Plant Virus and Viroid Sequences

J-virus (JPV) - Unassigned Paramyxoviridae

Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV) - Betaretrovirus

  • AY197548 Enzootic nasal tumour virus of goats, complete genome.
  • M80216 Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus, complete genome.

Jacquemontia mosaic Yucatan virus () - Begomovirus

  • JQ821386 Jacquemontia mosaic Yucatan virus segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
  • JQ821387 Jacquemontia mosaic Yucatan virus segment DNA-B, complete sequence.

Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) - Flavivirus

  • AF075723 Japanese encephalitis virus strain GP78, complete genome.
  • M18370 Japanese encephalitis virus (strain JaOArS982), complete genome.

Japanese holly fern mottle virus () - Unassigned ssRNA+ virus

  • FJ907327 Japanese holly fern mottle virus isolate DI segment RNA1 replicase-associated polyprotein and p12 genes, complete cds.
  • FJ907328 Japanese holly fern mottle virus isolate DI segment RNA2 p32, p37, and p29 genes, complete cds.
  • FJ907329 Japanese holly fern mottle virus isolate HR segment RNA2 p32, p37, and p29 genes, complete cds.
  • FJ907330 Japanese holly fern mottle virus isolate JM segment RNA2 p32, p37, and p29 genes, complete cds.

Japanese iris necrotic ring virus (JINRV) - Carmovirus

  • D86123 Japanese iris necrotic ring virus genomic RNA, complete genome.
  • JQ807998 Japanese iris necrotic ring virus isolate Marijiniup10, complete genome.

Japanese soil-borne wheat mosaic virus (JSBWMV) - Furovirus

  • AB033689 Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus genomic RNA 1 for 152-kDa protein, 59-kDa readthrough protein, 37-kDa movement protein, complete and partial cds.
  • AB033690 Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus genomic RNA 2 for capsid protein, 64-kDa readthrough protein, 19-kDa cys-rich protein, complete and partial cds.
  • AJ749657 French Barley Mosaic Virus partial cp gene, cp gene readthrough and cysteine-rich protein gene, genomic segment RNA2
  • AJ749658 French Barley Mosaic Virus partial mRNA for movement protein (mp gene)

Japanese yam mosaic virus (JYMV) - Potyvirus

  • AB016500 Japanese yam mosaic virus gene for polyprotein, complete cds.
  • AB027007 Japanese yam mosaic virus genomic RNA, complete genome.
  • AB027008 Japanese yam mosaic virus gene for coat protein, partial cds, strain:J1B.
  • AB027009 Japanese yam mosaic virus gene for coat protein, partial cds, strain:J2.
  • AB027010 Japanese yam mosaic virus gene for coat protein, partial cds, strain:J3.
  • AB029404 Japanese yam mosaic virus gene for NIb/CP, partial cds.
  • AB029503 Japanese yam mosaic virus gene for NIb/CP, partial cds, strain:J4.
  • AB029504 Japanese yam mosaic virus gene for NIb/CP, partial cds, strain:O1A.
  • AB029505 Japanese yam mosaic virus gene for NIb/CP, partial cds, strain:O1B.
  • AB029506 Japanese yam mosaic virus gene for NIb/CP, partial cds, strain:O1C.
  • AB029507 Japanese yam mosaic virus gene for NIb/CP, partial cds, strain:O2.
  • AB079769 Japanese yam mosaic virus gene for polyprotein, partial cds, isolate:A.
  • AB079770 Japanese yam mosaic virus gene for polyprotein, partial cds, isolate:J1B.
  • AB079771 Japanese yam mosaic virus gene for polyprotein, partial cds, isolate:J2.
  • AB079772 Japanese yam mosaic virus gene for polyprotein, partial cds, isolate:J3.
  • AB079773 Japanese yam mosaic virus gene for polyprotein, partial cds, isolate:J4.
  • AB079774 Japanese yam mosaic virus gene for polyprotein, partial cds, isolate:O1.
  • AB079775 Japanese yam mosaic virus gene for polyprotein, partial cds, isolate:O2.
  • AB539021 Japanese yam mosaic virus gene for polyprotein (NIb and CP region), partial cds.

Jasmine virus T () - Potyvirus

  • EF535842 Jasmine potyvirus T polyprotein gene, partial cds.

Jasmine yellow mosaic virus () - Potyvirus

  • FJ543110 Jasmine yellow mosaic virus polyprotein gene, partial cds.

Jatobal virus () - Orthobunyavirus

  • JQ675601 Jatobal virus strain BeAN_423380 nucleoprotein gene, complete cds.
  • JQ675602 Jatobal virus strain BeAN_423380 polyprotein gene, complete cds.
  • JQ675603 Jatobal virus strain BeAN_423380 polymerase gene, complete cds.

Jatropha leaf curl virus (JLCuV) - Begomovirus

  • EU798996 Jatropha leaf curl virus segment DNA A, complete sequence.
  • GQ499338 Jatropha leaf curl virus isolate Lucknow pre-coat protein gene, complete cds; and coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • GU451249 Jatropha leaf curl virus strain JCLCV/PDVN-MPR-Guj-1 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
  • KC513823 Jatropha leaf curl virus isolate Lucknow segment DNA-A, complete sequence.

Jatropha mosaic India virus () - Begomovirus

  • FJ346232 Jatropha mosaic India virus-[Lucknow] strain 1 segment DNA A AV1 gene, partial cds; AC3 and AC2 genes, complete cds; and AC1 gene, partial cds.
  • GQ847545 Jatropha mosaic India virus-[Lucknow] strain 2 segment DNA A coat protein (AV1) gene, partial cds; replication enhancer protein (AC3) and transcriptional activator protein (AC2) genes, complete cds; and replication-associated protein (AC1) gene, partial cds.
  • GU574210 Jatropha mosaic India virus isolate Lucknow coat protein (AV1) gene, partial cds; replication enhancer protein (AC3) and transcriptional activator protein (AC2) genes, complete cds; and replication-associated protein (AC1) gene, partial cds.
  • GU906292 Jatropha mosaic India virus isolate Rajasthan coat protein (AV1) gene, partial cds; REn protein (AC3) and transcriptional activator protein (AC2) genes, complete cds; and replication-associated protein (AC1) gene, partial cds.
  • HM230683 Jatropha mosaic India virus-[Lucknow] strain SK-2 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
  • HQ113113 Jatropha mosaic India virus-Chilli pepper coat protein gene, complete cds.
  • HQ597029 Jatropha mosaic India virus isolate SILIGU-1 pre-coat protein (AV2) gene, complete cds; and coat protein (AV1) gene, partial cds.
  • HQ840737 Jatropha mosaic India virus-[Lucknow] coat protein (AV1) gene, partial cds; replication enhancer protein (AC3) and transcriptional activator protein (AC2) genes, complete cds; and replication-associated protein (AC1) gene, partial cds.
  • HQ848382 Jatropha mosaic India virus isolate Lucknow coat protein (AV1) gene, partial cds; replication enhancer protein (AC3) and transcriptional activator protein (AC2) genes, complete cds; and replication-associated protein (AC1) gene, partial cds.
  • HQ910408 Jatropha mosaic India virus isolate Aligarh coat protein (AV1) gene, partial cds; replication enhancer protein (AC3) and transcriptional activator protein (AC2) genes, complete cds; and replication-associated protein (AC1) gene, partial cds.
  • JN135236 Jatropha mosaic India virus isolate Katarniaghat segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
  • JN698951 Jatropha mosaic India virus strain JC8 coat protein (AV1) gene, partial cds; replication enhancer protein (AC3) and transcriptional activator protein (AC2) genes, complete cds; and replication-associated protein (AC1) gene, partial cds.
  • JN698952 Jatropha mosaic India virus strain JC7 coat protein (AV1) gene, partial cds; replication enhancer protein (AC3) and transcriptional activator protein (AC2) genes, complete cds; and replication-associated protein (AC1) gene, partial cds.
  • JN698953 Jatropha mosaic India virus isolate Hyderabad coat protein (AV1) gene, partial cds; replication enhancer protein (AC3) and transcriptional activator protein (AC2) genes, complete cds; and replication-associated protein (AC1) gene, partial cds.
  • JN698954 Jatropha mosaic India virus isolate Katerniaghat 2 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
  • JN704612 Jatropha mosaic India virus-[Withania] isolate Aligarh coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
  • JN704613 Jatropha mosaic India virus-[Withania] isolate Rajasthan coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
  • JN704614 Jatropha mosaic India virus-[Withania] isolate SKS-W coat protein (AV1) gene, complete cds.
  • JN807767 Jatropha mosaic India virus-[Jatropha] isolate Gujarat1 coat protein (AV1) gene, partial cds; replication enhancer protein (AC3) and transcriptional activator protein (AC2) genes, complete cds; and replication-associated protein (AC1) gene, partial cds.
  • JN807768 Jatropha mosaic India virus-[Jatropha] isolate Gujarat2 coat protein (AV1) gene, partial cds; replication enhancer protein (AC3) and transcriptional activator protein (AC2) genes, complete cds; and replication-associated protein (AC1) gene, partial cds.

Jatropha mosaic Nigerian virus () - Begomovirus

  • JX025358 Jatropha mosaic Nigerian virus isolate 2 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
  • JX025359 Jatropha mosaic Nigerian virus isolate 3 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
  • JX025360 Jatropha mosaic Nigerian virus isolate 5 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.

Jatropha yellow mosaic virus (JYMV) - Begomovirus

  • FJ177030 Jatropha yellow mosaic India virus segment DNA-A, complete sequence.

Jeju virus () - Hantavirus

  • HQ834695 Jeju virus strain 10-11 nucleocapsid protein gene, complete cds.
  • HQ834696 Jeju virus strain 10-11 glycoprotein precursor, gene, complete cds.
  • HQ834697 Jeju virus strain 10-11 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene, complete cds.

Johnsongrass chlorotic stripe mosaic virus (JGCSMV) - Aureusvirus

  • AJ557804 Johnsongrass chlorotic stripe mosaic virus ORF1, CP gene, p24 gene and p15 gene, genomic RNA

Johnsongrass mosaic virus (JGMV) - Potyvirus

  • AF032404 Johnsongrass mosaic virus Krish-infecting strain polyprotein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387806 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Zma2002Q2 coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387807 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Zma2001Q coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387808 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Sfo2002Q coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387809 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Sha2003Q1 coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387810 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Sha2003Q2 coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387811 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Sha2003Q6 coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387812 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Sha2003Q4 coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387813 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Sha2003Q3 coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387814 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Sha2003Q5 coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387815 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Sha2001Q coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387816 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Sha2000Q coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387817 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Sbi2001Q coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387818 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Sbi2000Q4 coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387819 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Zma2002Q1 coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387820 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Sbi1996W coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387821 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Sbi1996N1 coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387822 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Sbi2000Q3 coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387823 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Sbi1996Q coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387824 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Sbi2000Q2 coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387825 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Sbi2000Q5 coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387826 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Sbi1996N2 coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387827 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Sbi2000Q1 coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • AY387828 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate Zma1996Q coat protein gene, partial cds.
  • KC333416 Johnsongrass mosaic virus isolate CNPGL polyprotein gene, partial cds.
  • U07217 Johnsongrass mosaic virus strain Maize dwarf O polyprotein (nuclear inclusion II protein, coat protein) gene, partial cds.
  • U07218 Johnsongrass mosaic virus strain Maize dwarf KS1 polyprotein (nuclear inclusion II protein, coat protein) gene, partial cds.
  • X05040 Sugarcane mosaic virus RNA for capsid/nuclear inclusion protein (3' terminal genome)
  • Z26920 Johnson grass mosaic virus gene for protease 1 and 3, helper component 6K protein, coat protein, nuclear inclusion proteins.

Jugra virus (JUGV) - Flavivirus

  • DQ859066 Jugra virus strain P-9-314 polyprotein gene, complete cds.

Junin virus (JUNV) - Arenavirus

  • AY358022 Junin virus strain XJ13 segment L, complete sequence.
  • AY358023 Junin virus strain XJ13 segment S, complete sequence.

Jurona virus (JURV) - Vesiculovirus

  • HM566194 Jurona virus, complete genome.