat protein genes, complete cds.
- KC767662 Alfalfa mosaic virus isolate 178 movement protein and coat protein genes, complete cds.
- L00162 Alfalfa mosaic virus (strain 425 Leiden) RNA 4 encoding viral coat protein.
- L00163 Alfalfa mosaic virus (strain 425 Leiden) RNA 1 of complete genome.
- M59241 Alfalfa mosaic virus 32 kDa movement protein and coat protein RNA, complete cds.
- U12509 Alfalfa mosaic virus NZ1 RNA4 coat protein mRNA, complete cds.
- U12510 Alfalfa mosaic virus NZ2 RNA4 coat protein mRNA, complete cds.
- X00819 Alfalfa mosaic virus (strain S) complete RNA 3 sequence
- X01572 Alfalfa mosaic virus (A1M4) RNA 2
- Y09110 Alfalfa mosaic viru gene encoding coat protein
Algerian watermelon mosaic virus (AWMV) - Potyvirus
- EU410442 Algerian watermelon mosaic virus isolate H4, complete genome.
Alkhurma virus () - Flavivirus
- AF331718 Alkhurma virus strain 1176 polyprotein gene, complete cds.
Allamanda leaf curl virus () - Begomovirus
- EF602306 Allamanda leaf curl virus isolate G10 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
Allium virus X () - Potexvirus
- FJ670570 Allium virus X, complete genome.
Allpahuayo virus (ALLV) - Arenavirus
- AY012687 Allpahuayo virus strain CLHP-2472 nucleocapsid protein (N) and glycoprotein precursor (GPC) genes, complete cds.
- AY216502 Allpahuayo virus strain CLHP-2472 segment L, complete sequence.
Alphacoronavirus 1 (ACoV-1) - Alphacoronavirus
- AJ271965 Transmissible gastroenteritis virus complete genome, genomic RNA
- DQ010921 Feline coronavirus strain FIPV 79-1146, complete genome.
Alpinia mosaic virus (AlpMV) - Macluravirus
- AF499025 Alpinia mosaic virus polyprotein gene, partial cds.
Alstroemeria mosaic virus (AlMV) - Potyvirus
- AB158522 Alstroemeria mosaic virus NIb/CP gene for nuclear inclusion protein b/coat protein, partial cds.
- DQ295032 Alstroemeria mosaic virus isolate TW polyprotein gene, partial cds.
Alstroemeria necrotic streak virus (ANSV) - Tospovirus
- GQ478668 Alstroemeria necrotic streak virus nucleocapsid protein (N) mRNA, complete cds.
Alstroemeria virus X (AlsVX) - Potexvirus
- AB206396 Alstroemeria virus x genomic RNA, complete genome.
- JN820315 Alstroemeria virus x isolate HelE91-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JQ354895 Alstroemeria virus x triple gene block protein 3 gene, partial cds; and coat protein gene, complete cds.
Alternanthera mild mosaic virus (AltMMV) - Potyvirus
- EF442668 Alternanthera mild mosaic virus polyprotein gene, partial cds.
Alternanthera mosaic virus (AltMV) - Potexvirus
- AF080448 Alternanthera potexvirus capsid protein mRNA, complete cds.
- AY566288 Alternanthera potexvirus putative capsid protein mRNA, complete cds.
- AY850928 Alternanthera mosaic virus AltMV-BR triple gene block 2 protein (TGB2), triple gene block 3 protein (TGB3), and coat protein (CP) genes, complete cds.
- AY850929 Alternanthera mosaic virus AltMV-PA triple gene block 2 protein (TGB2), triple gene block 3 protein (TGB3), and coat protein (CP) genes, complete cds.
- AY850930 Alternanthera mosaic virus AltMV-Po triple gene block 2 protein (TGB2), triple gene block 3 protein (TGB3), and coat protein (CP) genes, complete cds.
- AY850931 Alternanthera mosaic virus AltMV-SP triple gene block 2 protein (TGB2), triple gene block 3 protein (TGB3), and coat protein (CP) genes, complete cds.
- AY863024 Alternanthera mosaic virus, complete genome.
- FJ822136 Alternanthera mosaic virus from Portulaca grandiflora, complete genome.
- GQ179646 Alternanthera mosaic virus isolate SP 3-1, complete genome.
- GQ179647 Alternanthera mosaic virus isolate SP 4-7, complete genome.
- JQ405265 Alternanthera mosaic virus clone PGL38 TGB2 gene, partial cds; and TGB3 and coat protein genes, complete cds.
- JQ405266 Alternanthera mosaic virus clone PLR21 TGB2 gene, partial cds; and TGB3 and coat protein genes, complete cds.
- JQ405267 Alternanthera mosaic virus clone NAN10 TGB2 gene, partial cds; and TGB3 and coat protein genes, complete cds.
- JQ405268 Alternanthera mosaic virus clone CIN38 TGB2 gene, partial cds; and TGB3 and coat protein genes, complete cds.
- JQ405269 Alternanthera mosaic virus clone Port-57 TGB2 gene, partial cds; and TGB3 and coat protein genes, complete cds.
- JX457329 Alternanthera mosaic virus clone BWM3 TGB2 gene, partial cds; and TGB3 and coat protein genes, complete cds.
- JX457330 Alternanthera mosaic virus clone LGBM5 TGB2 gene, partial cds; and TGB3 and coat protein genes, complete cds.
Alternanthera yellow vein virus (AlYVV) - Begomovirus
- AJ965540 Alternanthera yellow vein virus, complete genome, isolate G38
- AM050736 Alternanthera yellow vein virus complete genome, isolate Hn51
- AM691015 Alternanthera yellow vein virus av2 gene and partial av1 gene, isolate F22
- AM691016 Alternanthera yellow vein virus av2 gene and partial av1 gene, isolate F23
- AM691017 Alternanthera yellow vein virus av2 gene and partial av1 gene, isolate F24
- DQ375456 Alternanthera yellow vein virus segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- DQ641703 Alternanthera yellow vein virus isolate Zin segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- DQ641704 Alternanthera yellow vein virus isolate Ecl segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- EF544601 Alternanthera yellow vein virus isolate F21 segment DNA A, complete sequence.
- EF544602 Alternanthera yellow vein virus isolate PT1 segment DNA A, complete sequence.
- EF544603 Alternanthera yellow vein virus isolate LC1 segment DNA A, complete sequence.
- EF544604 Alternanthera yellow vein virus isolate F22 segment DNA A, complete sequence.
- EU188920 Alternanthera yellow vein virus isolate Barrackpore coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
- EU286797 Alternanthera yellow vein virus isolate F30 segment DNA A, complete sequence.
- EU286798 Alternanthera yellow vein virus isolate F31 segment DNA A, complete sequence.
- FJ015062 Alternanthera yellow vein virus isolate YN598 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- FJ712190 Alternanthera yellow vein virus segment A, complete sequence.
- FN397860 Alternanthera yellow vein virus AV2 gene and partial AV1 gene for coat protein, isolate YYJi1 from Eclipta prostrata
- FN397863 Alternanthera yellow vein virus AV2 gene (partial) and AV2 gene (partial) for coat protein, isolate YYJi2 from Crassocephalum crepidioides
- FN432361 Alternanthera yellow vein virus segment DNA-A, complete sequence
Amapari virus (AMAV) - Arenavirus
- AF485256 Amapari virus strain BeAn 70563 segment S, complete sequence.
- AY216517 Amapari virus strain BeAn 70563 segment L, complete sequence.
Amaranthus leaf mottle virus (AmLMV) - Potyvirus
- AJ580021 Amaranthus leaf mottle virus partial polyprotein gene for Nib-CP polyprotein, genomic RNA, isolate AL
- AJ580095 Amaranthus leaf mottle virus partial gene for polyprotein, genomic RNA, isolate I
Amasya cherry disease associated chrysovirus () - Chrysovirus
- AJ781163 Amasya cherry disease associated chrysovirus ORF4 for hypothetical protein, genomic RNA
- AJ781164 Amasya cherry disease associated chrysovirus ORF3 for putative protease, genomic RNA
- AJ781165 Amasya cherry disease associated chrysovirus CP gene for putative coat protein, genomic RNA
- AJ781166 Amasya cherry disease associated chrysovirus RdRp gene for putative RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, genomic RNA
- AJ781397 Cherry chlorotic rusty spot associated chrysovirus RdRp gene for RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, segment 1, genomic RNA
- AJ781398 Cherry chlorotic rusty spot associated chrysovirus CP gene for putative coat protein, segment 2, genomic RNA
- AJ781399 Cherry chlorotic rusty spot associated chrysovirus ORF3 for putative protease, segment 3, genomic RNA
- AJ781400 Cherry chlorotic rusty spot associated chrysovirus ORF4 for hypothetical protein, segment 4, genomic RNA
Amasya cherry disease associated partitivirus () - Partitivirus
- AJ781167 Amasya cherry disease associated partitivirus CP gene for putative coat protein, genomic RNA
- AJ781168 Amasya cherry disease associated partitivirus RdRp gene for RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, genomic RNA
- AJ781401 Cherry chlorotic rusty spot associated partitivirus RdRp gene for RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, segment 1, genomic RNA
- AJ781402 Cherry chlorotic rusty spot associated partitivirus CP gene for putative coat protein, segment 2, genomic RNA
Amazon lily mild mottle virus () - Anulavirus
- AB724113 Amazon lily mild mottle virus 1a gene for replication protein 1a, complete cds, strain: Japan.
- AB724114 Amazon lily mild mottle virus 2a gene for replication protein 2a, complete cds, strain: Japan.
- AB724115 Amazon lily mild mottle virus 3a, 3b genes for movement protein, coat protein, complete cds, strain: Japan.
Amazon lily mosaic virus (ALiMV) - Potyvirus
- AB158523 Amazon lily mosaic virus NIb/CP gene for nuclear inclusion protein b/coat protein, partial cds.
Ambrosia asymptomatic virus 1 () - Unassigned Alphaflexiviridae
- EU362849 Ambrosia asymptomatic virus 1 UKM-2007 isolate 05TGP00321.Flex4 replicase gene, partial cds; and triple gene block protein 1, triple gene block protein 2, and triple gene block protein 3 genes, complete cds.
- EU362850 Ambrosia asymptomatic virus 1 UKM-2007 isolate 05TGP00321.Flex5 coat protein gene, partial cds; and nucleic acid-binding protein gene, complete cds.
American hop latent virus (AHLV) - Carlavirus
- JQ245696 American hop latent virus isolate Bittergold, complete genome.
- JQ728538 American hop latent virus isolate Galena, partial genome.
American plum line pattern virus (APLPV) - Ilarvirus
- AF235033 American plum line pattern virus RNA 1 putative viral replicase p1 gene, complete cds.
- AF235165 American plum line pattern virus segment RNA2, complete sequence.
- AF235166 American plum line pattern virus segment RNA3, complete sequence.
- EF494407 American plum line pattern virus isolate PlmIt.s coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- EF494408 American plum line pattern virus isolate PlmTn.mor coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- EF494409 American plum line pattern virus isolate PlmPal.27 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- EF494410 American plum line pattern virus isolate PlmAl.del coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- EF494411 American plum line pattern virus isolate PlmUs.74 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- EF494412 American plum line pattern virus isolate PlmUs.125 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- EF494413 American plum line pattern virus isolate coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- EF494414 American plum line pattern virus isolate PlmIt.p movement protein (MP) gene, complete cds.
- EF494415 American plum line pattern virus isolate PlmIt.s movement protein (MP) gene, complete cds.
- EF494416 American plum line pattern virus isolate PlmTn.mor movement protein (MP) gene, complete cds.
- EF494417 American plum line pattern virus isolate PlmPal.27 movement protein (MP) gene, complete cds.
- EF494418 American plum line pattern virus isolate PlmAl.del movement protein (MP) gene, complete cds.
- EF494419 American plum line pattern virus isolate PlmUs.74 movement protein (MP) gene, complete cds.
- EF494420 American plum line pattern virus isolate PlmUs.125 movement protein (MP) gene, complete cds.
- EF494421 American plum line pattern virus isolate movement protein (MP) gene, complete cds.
- EF503724 American plum line pattern virus isolate PlmIt.p coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
Ammi majus latent virus () - Potyvirus
- AB361564 Ammi majus latent virus gene for polyprotein, partial cds.
Amur/Soochong virus (ASV) - Hantavirus
- AY675349 Soochong virus-1 isolate SC-1 nucleocapsid protein mRNA, complete cds.
- AY675353 Soochong virus-1 isolate SC-1 glycoprotein precusor mRNA, complete cds.
- DQ056292 Soochong virus-1 isolate SC-1 putative polymerase mRNA, complete cds.
Anagyris vein yellowing virus (AVYV) - Tymovirus
- AY751780 Anagyris vein yellowing virus putative movement protein, polyprotein, and coat protein genes, complete cds.
Andean potato latent virus (APLV) - Tymovirus
- AF035402 Andean potato latent virus replicase protein gene, partial cds; and virion protein gene, complete cds.
- JX508291 Andean potato latent virus, complete genome.
- JX982324 Andean potato latent virus isolate Bo-15 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX982325 Andean potato latent virus isolate Bo-14 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX982326 Andean potato latent virus isolate Caj coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX982327 Andean potato latent virus isolate Col-4 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX982328 Andean potato latent virus isolate Col-5 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX982329 Andean potato latent virus isolate Col-2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX982330 Andean potato latent virus isolate Col-3 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX982331 Andean potato latent virus isolate Col coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX982332 Andean potato latent virus isolate Ec-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX982333 Andean potato latent virus isolate Ay coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX982334 Andean potato latent virus isolate Hu coat protein gene, complete cds.
Andean potato mild mottle virus () - Tymovirus
- JX508290 Andean potato mild mosaic virus isolate Hu, complete genome.
Andean potato mottle virus (APMoV) - Comovirus
- L16239 Andean potato mottle virus polyprotein encoding small and large coat proteins and potential movement protein mRNA, complete cds.
- M84806 Andean potato mottle virus RNA polymerase mRNA, 3' end.
Andes virus (ANDV) - Hantavirus
- AF291702 Andes virus strain Chile-9717869 segment S nucleocapsid protein gene, complete cds.
- AF291703 Andes virus strain Chile-9717869 segment M G1 and G2 surface glycoprotein precursor, gene, complete cds.
- AF291704 Andes virus strain Chile-9717869 segment L, complete sequence.
Anemone mosaic virus () - Potyvirus
- EU042755 Anemone mosaic virus polyprotein gene, partial cds.
Angelica virus Y (AVY) - Potyvirus
- EF488740 Angelica virus Y isolate AnVY-l polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EF488741 Angelica virus Y isolate AnVY-g polyprotein gene, partial cds.
Angelonia flower break virus (AFBV) - Carmovirus
- AM050058 Angelonia flower mottle virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA
- DQ219415 Angelonia flower break virus, complete genome.
- DQ221212 Angelonia flower break virus isolate Maryland coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- DQ223771 Angelonia flower break virus isolate AnFBV-IL coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FR775892 Angelonia flower break virus CP gene for coat protein, strain California, genomic RNA
Anguilid rhabdovirus (EXEV) - Perhabdovirus
- FN557213 Eel Virus European X complete genome, viral cRNA, isolate 153311
Anthurium mosaic-associated virus () - Chrysovirus
- FJ899675 Anthurium mosaic-associated virus strain PHA segment dsRNA1, complete sequence.
- FJ899676 Anthurium mosaic-associated virus strain PHA segment dsRNA2, complete sequence.
- FJ899677 Anthurium mosaic-associated virus strain PHA segment dsRNA3, complete sequence.
Apium virus Y (ApMV) - Potyvirus
- AF203529 Apium virus Y ApVY-Qld polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF207594 Apium virus Y ApVY-WA polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AY049716 Apium virus Y strain conium maculatum polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EU255632 Apium virus Y polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EU515125 Apium virus Y from Coriandrum sativum polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EU515126 Apium virus Y from Apium graveolens polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- FJ010827 Apium virus Y polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- FJ010828 Apium virus Y polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- HM363516 Apium virus Y isolate Ce, complete genome.
Apoi virus (APOIV) - Flavivirus
- AF160193 Apoi virus polyprotein gene, complete cds.
Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) - Trichovirus
- AB060958 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus genomic RNA, 5750-7512 nt. position, isolate: P202.
- AB060963 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus genomic RNA, 5750-7512 nt. position, isolate: MO31.
- AB060964 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus genomic RNA, 5750-7512 nt. position, isolate: MO41.
- AB326223 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus genomic RNA, complete genome, strain: A4.
- AB326224 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus genomic RNA, complete genome, strain: B6.
- AB326225 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus genomic RNA, complete genome, strain: MO-5.
- AB326226 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus CP gene for coat protein, complete cdcs, strain: GC10a.
- AB326227 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus CP gene for coat protein, complete cdcs, strain: GC10c.
- AB326228 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus CP gene for coat protein, complete cdcs, strain: GC10f.
- AB326229 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus CP gene for coat protein, complete cdcs, strain: GC10h.
- AB326230 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus CP gene for coat protein, complete cdcs, strain: GC10j.
- AB520992 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus MP gene for movement protein, complete cds, strain: GC10a.
- AB520993 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus MP gene for movement protein, complete cds, strain: GC10c.
- AB520994 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus MP gene for movement protein, complete cds, strain: GC10f.
- AB520995 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus MP gene for movement protein, complete cds, strain: GC10h.
- AB520996 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus MP gene for movement protein, complete cds, strain: GC10j.
- AF251275 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus coat protein mRNA, complete cds.
- AJ243438 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus complete genomic RNA
- AM408891 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus cp gene for coat protein, isolate Kinnaur, genomic RNA
- AM409322 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus cp gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate Shimla
- AM494505 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus cp gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate Nagri
- AM494506 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus cp gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate Dobi
- AM494507 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus cp gene for coat protein, isolate Solan
- AM494508 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus cp gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate Nihari
- AM494509 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus cp gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate Kalpa
- AM494510 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus cp gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate Bajaura
- AM494511 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus cp gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate Tissa
- AM494512 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus cp gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate Sangla
- AM494513 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus cp gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate Salooni
- AM494514 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus cp gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate Palampur
- AM498044 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus cp gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, cherry isolate from Palampur
- AM498045 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus cp gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, apricot isolate from Solan
- AM498046 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus cp gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, almond isolate from Solan
- AM498047 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus cp gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, Alberta peach isolate from Kullu
- AM498048 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus cp gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, Chuli isolate from Kullu
- AM498049 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus cp gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, Cydonia isolate from Salooni
- AM498050 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus cp gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, peach isolate from Solan
- AM709776 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus CP gene for coat protein, isolate BE
- AM709777 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus CP gene for coat protein, isolate SG
- AM882704 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus mRNA for Coat Protein (CP gene), isolated from pear
- AM882705 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus mRNA for Coat Protein (CP gene), isolated from plum
- AM931533 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus CP gene for coat protein, isolate peach, genomic RNA
- AM931534 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus CP gene for coat protein, isolate plum, genomic RNA
- AY669389 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate Kuerle coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- AY728180 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate HBP nonfunctional movement protein gene, partial sequence; and coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- D14996 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus genomic RNA, complete genome.
- EF079060 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate ACLSV-C coat protein gene, complete cds.
- EF138602 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate BR 1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- EU223295 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate Ta Tao 5, complete genome.
- FJ608984 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate ACLSV-BD coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FN550875 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate Kashmir
- FN666578 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate Palampur 1
- FN666579 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate Palampur 2
- FN673831 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus MP gene for movement protein, isolate Kashmir, genomic RNA
- FR873735 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus cp gene for coat protein, genomic RNA
- GU327981 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PE coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU327982 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PL1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU327983 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PL2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU327984 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PP5 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU327985 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PP6 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU327986 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PP12 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU327987 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PP13 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU327988 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PP15-2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU327989 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PP15-4 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU327990 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PP20 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU327991 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PP23 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU327992 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PP24 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU327993 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PP27 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU327994 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PP36 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU327995 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PP39 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU327996 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PP43 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU327997 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PP54 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU327998 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PP55 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU327999 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PP56 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU328000 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PP57 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU328001 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PP58 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU328002 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PP61 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU328003 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PP63 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GU328004 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate PP64 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HE980332 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus strain AC-ind, complete genome
- HM352768 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate LTS1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HM352769 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate LTS2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HQ398250 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate LV-mNP001 movement protein gene, partial cds; and coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HQ398251 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate LV-mBDz007 movement protein gene, partial cds; and coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HQ398252 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SK-BUD-pe movement protein gene, partial cds; and coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HQ398253 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SK-92-pl movement protein gene, partial cds; and coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HQ670735 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus clone 10 movement protein gene, partial cds; and coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HQ670736 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus clone 1 movement protein gene, partial cds; and coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HQ670737 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus clone 2 movement protein gene, partial cds; and coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HQ670738 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus clone 3 movement protein gene, partial cds; and coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HQ670739 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus clone 4 movement protein gene, partial cds; and coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HQ670740 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus clone 5 movement protein gene, partial cds; and coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HQ670741 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus clone 6 movement protein gene, partial cds; and coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HQ670742 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus clone 7 movement protein gene, partial cds; and coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HQ670743 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus clone 8 movement protein gene, partial cds; and coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HQ670744 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus clone 9 movement protein gene, partial cds; and coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN634760 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate Z1, complete genome.
- JN634761 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate Z3, complete genome.
- JN848971 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate BL1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848972 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate BN1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848973 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate HC1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848974 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate HS1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848975 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate HS2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848976 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate HS3 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848977 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate HS4 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848978 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate HS5 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848979 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate HS6 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848980 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate HB1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848981 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate HB2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848982 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate HB3 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848983 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate HB4 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848984 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate HB5 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848985 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate HL1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848986 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SQ1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848987 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SQ2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848988 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SQ3 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848989 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SQ5 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848990 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SQ6 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848991 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SQ8 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848992 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate ST1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848993 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate ST2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848994 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate ST3 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848995 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate ST4 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848996 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate F1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848997 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate Z1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848998 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate Z2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN848999 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate Z3 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN849000 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate G2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN849001 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate G4 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN849002 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate G6 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN849003 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate Y1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN849004 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate Y2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN849005 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate Y3 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN849006 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate S1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN849007 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate S3 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN849008 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate S4 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN849009 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate S5 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN849010 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate S6 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JX888087 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate ZT capsid protein gene, complete cds.
- JX888088 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate ML capsid protein gene, complete cds.
- JX888089 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate TJX capsid protein gene, complete cds.
- KC154861 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate ACLSV-Bartlett coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC154862 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate ACLSV-WRD coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404868 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate YT-2-CS coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404869 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate YT-2-RS coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404870 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate YT-1-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404871 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate YT-1-3 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404872 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate YT-3-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404873 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate YT-3-4 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404874 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate XAG-3 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404875 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate YC-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404876 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate YC-PL-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404877 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate YC-WR-2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404878 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate LN-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404879 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate LN-1-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404880 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate LN-1-2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404881 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate LN-2-2-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404882 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate LN-2-2-2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404883 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SMX-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404884 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SMX-2-3 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404885 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SMX-2-4 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404886 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SMX-3-3 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404887 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SMX-3-4 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404888 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SMX-4-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404889 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SMX-4-2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404890 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate BY-3-2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404891 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate BY-3-3 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404892 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate BY-4-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404893 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate BY-4-2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404894 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate BY-5-2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404895 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate BY-5-3 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404896 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate BY-6-2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404897 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate BY-6-3 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404898 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate TS-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404899 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate TS-2-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404900 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate TS-2-2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404901 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate TS-2-3 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404902 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate TS-2-4 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404903 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate TS-4-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404904 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate TS-4-2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404905 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate ZZ-2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404906 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate ZZ-3 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404907 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate BJ-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404908 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate BJ-2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404909 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate LF-2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404910 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate HT-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404911 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SHZ-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404912 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SHZ-2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404913 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SHZ-3 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404914 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SHZ-4 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404915 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SHZ-5 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404916 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SHZ-6 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404917 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SHZ-7 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404918 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SHZ-8 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404919 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate SHZ-10 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404920 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate MDJ-11 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404921 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate NX-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- KC404922 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate NX-6 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- M58152 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus, complete genome.
- X99752 Apple spot chlorotic leaf spot trichovirus complete genomic RNA
Apple dimple fruit viroid (ADFVd) - Apscaviroid
- AB561003 Apple dimple fruit viroid genomic RNA, complete genome, host: Malus x domestica cultivar Fuji, No.7.
- EF088658 Apple dimple fruit viroid variant ADFVd-02, complete genome.
- EF088659 Apple dimple fruit viroid variant ADFVd-03, complete genome.
- EF088660 Apple dimple fruit viroid variant ADFVd-04, complete genome.
- EF088661 Apple dimple fruit viroid variant ADFVd-05, complete genome.
- EF088662 Apple dimple fruit viroid variant ADFVd-06, complete genome.
- EF088663 Apple dimple fruit viroid variant ADFVd-07, complete genome.
- EF088664 Apple dimple fruit viroid variant ADFVd-08, complete genome.
- EF088665 Apple dimple fruit viroid variant ADFVd-09, complete genome.
- EF088666 Apple dimple fruit viroid variant ADFVd-10, complete genome.
- EU031497 Apple dimple fruit viroid variant ADFVd_A1, complete genome.
- EU031498 Apple dimple fruit viroid variant ADFVd_A2, complete genome.
- EU031499 Apple dimple fruit viroid variant ADFVd_A3, complete genome.
- EU031500 Apple dimple fruit viroid variant ADFVd_A4, complete genome.
- EU031501 Apple dimple fruit viroid variant ADFVd_A5, complete genome.
- EU031502 Apple dimple fruit viroid variant ADFVd_A6, complete genome.
- EU031503 Apple dimple fruit viroid variant ADFVd_A7, complete genome.
- EU031504 Apple dimple fruit viroid variant ADFVd_P1, complete genome.
- EU031505 Apple dimple fruit viroid variant ADFVd_P2, complete genome.
- EU031506 Apple dimple fruit viroid variant ADFVd_P3, complete genome.
- KC237730 Apple dimple fruit viroid isolate SDQD-2, complete genome.
- KC237731 Apple dimple fruit viroid isolate SDYT-1, complete genome.
- KC237732 Apple dimple fruit viroid isolate SDYT-3, complete genome.
- KC237733 Apple dimple fruit viroid isolate XJ-1, complete genome.
- X99487 Apple dimple fruit viroid
Apple fruit crinkle viroid (AFCVd) - Apscaviroid
- AB104531 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:AK6-1.
- AB104532 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:AK6-2.
- AB104533 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:AK6-3.
- AB104534 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:AK6-4.
- AB104535 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:AK6-5.
- AB104536 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:AK10-1.
- AB104537 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:AK10-2.
- AB104538 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:AK10-3.
- AB104539 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:AK10-4.
- AB104540 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:AK10-5.
- AB104541 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:AK14-1.
- AB104542 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:AK14-2.
- AB104543 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:AK14-3.
- AB104544 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:AK14-4.
- AB104545 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:AK14-5.
- AB104546 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:AK18-1.
- AB104547 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:AK18-2.
- AB104548 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:AK18-3.
- AB104549 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:AK18-4.
- AB104550 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:AK18-5.
- AB104551 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:Ya1-1.
- AB104552 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:Ya1-2.
- AB104553 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:Ya1-3.
- AB104554 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:Ya1-4.
- AB104555 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:Ya1-5.
- AB104556 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:Ya1-6.
- AB104557 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:Ya1-7.
- AB104558 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, sub_clone:Ya1-8.
- AB366019 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, complete genome, clone: Kaki13-2.
- AB366020 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, complete genome, clone: Kaki13-5.
- AB366021 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, complete genome, clone: Kaki13-8.
- AB429164 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-A21.
- AB429165 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-A22.
- AB429166 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-A23.
- AB429167 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-A23-2.
- AB429168 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-A25.
- AB429169 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-M11.
- AB429170 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-M12.
- AB429171 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-M13.
- AB429172 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-M14.
- AB429173 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-M15.
- AB429174 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-M21.
- AB429175 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-M22.
- AB429176 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-M23.
- AB429177 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-M24.
- AB429178 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-M24-2.
- AB429179 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-M25.
- AB429180 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-M31.
- AB429181 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-M32.
- AB429182 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: YH-M3-1.
- AB429183 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: YH-M33.
- AB429184 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-O11.
- AB429185 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-O112.
- AB429186 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-O113.
- AB429187 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-O114.
- AB429188 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-O116.
- AB429189 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-O34.
- AB429190 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-O311.
- AB429191 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: HY-O315.
- AB429192 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: YH-O3-2.
- AB429193 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: YH-O3-4.
- AB429194 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: hop isolate, clone: YH-O35.
- AB429195 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AN-AK3-2M.
- AB429196 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AN-AK3-5P.
- AB429197 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AN-AK3-6P.
- AB429198 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AN-AK3-9.
- AB429199 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AN-AK31.
- AB429200 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AN-AK34.
- AB429201 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AN-AK35.
- AB429202 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AN-AK8-1M.
- AB429203 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AN-AK8-2M.
- AB429204 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AN-AK8-3M.
- AB429205 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AN-AK8-5.
- AB429206 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AN-AK8-6.
- AB429208 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AN-AK8-7.
- AB429209 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AN-AK8-9.
- AB429210 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AN-AK8-10.
- AB429211 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AN-SG24-5P.
- AB429212 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AN-SG24-2.
- AB429213 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AN-SG24-3.
- AB429214 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AN-SG24-7.
- AB429215 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AA-J12.
- AB429216 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AA-J14.
- AB429217 Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, strain: apple isolate, clone: AA-J15.
- AB795264 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, complete genome, isolate: vir1.
- AB795265 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, complete genome, isolate: vir2.
- AB795266 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, complete genome, isolate: vir3.
- AB795267 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, complete genome, isolate: vir4.
- AB795268 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, complete genome, isolate: vir5.
- AB795269 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, complete genome, isolate: vir6.
- AB795270 Apple fruit crinkle viroid genomic RNA, complete genome, isolate: vir7.
- E29032 Apple/Citrus junos fruit viroid gene.
- E29033 Apple/Citrus junos fruit viroid gene.
- EU031507 Apple fruit crinkle viroid variant AFCVd_1, complete genome.
- EU031509 Apple fruit crinkle viroid variant AFCVd_3, complete genome.
- EU031510 Apple fruit crinkle viroid variant AFCVd_4, complete genome.
- EU031511 Apple fruit crinkle viroid variant AFCVd_5, complete genome.
- EU031512 Apple fruit crinkle viroid variant AFCVd_6, complete genome.
- EU031513 Apple fruit crinkle viroid variant AFCVd_7, complete genome.
- EU031514 Apple fruit crinkle viroid variant AFCVd_8, complete genome.
- EU031515 Apple fruit crinkle viroid variant AFCVd_9, complete genome.
- EU031516 Apple fruit crinkle viroid variant AFCVd_10, complete genome.
Apple green crinkle associated virus () - Foveavirus
- HE963831 Apple green crinkle associated virus complete genome, genomic RNA, isolate Aurora-1
Apple latent spherical virus (ALSV) - Cheravirus
- AB030940 Apple latent spherical virus RNA1 for 235K polyprotein, complete cds.
- AB030941 Apple latent spherical virus RNA2 for 108K polyprotein, complete cds.
Apple mosaic virus (ApMV) - Ilarvirus
- AF174584 Apple mosaic virus RNA 1 putative methyltransferase/helicase gene, complete cds.
- AF174585 Apple mosaic virus RNA 2 putative polymerase gene, complete cds.
- AF473580 Apple mosaic virus isolate 05_MB coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AF473581 Apple mosaic virus isolate 42_2001 coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AF473582 Apple mosaic virus isolate 16_2001 coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AF473583 Apple mosaic virus isolate 20_2001 coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AF473584 Apple mosaic virus isolate 28_2001 coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AF473585 Apple mosaic virus isolate 26_MB coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AF473586 Apple mosaic virus isolate 22_MB coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AF473587 Apple mosaic virus isolate 34_MB coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AF473588 Apple mosaic virus isolate 27_MB coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AF473589 Apple mosaic virus isolate 17_2001 coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AF473590 Apple mosaic virus isolate 35_2001 coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AF473591 Apple mosaic virus isolate 37_2001 coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AF473592 Apple mosaic virus isolate 10_2001 coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AF473593 Apple mosaic virus isolate 11_2001 coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AF473594 Apple mosaic virus isolate 24_2001 coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AF473595 Apple mosaic virus isolate 25_2001 coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AF473596 Apple mosaic virus isolate 17_MB coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AF548367 Apple mosaic virus coat protein gene, complete cds.
- AM490197 Apple mosaic virus segment RNA3, complete sequence, genomic RNA
- AY054385 Apple mosaic virus coat protein gene, complete cds.
- AY054386 Apple mosaic virus coat protein gene, complete cds.
- AY054387 Apple mosaic virus coat protein gene, complete cds.
- AY054388 Apple mosaic virus coat protein gene, complete cds.
- AY054389 Apple mosaic virus coat protein gene, complete cds.
- AY125977 Apple mosaic virus coat protein mRNA, complete cds.
- AY542540 Apple mosaic virus isolate apple B1 capsid protein gene, complete cds.
- AY542541 Apple mosaic virus isolate C3a capsid protein gene, complete cds.
- AY542542 Apple mosaic virus isolate pear Iv10 capsid protein gene, complete cds.
- AY542543 Apple mosaic virus isolate pear Kravare capsid protein, complete cds.
- AY542544 Apple mosaic virus isolate pear Cerin capsid protein, complete cds.
- AY542545 Apple mosaic virus isolate pear Roz144 capsid protein gene, complete cds.
- AY542546 Apple mosaic virus isolate pear It1 capsid protein gene, complete cds.
- AY854050 Apple mosaic virus isolate NCGR 9026 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- FJ429309 Apple mosaic virus isolate India1 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- FJ429311 Apple mosaic virus isolate India3 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FM178274 Apple mosaic virus partial CP gene for coat protein, isolate Shimla, genomic RNA
- FN435314 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate from India
- FN435315 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate from Kashmir, India
- FN435316 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate from Srinagar, India
- FN435317 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate from Shimla, India
- FN546183 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate from Prunus sp.
- FN547927 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate from Palampur, India
- FN551183 Apple mosaic virus Mp gene for movement protein, genomic RNA, isolate from Shimla, India
- FN554697 Apple mosaic virus MP gene for movement protein, genomic RNA
- FN568307 Apple mosaic virus partial MP gene for movement protein, isolate K-1, genomic RNA
- FN568491 Apple mosaic virus partial MP gene for Movement protein, isolate K-2, genomic RNA
- FN597052 Apple mosaic virus MP gene for movement protein, isolate K-5, genomic RNA
- FN598483 Apple mosaic virus MP gene for movement protein, isolate Tc-4
- GQ131805 Apple mosaic virus isolate M003 capsid protein gene, complete cds.
- HE574162 Apple mosaic virus Met gene for methyltransferase, segment 1, isolate Apple
- HE574163 Apple mosaic virus Pol gene for polymerase, segment 2, isolate Apple
- HE574164 Apple mosaic virus MP gene for movement protein and CP gene for coat protein, segment 3, isolate Apple
- HE866936 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate HL-BGR
- HE866937 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate HL-SVN
- HE866938 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate HL-FRA
- HE866939 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate HL-GBR
- HE866940 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate HL-DNK
- HE866941 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate HL-USA
- HE866942 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate HL-NZL
- HE866943 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate HL-AUT
- HE866944 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate HL-AUS
- HE866945 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate HL-RUS
- HE866946 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate HL-SWE
- HE866947 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate HL-ZAF
- HE866948 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate HL1-CZE
- HE866949 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate HL2-CZE
- HE866950 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate HL3-CZE
- HE866951 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate HL4-CZE
- HE866952 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate HL5-CZE
- HE866953 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate HL6-CZE
- HE866954 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate HL7-CZE
- HE866955 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate HL8-CZE
- HE866956 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate HL9-CZE
- HE866957 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate Hpl1-CZE
- HE866958 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate Hpl2-CZE
- HE866959 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate CA-CZE
- HE866960 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate SN-CZE
- HE866961 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate PP-ITA
- HE866962 Apple mosaic virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate PAr-ITA
- S78319 CP=coat protein {RNA3} [apple mosaic virus ApMV, Genomic RNA, 657 nt].
- U15608 Apple mosaic virus RNA-3 putative cell-to-cell movement protein gene and coat protein gene, complete cds.
Apple scar skin viroid (ASSVd) - Apscaviroid
- AF421195 Apple scar skin viroid-K from Korea, complete genome.
- AJ783357 Apple scar skin viroid, complete genome
- AM993159 Apple scar skin viroid, complete genome, genomic RNA, clone Y2
- AM993160 Apple scar skin viroid, complete genome, genomic RNA, clone Y1
- AY972082 Apple scar skin viroid-C isolate Liaoning, complete genome.
- DQ362906 Apple scar skin viroid clone ASSVd B-9, complete genome.
- DQ362907 Apple scar skin viroid clone ASSVd A-4, complete genome.
- EU031455 Apple scar skin viroid variant AFCVd_AM1, complete genome.
- EU031456 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_AM2, complete genome.
- EU031457 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_AM3, complete genome.
- EU031458 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_AM4, complete genome.
- EU031459 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_AM5, complete genome.
- EU031460 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_AM6, complete genome.
- EU031461 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_AM7, complete genome.
- EU031462 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_AM8, complete genome.
- EU031463 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_AM9, complete genome.
- EU031464 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_AM10, complete genome.
- EU031465 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_AM11, complete genome.
- EU031466 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_AM12, complete genome.
- EU031467 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_PP1, parital genome.
- EU031468 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_PP2, complete genome.
- EU031469 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_PP3, complete genome.
- EU031470 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_PP4, complete genome.
- EU031471 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_PP5, complete genome.
- EU031472 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_PP6, complete genome.
- EU031473 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_PP7, complete genome.
- EU031474 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_PP8, complete genome.
- EU031475 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_PP9, complete genome.
- EU031476 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_PP10, complete genome.
- EU031477 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_PE1, complete genome.
- EU031478 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_PE2, complete genome.
- EU031479 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_PE3, complete genome.
- EU031480 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_PE4, complete genome.
- EU031481 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_PE5, complete genome.
- EU031482 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_PE6, complete genome.
- EU031483 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_PE7, complete genome.
- EU031484 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_PE8, complete genome.
- EU031485 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_PE9, complete genome.
- EU031486 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_PE10, complete genome.
- EU031487 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_AP1, complete genome.
- EU031488 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_AP2, complete genome.
- EU031489 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_AP3, complete genome.
- EU031490 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_AP4, complete genome.
- EU031491 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_AP5, complete genome.
- EU031492 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_AP6, complete genome.
- EU031493 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_AP7, complete genome.
- EU031494 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_AP8, complete genome.
- EU031495 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_AP9, complete genome.
- EU031496 Apple scar skin viroid variant ASSVd_AP10, complete genome.
- EU825613 Apple scar skin viroid isolate NHRI 23, complete genome.
- FJ974062 Apple scar skin viroid clone Lynkestis-1, complete genome.
- FJ974063 Apple scar skin viroid clone Lynkestis-2, complete genome.
- FJ974064 Apple scar skin viroid clone Lynkestis-3, complete genome.
- FJ974065 Apple scar skin viroid clone Lyncestis-4, complete genome.
- FJ974066 Apple scar skin viroid clone Ydroussa-1, complete genome.
- FJ974067 Apple scar skin viroid clone Ydroussa-2, complete genome.
- FJ974068 Apple scar skin viroid clone Ydroussa-3, complete genome.
- FJ974069 Apple scar skin viroid clone Eurydice-1, complete genome.
- FJ974070 Apple scar skin viroid clone Eurydice-2, complete genome.
- FJ974071 Apple scar skin viroid clone Eurydice-3, complete genome.
- FJ974072 Apple scar skin viroid clone Eurydice-4, complete genome.
- FJ974073 Apple scar skin viroid isolate Varnous, complete genome.
- FJ974074 Apple scar skin viroid isolate Verenica, complete genome.
- FJ974091 Apple scar skin viroid isolate Leuki-30, complete genome.
- FJ974092 Apple scar skin viroid clone Leuki 30.1, complete genome.
- FJ974093 Apple scar skin viroid clone Leuki 30.2, complete genome.
- FJ974094 Apple scar skin viroid isolate Korinthos1, complete genome.
- FJ974095 Apple scar skin viroid clone Achaia.1, complete genome.
- FJ974096 Apple scar skin viroid clone Achaia.2, complete genome.
- FJ974097 Apple scar skin viroid isolate Apidonia, complete genome.
- FJ974098 Apple scar skin viroid isolate Makedonia, complete genome.
- FJ974099 Apple scar skin viroid isolate Maketia, complete genome.
- FJ974100 Apple scar skin viroid isolate Almopia, complete genome.
- FJ974101 Apple scar skin viroid isolate Orma, complete genome.
- FJ974102 Apple scar skin viroid isolate Olympia, complete genome.
- FM178283 Apple scar skin viroid, complete genome, genomic RNA, isolate Solan, clone Y3
- FM178284 Apple scar skin viroid, complete genome, genomic RNA, isolate Solan, clone Y4
- FM178285 Apple scar skin viroid, complete genome, genomic RNA, isolate Solan, clone Y5
- FM208138 Apple scar skin viroid, complete genome, genomic RNA, isolate Jubbal, clone Y6
- FM208139 Apple scar skin viroid, complete genome, genomic RNA, isolate Jubbal, clone Y7
- FM208140 Apple scar skin viroid, complete genome, genomic RNA, isolate Jubbal, clone Y8
- FM208141 Apple scar skin viroid, complete genome, genomic RNA, isolate Jubbal, clone Y9
- FM208142 Apple scar skin viroid, complete genome, genomic RNA, isolate Jubbal, clone Y10
- FM877527 Apple scar skin viroid complete genome, genomic RNA, isolate Rohru, clone Y11
- FN376408 Apple scar skin viroid isolate 680, clone 1
- FN376409 Apple scar skin viroid isolate 680, clone 2
- FN547406 Apple scar skin viroid complete genome, isolated from Malus domestica cv. Gold Spur, genomic RNA
- FN547407 Apple scar skin viroid complete genome, isolated from Malus domestica cv. Red Chief, genomic RNA
- FN669528 Apple scar skin viroid complete genome, isolate Wild Cherry, genomic RNA
- FN669529 Apple scar skin viroid complete genome, isolate Wild Cherry2, genomic RNA
- FR749995 Apple scar skin viroid complete genome, isolate Hatkoti, genomic RNA
- GQ249347 Apple scar skin viroid isolate Edessa-565, complete genome.
- GQ249349 Apple scar skin viroid isolate Arnissa-570, complete genome.
- GQ249350 Apple scar skin viroid isolate Vassiliki-680, complete genome.
- HM367077 Apple scar skin viroid clone D-12, complete genome.
- HQ326087 Apple scar skin viroid isolate AY106, complete genome.
- HQ326088 Apple scar skin viroid isolate AY105g, complete genome.
- HQ326089 Apple scar skin viroid isolate AY107g, complete genome.
- HQ326090 Apple scar skin viroid isolate AY108g, complete genome.
- HQ326091 Apple scar skin viroid isolate AY10g26, complete genome.
- HQ326092 Apple scar skin viroid isolate AY10g2, complete genome.
- HQ326093 Apple scar skin viroid isolate AY10g3, complete genome.
- HQ326094 Apple scar skin viroid isolate AY10g4, complete genome.
- HQ326095 Apple scar skin viroid isolate AY10ch13, complete genome.
- HQ326096 Apple scar skin viroid isolate AY10ch12, complete genome.
- HQ326097 Apple scar skin viroid isolate AY10ch7, complete genome.
- HQ326098 Apple scar skin viroid isolate AY10ch1, complete genome.
- HQ840722 Apple scar skin viroid clone ASSVd-ap, complete genome.
- JX860405 Apple scar skin viroid clone Chardonnay I10V1, complete genome.
- JX861258 Apple scar skin viroid clone ASSVd-Z3, complete genome.
- JX861259 Apple scar skin viroid clone ASSVd-Z7, complete genome.
- KC110858 Apple scar skin viroid strain Y1, complete genome.
- KC110859 Apple scar skin viroid strain Y6, complete genome.
- KC110860 Apple scar skin viroid strain Y8, complete genome.
- KC110861 Apple scar skin viroid strain Y10, complete genome.
- M36646 Apple scar skin viroid, complete sequence.
- X17696 Apple scar skin viroid complete genome
- X71599 Dapple Apple Viroid complete nucleotide sequence
- Y00435 Apple scar skin viroid complete genome
Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) - Capillovirus
- AB004063 Apple stem grooving virus genes for 241K polyprotein, 36K protein, complete cds.
- AF438409 Apple stem grooving virus coat protein gene, complete cds.
- AF465354 Apple stem grooving virus coat protein gene, partial cds.
- AF522459 Apple stem grooving virus putative RNA polymerase and coat protein gene, partial cds; and putative movement protein gene, complete cds.
- AY596172 Pear black necrotic leaf spot virus, complete sequence.
- AY646511 Citrus tatter leaf virus strain Kumquat 1, complete genome.
- AY886760 Apple stem grooving virus coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- D14995 Apple stem grooving virus genome, complete sequence.
- D16368 Citrus tatter leaf virus (CTLV) genome, 3'-terminal region.
- D16681 Citrus tatter leaf virus genes for 242 kDa protein, 36 kDa protein, complete cds.
- DQ273564 Citrus tatter leaf virus coat protein (CP) gene, partial cds.
- EU236258 Apple stem grooving virus isolate YL06 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- EU553489 Citrus tatter leaf virus polyprotein (ORF1) and putative movement protein (ORF2) genes, complete cds.
- FJ223203 Citrus tatter leaf virus isolate QYPG coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ223204 Citrus tatter leaf virus isolate XLB coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ223205 Citrus tatter leaf virus isolate SXH coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ223206 Citrus tatter leaf virus isolate XZX coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ223207 Citrus tatter leaf virus isolate CXT coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ223208 Citrus tatter leaf virus isolate YHC coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ223209 Citrus tatter leaf virus isolate YYG coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ223210 Citrus tatter leaf virus isolate BJNM coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ223211 Citrus tatter leaf virus isolate JG coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ223212 Citrus tatter leaf virus isolate XHC coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ223213 Citrus tatter leaf virus isolate DYDG coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ223214 Citrus tatter leaf virus isolate QC4 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ223215 Citrus tatter leaf virus isolate BDZ coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ223216 Citrus tatter leaf virus isolate HH1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ223217 Citrus tatter leaf virus isolate WZMG coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ223218 Citrus tatter leaf virus isolate LC coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ223219 Citrus tatter leaf virus isolate GB coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ223220 Citrus tatter leaf virus isolate LH coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ355920 Citrus tatter leaf virus strain LCd-NA-1, complete genome.
- FJ608985 Apple stem grooving virus isolate P-4-1-69 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- FJ608986 Apple stem grooving virus isolate P-L2 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- FM204881 Apple stem grooving virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA
- FN393044 Apple stem grooving virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolated from pear in India
- FN599521 Apple stem grooving virus cp gene for coat protein, isolate Palampur
- FR750317 Apple stem grooving virus mp gene for movement protein, strain ASGV
- GQ330293 Apple stem grooving virus isolate P-6-1-17 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- GQ330294 Apple stem grooving virus isolate P-D-21 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HE978837 Apple stem grooving virus clone ASGVp12 complete genome
- HM352770 Apple stem grooving virus isolate TS1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HM352771 Apple stem grooving virus isolate TS2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HM352772 Apple stem grooving virus isolate AGJP-22 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN701424 Apple stem grooving virus isolate HH, complete genome.
- JN792471 Apple stem grooving virus isolate A211 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792472 Apple stem grooving virus isolate A175 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792473 Apple stem grooving virus isolate A135 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792474 Apple stem grooving virus isolate A124 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792475 Apple stem grooving virus isolate A102 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792476 Apple stem grooving virus isolate A67 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792477 Apple stem grooving virus isolate A50 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792478 Apple stem grooving virus isolate A36 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792479 Apple stem grooving virus isolate A19 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792480 Apple stem grooving virus isolate A161 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792481 Apple stem grooving virus isolate A97 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792482 Apple stem grooving virus isolate A71 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792483 Apple stem grooving virus isolate A62 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792484 Apple stem grooving virus isolate P65 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792485 Apple stem grooving virus isolate P48 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792486 Apple stem grooving virus isolate P33 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792487 Apple stem grooving virus isolate P21 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792488 Apple stem grooving virus isolate P13 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792489 UNVERIFIED: Apple stem grooving virus isolate P191 coat protein-like gene, partial sequence.
- JN792490 Apple stem grooving virus isolate P161 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792491 Apple stem grooving virus isolate P141 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792492 Apple stem grooving virus isolate P67 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792493 Apple stem grooving virus isolate P26 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN792494 Apple stem grooving virus isolate P12 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JN871585 Apple stem grooving virus isolate LJ-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN871586 Apple stem grooving virus isolate ML-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN871587 Apple stem grooving virus isolate TJX-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN871588 Apple stem grooving virus isolate TJX-2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN871589 Apple stem grooving virus isolate ZT-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JN871590 Apple stem grooving virus isolate ZT-2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JQ308181 Apple stem grooving virus isolate ASGV-CHN, complete genome.
- JQ765412 Citrus tatter leaf virus strain shatang orange, complete genome.
- JX080201 Apple stem grooving virus isolate AC, complete genome.
- JX416228 Citrus tatter leaf virus isolate CTLV-Pk, complete genome.
- KC588947 Citrus tatter leaf virus strain CTLV-XHC, complete genome.
- KC588948 Citrus tatter leaf virus strain CTLV-MTH, complete genome.
Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV) - Foveavirus
- AB045371 Apple stem pitting virus gene for RNA polymerase, complete cds.
- AF345892 Apple stem pitting virus strain ST54 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- AF345893 Apple stem pitting virus strain GNKVII/34 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- AF345894 Apple stem pitting virus strain ST132 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- AF345895 Apple stem pitting virus strain ST113 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- AF438521 Apple stem pitting virus strain MT32 coat protein mRNA, complete cds.
- AF438522 Apple stem pitting virus strain MT24 coat protein mRNA, complete cds.
- AF491929 Apple stem pitting virus strain GNKIII/45 coat protein (CP) mRNA, complete cds.
- AF491930 Apple stem pitting virus strain J335 coat protein (CP) mRNA, complete cds.
- AF491931 Apple stem pitting virus strain N1 coat protein (CP) mRNA, complete cds.
- AF495382 Apple stem pitting virus strain ST181 coat protein (CP) mRNA, complete cds.
- AY572458 Apple stem pitting virus coat protein gene, complete cds.
- D21828 Pear vein yellows virus gene for coat protein, complete cds.
- D21829 Apple stem pitting virus genes for RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, triple gene block ORFs and coat protein, complete cds.
- DQ003336 Apple stem pitting virus isolate MHczAp coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- EU095327 Apple stem pitting virus isolate PR1 (Pear), complete genome.
- EU314950 Apple stem pitting virus coat protein (cp) gene, complete cds.
- EU708018 Apple stem pitting virus isolate ASPV-p1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ619187 Apple stem pitting virus isolate 38 coat protein (cp) gene, partial cds.
- FJ619188 Apple stem pitting virus isolate 24 coat protein (cp) gene, partial cds.
- FN433599 Apple stem pitting virus TGB ORF genes and CP gene, genomic RNA, isolate Palampur
- FR694186 Apple stem pitting virus complete genome, isolate Palampur
- FR694922 Apple stem pitting virus CP gene for coat protein, genomic RNA, isolate Rhoru
- HM125156 Apple stem pitting virus isolate pv11 coat protein mRNA, complete cds.
- HM125157 Apple stem pitting virus isolate pv2 coat protein mRNA, complete cds.
- HM125158 Apple stem pitting virus isolate pv7 coat protein mRNA, complete cds.
- HM125159 Apple stem pitting virus isolate pv5 coat protein mRNA, complete cds.
- HM352767 Apple stem pitting virus isolate VY1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
- JF946772 Apple stem pitting virus isolate KL9, complete genome.
- JF946773 Apple stem pitting virus isolate KL2 coat protein (cp) gene, complete cds.
- JF946774 Apple stem pitting virus isolate Y2 coat protein (cp) gene, complete cds.
- JF946775 Apple stem pitting virus isolate KL1, complete genome.
Apricot latent virus (ApLV) - Foveavirus
- AF057035 Apricot latent virus putative coat protein mRNA, complete cds.
- AF318062 Peach sooty ringspot virus RNA polymerase gene, partial cds; coat protein gene, complete cds; and unknown genes.
- GQ919051 Apricot latent virus isolate AprSp.mur1 putative 7kD viral coat protein gene, partial cds; and coat protein gene, complete cds.
- HQ339956 Apricot latent virus isolate A18, complete genome.
- HQ339957 Apricot latent virus isolate SB12452, complete genome.
- HQ339958 Apricot latent virus isolate LA2, complete genome.
- HQ339959 Apricot latent virus isolate Caserta 12, complete genome.
Apricot pseudo-chlorotic leaf spot virus (APCLSV) - Trichovirus
- AY713379 Apricot pseudo-chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate Sus2, complete genome.
- AY713380 Apricot pseudo-chlorotic leaf spot virus isolate ARPox1 216 kDa protein (ORF1) gene, partial cds; and 51 kDa protein (ORF2) and 22 kDa protein (ORF3) genes, complete cds.
- JN873309 Apricot pseudo-chlorotic leaf spot virus clone SQ7-1 coat protein gene, complete cds.
Aquamavirus A (SePV-1) - Aquamavirus
- EU142040 Seal picornavirus type 1 isolate HO.02.21, complete genome.
Aquareovirus A (ARV-A) - Aquareovirus
- AF418294 Chum salmon reovirus CSV segment 1, complete sequence.
- AF418295 Chum salmon reovirus CSV segment 2, complete sequence.
- AF418296 Chum salmon reovirus CSV segment 3, complete sequence.
- AF418297 Chum salmon reovirus CSV segment 4, partial sequence.
- AF418298 Chum salmon reovirus CSV segment 5, complete sequence.
- AF418299 Chum salmon reovirus CSV segment 6, complete sequence.
- AF418300 Chum salmon reovirus CSV segment 7, complete sequence.
- AF418301 Chum salmon reovirus CSV segment 8, complete sequence.
- AF418302 Chum salmon reovirus CSV segment 9, complete sequence.
- AF418303 Chum salmon reovirus CSV segment 10, complete sequence.
- AF418304 Chum salmon reovirus CSV segment 11, complete sequence.
Aquareovirus C (ARV-C) - Aquareovirus
- AF234321 Grass carp hemorrhagic virus segment S11 nonstructural protein NS26 and nonstructural protein NS20 genes, complete cds.
- AF236688 Grass carp hemorrhagic virus segment S10 outer capsid protein VP7 gene, complete cds.
- AF239174 Grass carp hemorrhagic virus segment S7 nonstructural protein NS15.6, nonstructural protein NS12, and nonstructural protein NS31 mRNAs, complete cds.
- AF239175 Grass carp hemorrhagic virus segment M6 outer capsid protein VP5 gene, complete cds.
- AF251262 Grass carp hemorrhagic virus segment M5 inner capsid protein VP4 gene, complete cds.
- AF259053 Grass carp reovirus segment S8 outer capsid protein VP6 gene, complete cds.
- AF260511 Grass carp reovirus segment 1, complete sequence.
- AF284502 Grass carp hemorrhagic virus segment L2 inner capsid protein VP2 gene, complete cds.
- AF284503 Grass carp hemorrhagic virus segment L3 inner capsid protein VP3 gene, complete cds.
- AF284504 Grass carp hemorrhagic virus segment S9 nonstructural protein NS38 gene, complete cds.
- AF403398 Golden shiner reovirus segment 1 guanylyl transferase/methyl transferase VP1 gene, complete cds.
- AF403399 Golden shiner reovirus segment 2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase VP2 gene, complete cds.
- AF403400 Golden shiner reovirus segment 3 NTPase/helicase VP3 gene, complete cds.
- AF403401 Golden shiner reovirus segment 4 non-structural protein NS1 gene, complete cds.
- AF403402 Golden shiner reovirus segment 5 putative core protein NTPase/VP5 gene, complete cds.
- AF403403 Golden shiner reovirus segment 6 putative outer capsid VP4 gene, complete cds.
- AF403404 Golden shiner reovirus segment 7 non-structural protein NS5 and non-structural protein NS4 genes, complete cds.
- AF403405 Golden shiner reovirus segment 8 core protein VP6 gene, complete cds.
- AF403406 Golden shiner reovirus segment 9 non-structural protein NS2 gene, complete cds.
- AF403407 Golden shiner reovirus segment 10 outer capsid VP7 gene, complete cds.
- AF403408 Golden shiner reovirus segment 11 non-structural protein NS3 gene, complete cds.
Aquareovirus E (ARV-E) - Aquareovirus
- HM989930 Scophthalmus maximus reovirus segment L1, complete sequence.
- HM989931 Scophthalmus maximus reovirus segment L2, complete sequence.
- HM989932 Scophthalmus maximus reovirus segment L3, complete sequence.
- HM989933 Scophthalmus maximus reovirus segment M4, complete sequence.
- HM989934 Scophthalmus maximus reovirus segment M5, complete sequence.
- HM989935 Scophthalmus maximus reovirus segment M6, complete sequence.
- HM989936 Scophthalmus maximus reovirus segment S7, complete sequence.
- HM989937 Scophthalmus maximus reovirus segment S8, complete sequence.
- HM989938 Scophthalmus maximus reovirus segment S9, complete sequence.
- HM989939 Scophthalmus maximus reovirus segment S10, complete sequence.
- HM989940 Scophthalmus maximus reovirus segment S11, complete sequence.
Aquareovirus G (ARV-G) - Aquareovirus
- EF589098 American grass carp reovirus strain AGCRV_PB01-155 segment 1, complete sequence.
- EF589099 American grass carp reovirus strain AGCRV_PB01-155 segment 2, complete sequence.
- EF589100 American grass carp reovirus strain AGCRV_PB01-155 segment 3, complete sequence.
- EF589101 American grass carp reovirus strain AGCRV_PB01-155 segment 4, complete sequence.
- EF589102 American grass carp reovirus strain AGCRV_PB01-155 segment 5, complete sequence.
- EF589103 American grass carp reovirus strain AGCRV_PB01-155 segment 6, complete sequence.
- EF589104 American grass carp reovirus strain AGCRV_PB01-155 segment 7, complete sequence.
- EF589105 American grass carp reovirus strain AGCRV_PB01-155 segment 8, complete sequence.
- EF589106 American grass carp reovirus strain AGCRV_PB01-155 segment 9, complete sequence.
- EF589107 American grass carp reovirus strain AGCRV_PB01-155 segment 10, complete sequence.
- EF589108 American grass carp reovirus strain AGCRV_PB01-155 segment 11, complete sequence.
Arabidopsis thaliana Art1 virus (AthArt1V) - Pseudovirus
- Y08010 A.thaliana lectin receptor kinase gene
Arabidopsis thaliana AtRE1 virus (AthAtRE1V) - Pseudovirus
- AB021265 Arabidopsis thaliana copia-like retrotransposon AtRE1 gene for polyprotein, complete cds, strain Landsberg erecta.
Arabidopsis thaliana Endovir virus (AthEndV) - Sirevirus
- AY016208 Arabidopsis thaliana retrotransposon Endovir1-1, complete sequence.
Arabidopsis thaliana Evelknievel virus (AthEveV) - Pseudovirus
- AF039373 Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype RLD chromomethylase (CMT1) gene, complete cds.
Arabidopsis thaliana Ta1 virus (AthTA1V) - Pseudovirus
- X13291 Arabidopsis thaliana DNA for copia-like transposable element Ta1-3
Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV) - Nepovirus
- AB279739 Arabis mosaic virus genomic RNA, segment RNA2, complete sequence, isolated from butterbur.
- AB279740 Arabis mosaic virus genomic RNA, segment RNA2, complete sequence, ioslated from narcissus.
- AB279741 Arabis mosaic virus genomic RNA, segment RNA2, complete sequence, isolated from lily.
- AF438345 Arabis mosaic virus isolate T71 putative movement protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AF438346 Arabis mosaic virus isolate W17 putative movement protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AF438347 Arabis mosaic virus isolate Weyhen putative movement protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AF438358 Arabis mosaic virus isolate Muscadelle putative movement protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AY017339 Arabis mosaic virus isolate NW segment RNA2 polyprotein P2 gene, complete cds.
- AY303786 Arabis mosaic virus segment RNA1, complete sequence.
- D10086 Arabis mosaic virus RNA for coat protein, partial cds.
- EF426853 Arabis mosaic virus isolate Ta polyprotein P2 gene, complete cds.
- EU433920 Arabis mosaic virus isolate ArMV-MD segment RNA 2 polyprotein P2 gene, partial cds.
- EU617326 Arabis mosaic virus isolate Lv segment RNA1, complete sequence.
- EU617327 Arabis mosaic virus isolate Lv segment RNA2, complete sequence.
- GQ369526 Arabis mosaic virus isolate ba segment RNA1-I, complete sequence.
- GQ369527 Arabis mosaic virus isolate ba segment RNA1-II, complete sequence.
- GQ369528 Arabis mosaic virus isolate ba segment RNA1-III, complete sequence.
- GQ369529 Arabis mosaic virus isolate ba segment RNA2-IV, complete sequence.
- GQ369530 Arabis mosaic virus isolate ba segment RNA2-V, complete sequence.
- HQ834962 Arabis mosaic virus isolate DU13 segment RNA2 polyprotein P2 gene, complete cds.
- JQ975057 Arabis mosaic virus isolate DU13 segment RNA1, complete sequence.
- X55460 Arabis Mosaic virus gene (RNA) coding for coat protein
- X81814 Arabis mosaic virus RNA for polyprotein P2-U
- X81815 Arabis mosaic virus RNA for polyprotein P2-L
Arabis mosaic virus large satellite RNA () - Large satellite RNAs
- D00664 Arabis mosaic virus large satellite RNA gene for hypothetical protein, complete cds.
- DQ187315 Arabis mosaic virus isolate hop satellite-encoded protein mRNA, complete cds.
- DQ187316 Arabis mosaic virus isolate J86 satellite-encoded protein mRNA, complete cds.
- DQ187317 Arabis mosaic virus isolate NW satellite-encoded protein mRNA, complete cds.
- DQ187318 Arabis mosaic virus isolate P116 satellite-encoded protein mRNA, complete cds.
- DQ187319 Arabis mosaic virus isolate P119 satellite-encoded protein mRNA, complete cds.
Arabis mosaic virus small satellite RNA () - Circular satellite RNAs
- GQ369531 Arabis mosaic virus small satellite RNA barley/CHE/1991 isolate ba, complete sequence.
- M21212 Arabis mosaic virus small satellite RNA, complete genome.
Araujia mosaic virus (ArjMV) - Potyvirus
- EF710625 Araujia mosaic virus isolate ARG1973 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
Aravan virus (ARAV) - Lyssavirus
Arctic squirrel hepatitis virus (ASHV) - Orthohepadnavirus
- U29144 Arctic ground squirrel hepatitis B virus (ASHV), complete genome.
Arisaema potyvirus 1 () - Potyvirus
- FJ546415 Arisaema potyvirus 1 isolate AR-2 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
Arisaema potyvirus 2 () - Potyvirus
- FJ546416 Arisaema potyvirus 2 isolate AR-12 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
Armero virus (ARMV) - Phlebovirus
- HQ661805 Armero virus strain Co Ar 170396 segment L, complete sequence.
- HQ661806 Armero virus strain Co Ar 170396 segment M, complete sequence.
- HQ661807 Armero virus strain Co Ar 170396 segment S, complete sequence.
Aroa virus (AROAV) - Flavivirus
- AY632536 Bussuquara virus strain BeAn 4073, complete genome.
- AY632538 Iguape virus strain SPAn 71686, complete genome.
Arracacha mottle virus (AMoV) - Potyvirus
- DQ925486 Arracacha mottle virus isolate C-17, complete genome.
Arracacha virus B (AVB) - Cheravirus
- JQ437415 Arracacha virus B isolate PV-0082 polyprotein gene, complete cds.
- JQ581051 Arracacha virus B strain oca segment RNA2, complete sequence.
Artemisia virus A () - Sobemovirus
- JN620802 Artemisia virus A, complete genome.
Artichoke mottled crinkle virus (AMCV) - Tombusvirus
- X51456 Artichoke mottled crinkle virus genomic RNA 3' terminal region
- X62493 Artichoke Mottled Crinkle Virus complete genome
Artichoke yellow ringspot virus (AYRSV) - Nepovirus
- AM087671 Artichoke yellow ringspot virus partial gene for polyprotein, genomic RNA, from Allium cepa
- EF205130 Tomato white ringspot virus isolate T818 segment RNA1 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EF205131 Tomato white ringspot virus isolate T818 segment RNA2 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
Arumowot virus (AMTV) - Phlebovirus
- HM566143 Arumowot virus segment M, complete sequence.
- HM566144 Arumowot virus segment L, complete sequence.
- HM566145 Arumowot virus segment S, complete sequence.
Asclepias asymptomatic virus () - Tymovirus
- HQ425778 Asclepias asymptomatic virus, complete genome.
Asian prunus virus 1 () - Foveavirus
- DQ205236 Asian prunus virus 1 isolate Bungo Q1256-01 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) gene, partial cds; and triple gene block protein 1 (TGBp1), triple gene block protein 2 (TGBp2), triple gene block protein 3 (TGBp3), and coat protein (CP) genes, complete cds.
- FJ824737 Asian prunus virus 1 isolate tatao5, complete genome.
Asian prunus virus 2 () - Foveavirus
- DQ205237 Asian prunus virus 2 isolate Bungo 2 Q1256-01 triple gene block protein 2 (TGBp2) gene, partial cds; and triple gene block protein 3 (TGBp3) and coat protein (CP) genes, complete cds.
Asian prunus virus 3 () - Foveavirus
- DQ205238 Asian prunus virus 3 isolate Ku Chu'a Hung Q-375-18 triple gene block protein 3 (TGBp3) gene, partial cds; and coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
Asparagus virus 2 (AV-2) - Ilarvirus
- AB745623 Asparagus virus 2 CP gene for coat protein, complete cds, isolate: JP-Ha.
- AB745624 Asparagus virus 2 CP gene for coat protein, complete cds, isolate: JP-Ku.
- AB745625 Asparagus virus 2 CP gene for coat protein, complete cds, isolate: JP-Iw.
- AB745626 Asparagus virus 2 CP gene for coat protein, complete cds, isolate: Peru.
- AB745627 Asparagus virus 2 CP gene for coat protein, complete cds, isolate: Australia.
- AB745628 Asparagus virus 2 CP gene for coat protein, complete cds, isolate: Mexico1.
- AB745629 Asparagus virus 2 CP gene for coat protein, complete cds, isolate: Mexico2.
- AB745630 Asparagus virus 2 2b gene for 2b protein, complete cds, isolate: JP-Ha.
- AB745631 Asparagus virus 2 2b gene for 2b protein, complete cds, isolate: JP-Ku.
- AB745632 Asparagus virus 2 2b gene for 2b protein, complete cds, isolate: JP-Iw.
- AB745633 Asparagus virus 2 2b gene for 2b protein, complete cds, isolate: Peru.
- AB745634 Asparagus virus 2 2b gene for 2b protein, complete cds, isolate: Australia.
- AB745635 Asparagus virus 2 2b gene for 2b protein, complete cds, isolate: Mexico1.
- AB745636 Asparagus virus 2 2b gene for 2b protein, complete cds, isolate: Mexico2.
- EU919666 Asparagus virus 2 segment RNA1, complete sequence.
- EU919667 Asparagus virus 2 segment RNA2, complete sequence.
- X86352 Asparagus virus II RNA3 ORF1 & ORF2
Asparagus virus 3 (AV-3) - Potexvirus
- AB304848 Asparagus virus 3 genomic RNA, complete genome.
- AJ316085 Scallion virus X, complete genome
Asystasia begomovirus 1 () - Begomovirus
- JF694484 Asystasia begomovirus 1 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- JF694485 Asystasia begomovirus 1 isolate ABgV1 segment DNA-B, complete sequence.
Asystasia begomovirus 2 () - Begomovirus
- JF694486 Asystasia begomovirus 2 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- JF694487 Asystasia begomovirus 2 segment defective DNA-A2, complete sequence.
Atlantic salmon paramyxovirus (AsaPV) - Aquaparamyxovirus
- EF646380 Atlantic salmon paramyxovirus strain ASPV-Ro, complete genome.
Atypical pestivirus () - Pestivirus
- FJ040215 Bovine viral diarrhea virus 3 Th/04_KhonKaen, complete genome.
Aura virus (AURAV) - Alphavirus
- AF126284 Aura virus polyprotein 1 and polyprotein 2 genes, complete cds.
Australian bat lyssavirus (ABLV) - Lyssavirus
- AF418014 Australian bat lyssavirus, complete genome.
Australian grapevine viroid (AGVd) - Apscaviroid
- AF462154 Grapevine viroid clone Syrah complete genome.
- AF462155 Grapevine viroid clone Cari2 complete genome.
- AF462156 Grapevine viroid clone Cari1 complete genome.
- DQ362908 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-40, complete genome.
- DQ362909 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-5, complete genome.
- DQ362910 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-47, complete genome.
- DQ362911 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-12, complete genome.
- DQ362912 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-56, complete genome.
- DQ362913 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-13, complete genome.
- DQ362914 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-21, complete genome.
- DQ362915 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-91, complete genome.
- EU743601 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-2, complete genome.
- EU743602 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-7, complete genome.
- EU743603 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-11, complete genome.
- EU743604 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-16, complete genome.
- EU743605 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-18, complete genome.
- EU743606 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-2, complete genome.
- EU743607 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-11, complete genome.
- EU743608 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-20, complete genome.
- EU743609 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-36, complete genome.
- EU743610 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-83, complete genome.
- EU743611 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-139, complete genome.
- EU743612 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-164, complete genome.
- FJ746743 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-8, complete genome.
- FJ746744 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-9, complete genome.
- FJ746745 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-10, complete genome.
- FJ746746 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-12, complete genome.
- FJ746747 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-13, complete genome.
- FJ746748 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-14, complete genome.
- FJ746749 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-15, complete genome.
- FJ746750 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-24, complete genome.
- FJ746751 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-25, complete genome.
- FJ746752 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-26, complete genome.
- FJ746753 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-30, complete genome.
- FJ746754 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-33, complete genome.
- FJ746755 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-34, complete genome.
- FJ746756 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-35, complete genome.
- FJ746757 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-37, complete genome.
- FJ746758 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-38, complete genome.
- FJ746759 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-40, complete genome.
- FJ746760 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-41, complete genome.
- FJ746761 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-45, complete genome.
- FJ746762 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-47, complete genome.
- FJ746763 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-49, complete genome.
- FJ746764 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-53, complete genome.
- FJ746765 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-54, complete genome.
- FJ746766 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-58, complete genome.
- FJ746767 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-59, complete genome.
- FJ746768 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-61, complete genome.
- FJ746769 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-64, complete genome.
- FJ746770 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-65, complete genome.
- FJ746771 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-69, complete genome.
- FJ746772 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-72, complete genome.
- FJ746773 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-78, complete genome.
- FJ746774 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-81, complete genome.
- FJ746775 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-83, complete genome.
- FJ746776 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-84, complete genome.
- FJ746777 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-93, complete genome.
- FJ746778 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-94, complete genome.
- FJ746779 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-96, complete genome.
- FJ746780 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-97, complete genome.
- FJ746781 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-99, complete genome.
- FJ746782 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-100, complete genome.
- FJ746783 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-101, complete genome.
- FJ746784 Australian grapevine viroid clone 16-102, complete genome.
- FJ746785 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-1, complete genome.
- FJ746786 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-6, complete genome.
- FJ746787 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-11, complete genome.
- FJ746788 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-20, complete genome.
- FJ746789 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-21-2, complete genome.
- FJ746790 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-24, complete genome.
- FJ746791 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-32, complete genome.
- FJ746792 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-33, complete genome.
- FJ746793 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-36, complete genome.
- FJ746794 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-37, complete genome.
- FJ746795 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-39, complete genome.
- FJ746796 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-42, complete genome.
- FJ746797 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-49, complete genome.
- FJ746798 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-52, complete genome.
- FJ746799 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-58, complete genome.
- FJ746800 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-65, complete genome.
- FJ746801 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-67, complete genome.
- FJ746802 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-77, complete genome.
- FJ746803 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-92, complete genome.
- FJ746804 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-93, complete genome.
- FJ746805 Australian grapevine viroid clone 1-95, complete genome.
- FJ746806 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-7, complete genome.
- FJ746807 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-10, complete genome.
- FJ746808 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-16, complete genome.
- FJ746809 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-21, complete genome.
- FJ746810 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-27, complete genome.
- FJ746811 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-28, complete genome.
- FJ746812 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-33, complete genome.
- FJ746813 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-41, complete genome.
- FJ746814 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-59, complete genome.
- FJ746815 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-64, complete genome.
- FJ746816 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-68, complete genome.
- FJ746817 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-70, complete genome.
- FJ746818 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-89, complete genome.
- FJ746819 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-92, complete genome.
- FJ746820 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-105, complete genome.
- FJ746821 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-120, complete genome.
- FJ746822 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-129, complete genome.
- FJ746823 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-135, complete genome.
- FJ746824 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-145, complete genome.
- FJ746825 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-148, complete genome.
- FJ746826 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-159, complete genome.
- FJ746827 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-163, complete genome.
- FJ746828 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-166, complete genome.
- FJ746829 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-172, complete genome.
- FJ746830 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-173, complete genome.
- FJ746831 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-177, complete genome.
- FJ746832 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-183, complete genome.
- FJ746833 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-184, complete genome.
- FJ746834 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-187, complete genome.
- FJ746835 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-212, complete genome.
- FJ746836 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-215, complete genome.
- FJ746837 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-217, complete genome.
- FJ746838 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-221, complete genome.
- FJ746839 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-222, complete genome.
- FJ746840 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-227, complete genome.
- FJ746841 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-240, complete genome.
- FJ746842 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-243, complete genome.
- FJ746843 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-244, complete genome.
- FJ746844 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-271, complete genome.
- FJ746845 Australian grapevine viroid clone 22-275, complete genome.
- FJ940923 Australian grapevine viroid strain AGVd18, complete genome.
- HM211854 Australian grapevine viroid isolate F3, complete genome.
- JN008865 Australian grapevine viroid isolate Kheljan, complete genome.
- JQ686700 Australian grapevine viroid isolate AGVd-Bm10#1, complete genome.
- JQ686701 Australian grapevine viroid isolate AGVd-Bm10#2, complete genome.
- JQ686702 Australian grapevine viroid isolate AGVd-CF7#1, complete genome.
- JQ686703 Australian grapevine viroid isolate AGVd-CF7#2, complete genome.
- JQ686704 Australian grapevine viroid isolate AGVd-AO14#1, complete genome.
- JQ686705 Australian grapevine viroid isolate BKh1#9, complete genome.
- JQ686706 Australian grapevine viroid isolate BKh1#8, complete genome.
- JQ686707 Australian grapevine viroid isolate BKh1#6, complete genome.
- JX110704 Australian grapevine viroid isolate 3, complete sequence.
- JX110705 Australian grapevine viroid isolate 2, complete sequence.
- JX110706 Australian grapevine viroid isolate 1, complete sequence.
- JX110707 Australian grapevine viroid isolate 5, complete sequence.
- X17101 Australian grapevine viroid central conserved sequence
Avastrovirus 1 (AvAstV-1) - Avastrovirus
- Y15936 Turkey astrovirus 1 complete genome, genomic RNA
Avastrovirus 2 (AvAstV-2) - Avastrovirus
- AB033998 Avian nephritis virus gene for structural polyprotein, non-structural polyprotein, complete cds.
Avastrovirus 3 (AvAstV-3) - Avastrovirus
- AF206663 Turkey astrovirus 2 polyprotein gene, complete cds; RNA polymerase gene, partial cds; and capsid protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ434664 Duck astrovirus C-NGB, complete genome.
Avian adeno-associated virus (AAAV) - Dependovirus
- AY186198 Avian adeno-associated virus ATCC VR-865, complete genome.
Avian carcinoma Mill Hill virus 2 (ACMHV-2) - Alpharetrovirus
- M14008 Recombinant avian retrovirus MH2E21, complete genome.
Avian coronavirus (AvCoV) - Gammacoronavirus
- EU095850 Turkey coronavirus isolate MG10, complete genome.
- M95169 Avian infectious bronchitis virus pol protein, spike protein, small virion-associated protein, membrane protein, and nucleocapsid protein genes, complete cds.
Avian encephalomyelitis virus (AEV) - Tremovirus
- AJ225173 avian encephalomyelitis virus mRNA for polyprotein
Avian endogenous retrovirus () - Unassigned Retroviridae
- AJ238124 Avian endogenous retrovirus EAV-HP, complete genome, specific host: Gallus gallus domesticus(Chicken,line N)
Avian gyrovirus 2 () - Gyrovirus
- HM590588 Avian gyrovirus 2, complete genome.
Avian hepatitis E virus (AHEV) - Unassigned Hepeviridae
- AY535004 Avian hepatitis E virus, complete genome.
Avian leukosis virus (ALV) - Alpharetrovirus
- M37980 Avian leukemia virus ALV-RSA genome.
Avian metapneumovirus (AMPV) - Metapneumovirus
- DQ009484 Avian metapneumovirus, complete genome.
Avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV) - Alpharetrovirus
- AF033809 Avian myelocytomatosis virus, complete genome.
Avian orthoreovirus (ARV) - Orthoreovirus
- FR694191 Avian orthoreovirus segment L1, strain AVS-B, genomic RNA
- FR694192 Avian orthoreovirus segment L2, strain AVS-B, genomic RNA
- FR694193 Avian orthoreovirus segment L3, strain AVS-B, genomic RNA
- FR694194 Avian orthoreovirus segment M1, strain AVS-B, genomic RNA
- FR694195 Avian orthoreovirus segment M2, strain AVS-B, genomic RNA
- FR694196 Avian orthoreovirus segment M3, strain AVS-B, genomic RNA
- FR694197 Avian orthoreovirus segment S1, strain AVS-B, genomic RNA
- FR694198 Avian orthoreovirus segment S2, strain AVS-B, genomic RNA
- FR694199 Avian orthoreovirus segment S3, strain AVS-B, genomic RNA
- FR694200 Avian orthoreovirus segment S4, strain AVS-B, genomic RNA
Avian paramyxovirus 4 (APMV-4) - Avulavirus
- JX987283 Avian paramyxovirus 4 strain APMV-4/duck/Delaware/549227/2010, complete genome.
Avian paramyxovirus 6 (APMV-6) - Avulavirus
- AY029299 Avian paramyxovirus 6 complete genome.
Avian sapelovirus () - Sapelovirus
- AY563023 Duck picornavirus TW90A, complete genome.
Avian sarcoma virus CT10 (ASV-CT10) - Alpharetrovirus
- M10455 UR2 sarcoma virus, complete genome.
Avocado sunblotch viroid (ASBVd) - Avsunviroid
- AF229815 Avocado sunblotch viroid Sc isolate CF1, complete sequence.
- AF229816 Avocado sunblotch viroid Sc isolate CF2, complete sequence.
- AF229817 Avocado sunblotch viroid Sc isolate CF3, complete sequence.
- AF229818 Avocado sunblotch viroid Sc isolate CF4, complete sequence.
- AF229819 Avocado sunblotch viroid Sc isolate CF5, complete sequence.
- AF229820 Avocado sunblotch viroid B isolate CF6, complete sequence.
- AF229821 Avocado sunblotch viroid B isolate CF7, complete sequence.
- AF229822 Avocado sunblotch viroid B isolate CF8, complete sequence.
- AF229823 Avocado sunblotch viroid B isolate CF9, complete sequence.
- AF229824 Avocado sunblotch viroid B isolate CF10, complete sequence.
- AF229825 Avocado sunblotch viroid Sc isolate CF11, complete sequence.
- AF229826 Avocado sunblotch viroid Sc isolate CF12, complete sequence.
- AF229827 Avocado sunblotch viroid Sc isolate CF13, complete sequence.
- AF229828 Avocado sunblotch viroid Sc isolate CF14, complete sequence.
- AF404029 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF15, complete genome.
- AF404030 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF16, complete genome.
- AF404031 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF17, complete genome.
- AF404032 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF18, complete genome.
- AF404033 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF19, complete genome.
- AF404034 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF20, complete genome.
- AF404035 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF21, complete genome.
- AF404036 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF22, complete genome.
- AF404037 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF23, complete genome.
- AF404038 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF24, complete genome.
- AF404039 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF25, complete genome.
- AF404040 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF26, complete genome.
- AF404041 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF27, complete genome.
- AF404042 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF28, complete genome.
- AF404043 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF29, complete genome.
- AF404044 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF30, complete genome.
- AF404045 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF31, complete genome.
- AF404046 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF32, complete genome.
- AF404047 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF33, complete genome.
- AF404048 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF34, complete genome.
- AF404049 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF35, complete genome.
- AF404050 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF36, complete genome.
- AF404051 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF37, complete genome.
- AF404052 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF38, complete genome.
- AF404053 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF39, complete genome.
- AF404054 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF40, complete genome.
- AF404055 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF41, complete genome.
- AF404056 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF42, complete genome.
- AF404057 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF43, complete genome.
- AF404058 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF44, complete genome.
- AF404059 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF45, complete genome.
- AF404060 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF46, complete genome.
- AF404061 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF47, complete genome.
- AF404062 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF48, complete genome.
- AF404063 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF49, complete genome.
- AF404064 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF50, complete genome.
- AF404065 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF51, complete genome.
- AF404066 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF52, complete genome.
- AF404067 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF53, complete genome.
- AF404068 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF54, complete genome.
- AF404069 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF55, complete genome.
- AF404070 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF56, complete genome.
- AF404071 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF57, complete genome.
- AF404072 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF58, complete genome.
- AF404073 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF59, complete genome.
- AF404074 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CF60, complete genome.
- EU519466 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CPMICH-1, complete genome.
- EU519467 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CPMICH-2, complete genome.
- EU519468 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate CPMICH-3, complete genome.
- EU888588 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate AvdMx.Hass1, complete genome.
- EU888589 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate AvdMx.Hass2, complete genome.
- EU888590 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate AvdMx.Hass3, complete genome.
- EU888591 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate AvdMx.Hass4, complete genome.
- EU888592 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate AvdMx.Hass5, complete genome.
- EU888593 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate AvdMx.Hass6, complete genome.
- EU888594 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate AvdMx.Hass7, complete genome.
- EU888595 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate AvdMx.Hass8, complete genome.
- EU888596 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate AvdMx.Hass9, complete genome.
- EU888597 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate AvdMx.Hass10, complete genome.
- HQ700589 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate ASBVd1, complete sequence.
- HQ700590 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate ASBVd2, complete sequence.
- HQ700591 Avocado sunblotch viroid isolate ASBVd3, complete sequence.
- J02020 Avocado sunblotch viroid, complete genome.
- M27297 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant A-1.
- M31085 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variants A-2 and C-1.
- M31086 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant B-1.
- M31087 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant B-2.
- M31088 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant B-3.
- M31089 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant B-4.
- M31090 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant B-5.
- M31091 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant B-6.
- M31092 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant C-2.
- M31093 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant C-3.
- M31094 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant C-4.
- M31095 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant C-5.
- M31096 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant C-6.
- M31097 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant C-7.
- M31098 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant C-8.
- M31099 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant C-9.
- M31100 Avocado sunblotch viroid complete sequence, variant C-10.
- S73860 {symptomless carrier tissue-associated} [avocado sunblotch viroid ASBVd-Sc, Genomic RNA Mutant, 247 nt].
- S73861 {variegated carrier tissue-associated} [avocado sunblotch viroid ASBVd-V, Genomic RNA Mutant, 248 nt].
- S74687 {bleached carrier tissue-associated} [avocado sunblotch viroid ASBVd-B, Genomic RNA Mutant, 250 nt].
- X13000 Avocado sunblotch viroid (ASBV) genomic RNA
- X52041 Avocado sunblotch viroid RNA genome variant I
- X52042 Avocado sunblotch viroid RNA genome variant II
- X52043 Avocado sunblotch viroid RNA genome variant III
- X52044 Avocado sunblotch viroid RNA genome variant IV
- X52045 Avocado sunblotch viroid RNA genome variant V