Plant Virus and Viroid Sequences
Walleye dermal sarcoma virus (WDSV) - Epsilonretrovirus
- AF033822 Walleye dermal sarcoma virus complete genome.
Walrus calicivirus (WCV) - Unassigned Caliciviridae
- AF321298 Walrus calicivirus non-structural polyprotein, capsid, and putative nucleic-acid binding protein genes, complete cds.
Wasabi mottle virus (WMoV) - Tobamovirus
- AB017503 Wasabi mottle virus genomic RNA, complete genome, isolate: Shizuoka.
- AB017504 Wasabi mottle virus genomic RNA, complete genome, isolate: Tochigi.
Watercress white vein virus () - Tymovirus
- JN808774 Watercress white vein virus coat protein gene, partial cds.
- JQ001816 Watercress white vein virus isolate 20903772 movement protein, RNA polymerase, and capsid protein genes, complete cds.
Watermelon bud necrosis virus (WBNV) - Tospovirus
- AF045067 Watermelon bud necrosis virus capsid protein (NP) gene, complete cds.
- DQ375810 Watermelon bud necrosis virus from India nucleocapsid protein gene, complete cds.
- EU216024 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate WBNV_To_Del nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU216025 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate WBNV_To_Har nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU216026 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate WBNV_Pu_Raj nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU216027 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate WBNV_Mm_Tam nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU216028 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate WBNV_Cu_Har nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU249351 Watermelon bud necrosis virus segment S, complete sequence.
- EU373741 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Amb nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU373742 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Gos nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU373743 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Pan.1 nucleocapsid gene, complete cds.
- EU373744 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Pan.3 nucleocapsid gene, complete cds.
- EU373745 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Ano.2 nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU373746 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Arl.F nucleocapsid gene, complete cds.
- EU373747 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Dap nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU373748 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Jln.2F nucleocapsid gene, complete cds.
- EU373749 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Jln.L nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU373750 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Jln.1 nucleocapsid gene, complete cds.
- EU373751 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Pai nucleocapsid gene, complete cds.
- EU373752 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Kop nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU373753 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Dal nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU373754 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Dwd nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU373755 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Goa nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU373756 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Dmp.F1 nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU373757 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Dmp.Fr nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU373758 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-God nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU373759 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Alw nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU373760 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Dau nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU373761 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Pur nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU373762 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Mus nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU373763 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Sag nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU373764 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Mub nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU373797 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Jln.3 nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU373798 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-Jln.7 nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- EU925829 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate BG-UASD 1 nucleocapsid protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ157226 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate Wm-UASD I nucleocapsid protein (N) gene, complete cds.
- FJ168030 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate WBNV-Ch-Yam nucleocapsid (N) gene, complete cds.
- FJ694963 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate WBNV-Wm-Som, complete genome.
- GQ370764 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate WM22 segment S, complete sequence.
- GQ370765 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate RG segment S, complete sequence.
- GU474545 Watermelon bud necrosis virus isolate wDel segment M, complete sequence.
- GU584184 Watermelon bud necrosis virus strain JT segment S, complete sequence.
- GU584185 Watermelon bud necrosis virus strain JT segment M, complete sequence.
- GU735408 Watermelon bud necrosis virus strain JT L protein gene, complete cds.
Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus (WmCSV) - Begomovirus
- AJ012081 watermelon chlorotic stunt virus DNA A, V2, coat protein, rep, c2, c3 and c4 genes
- AJ012082 watermelon chlorotic stunt virus DNA B, BC1 and BV1 genes
- AJ245650 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus-[SD] segment A, complete sequence, clone WmCSV-SD-A
- AJ245651 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus-[SD] segment B, complete sequence, clone WmCSV-SD-B
- AJ245652 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus-[IR] segment A, complete sequence, clone WmCSV-IR-A
- AJ245653 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus-[IR] segment B, complete sequence, clone WmCSV-IR-B
- EF201809 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus isolate IL segment DNA A, complete sequence.
- EF201810 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus isolate IL segment DNA B, complete sequence.
- EU561236 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus segment DNA-B, complete sequence.
- EU561237 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- HE800539 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus, isolate Als-2 segment B
- HM368371 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus isolate LB1 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- HM368372 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus isolate LB1 segment DNA-B, complete sequence.
- JN618980 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus isolate Als-1 segment B, complete sequence.
- JN618981 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus isolate Als-1 segment A, complete sequence.
- JN618982 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus isolate Als-2 segment A, complete sequence.
- JN618983 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus isolate Als-3 segment A, complete sequence.
- JN618984 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus isolate Als-4 segment A, complete sequence.
- JN624386 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus isolate Als-5 segment A, complete sequence.
- JN673223 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus isolate PA coat protein (AV1) and AC5 protein (AC5) genes, partial cds; and replication activator protein (AC3), transcription activator protein (AC2), replicase (AC1), and AC4 protein (AC4) genes, complete cds.
- JX131283 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- JX131284 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus segment DNA-B, complete sequence.
- JX444576 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus strain WmCSV-JOR AC4 gene, partial cds; and AV2 gene, complete cds.
- KC462552 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus isolate PAL segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
- KC462553 Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus isolate PAL segment DNA-B, complete sequence.
Watermelon leaf mottle virus (WLMV) - Potyvirus
- AF028004 Watermelon leaf mottle virus polyprotein gene, partial cds.
Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) - Potyvirus
- AB001994 Watermelon mosaic virus 2 genomic RNA for coat protein precursor, partial cds.
- AB127934 Watermelon mosaic virus gene for polyprotein, partial cds.
- AB218280 Watermelon mosaic virus genomic RNA, complete genome, strain:WMV-Pk.
- AB353119 Watermelon mosaic virus gene for NIb-CP precursor, partial cds.
- AB369278 Watermelon mosaic virus genomic RNA, complete genome, strain: Watermelon.
- AB693979 Watermelon mosaic virus gene for polyprotein (nuclear inclusion b, coat protein), partial cds, isolate: S96-3.
- AF322376 Watermelon mosaic virus strain Israel coat protein gene, partial cds.
- AJ579481 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate SG99.4
- AJ579482 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate ZAR95.1
- AJ579483 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate ZAR95.2
- AJ579484 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate ZAR95.3
- AJ579485 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate ZAR99.2
- AJ579486 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate ZAR99.1
- AJ579487 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate ZAR99.4
- AJ579488 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate ZAR99.3
- AJ579489 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate ZAR99.5
- AJ579490 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate BAR95.2
- AJ579491 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate BAR95.1
- AJ579492 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate BAR99.1
- AJ579493 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate BAR99.2
- AJ579494 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate BAR99.3
- AJ579495 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate BAR99.4
- AJ579496 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate BAR99.5
- AJ579497 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate VAL95.1
- AJ579498 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate VAL95.2
- AJ579499 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate MUR95.2
- AJ579500 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate MUR95.1
- AJ579501 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate MUR95.4
- AJ579502 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate BAD95.1
- AJ579503 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate BAD95.2
- AJ579504 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate BAD95.3
- AJ579505 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate BAD95.4
- AJ579506 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate MAD95.1
- AJ579507 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate MAD95.3
- AJ579508 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate MAD95.4
- AJ579509 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate MAD95.6
- AJ579510 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate MAD95.5
- AJ579511 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate MAD95.7
- AJ579512 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate MAD95.8
- AJ579513 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate MAD99.1
- AJ579514 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate MAD99.2
- AJ579515 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate MAD99.3
- AJ579516 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate MAD99.4
- AJ579517 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate SG99.1
- AJ579518 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate SG99.2
- AJ579519 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate SG99.3
- AJ579520 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate MAL99.1
- AJ579521 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate MAL99.2
- AJ579522 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate MAL99.3
- AJ579523 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate MAL99.4
- AJ579524 Watermelon mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein encoding coat protein CP, genomic RNA, isolate MAL99.5
- AY437609 Watermelon mosaic virus strain WMV-Fr, complete genome.
- AY464948 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate WMV-HLJ coat protein gene, partial cds.
- AY995215 Watermelon mosaic virus polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- D00535 Watermelon mosaic virus gene for polyprotein precursor, partial cds and 3'UTR.
- D13913 Watermelon mosaic virus 2 (isolate USA) gene for polyprotein precursor, partial cds.
- DQ399708 Watermelon mosaic virus strain WMV-CHN, complete genome.
- EF122501 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate Liaocheng polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EF127832 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate Ch99/69 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EU660578 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate FMF00-LL2, complete genome.
- EU660579 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate TURK91, complete genome.
- EU660580 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate CHI87-620, complete genome.
- EU660581 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate FMF00-LL1, complete genome.
- EU660582 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate CHI02-481, complete genome.
- EU660583 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate FMF03-141, complete genome.
- EU660584 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate IR02-54, complete genome.
- EU660585 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate C05-270, complete genome.
- EU660586 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate FBR04-37, complete genome.
- EU660587 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate C06-188, complete genome.
- EU660588 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate C06-666, complete genome.
- EU660589 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate C05-337, complete genome.
- EU660590 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate ITA00-G, complete genome.
- EU667627 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate KER.JI.1 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EU667628 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate HOR.HA.1 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EU667629 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate URO.NA.1 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EU667630 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate YAZ.MO.2 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EU667631 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate URO.OS.1 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EU667632 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate YAZ.TA.1 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EU667633 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate ESF.ES.3 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EU667634 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate ESF.GA.2 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EU667635 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate YAZ.SH.1 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EU667636 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate ESF.ZA.2 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EU667637 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate ESF.ES.1 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EU667638 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate YAZ.MO.1 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EU667639 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate ESF.ZA.1 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EU667640 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate ESF.ES.2 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EU667641 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate ESF.GA.1 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EU667642 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate ESF.ZA.3 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EU667643 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate ESF.GA.3 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- EU667644 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate KER.KE.1 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- FJ823122 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate Lecce, complete genome.
- HQ384216 Watermelon mosaic virus strain Dendrobium, complete genome.
- JF273458 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate C05-463, complete genome.
- JF273459 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate C05-464, complete genome.
- JF273460 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate C05-465, complete genome.
- JF273461 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate C07-349, complete genome.
- JF273462 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate C06-526, complete genome.
- JF273463 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate C06-257, complete genome.
- JF273464 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate C07-014, complete genome.
- JF273465 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate A08-160, complete genome.
- JF273466 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate A08-170, complete genome.
- JF273467 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate Cg09-640, complete genome.
- JF273468 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate C07-284, complete genome.
- JF273469 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate C04-106, complete genome.
- JF737857 Watermelon mosaic virus from Israel HC-PRO protein gene, partial cds.
- JN831647 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate RobWMV 1 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- JN831648 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate RobWMV 2 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- JN831649 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate RobWMV 3 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- JN831650 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate RobWMV 4 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- JX028594 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate HQ11-66 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- JX028595 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate RS-22 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- L22907 Watermelon mosaic virus 2 coat protein gene, complete cds.
Watermelon silver mottle virus (WSMoV) - Tospovirus
- AB042649 Watermelon silver mottle virus nss, np genes for non-structural, nucleocapsid protein, complete cds, isolate: WS-O.
- AB042650 Watermelon silver mottle virus nss, np genes for non-structural S, nucleocapsid protein, complete cds, isolate: WS-Y.
- AF133128 Watermelon spotted wilt virus L protein (L) gene, complete cds.
- AM113762 Watermelon silver mottle virus N gene for nucleocapsid protein, genomic RNA
- AM113763 Watermelon silver mottle virus N gene for nucleocapsid protein, genomic RNA
- AM113764 Watermelon silver mottle virus N gene for nucleocapsid protein, genomic RNA
- AM113765 Watermelon silver mottle virus N gene for nucleocapsid protein, genomic RNA
- AY514624 Watermelon silver mottle virus isolate SL nucleocapsid protein (N) gene, complete cds.
- AY514625 Watermelon silver mottle virus isolate P29 nucleocapsid protein (N) gene, complete cds.
- AY514626 Watermelon silver mottle virus isolate T40 nucleocapsid protein (N) gene, complete cds.
- AY514627 Watermelon silver mottle virus isolate SN858 nucleocapsid protein (N) gene, complete cds.
- AY514628 Watermelon silver mottle virus isolate ML052 nucleocapsid protein (N) gene, complete cds.
- AY514629 Watermelon silver mottle virus isolate TK nucleocapsid protein (N) gene, complete cds.
- AY626761 Watermelon silver mottle virus isolate Physalis-NR nucleocapsid protein (N) gene, complete cds.
- AY639644 Watermelon silver mottle virus isolate P29-2-46 nucleocapsid protein (N) gene, complete cds.
- AY863200 Watermelon silver mottle virus L protein (L) mRNA, complete cds.
- AY864852 Watermelon silver mottle virus isolate DD6 S RAN segment S, complete sequence.
- AY867502 Calla lily chlorotic spot virus nonstructural protein and nucleocapsid protein genes, complete cds.
- DQ157768 Watermelon silver mottle virus isolate DD6 segment M RNA, complete sequence.
- EU177874 Watermelon silver mottle virus isolate PG4 nucleocapsid protein gene, complete cds.
- EU177875 Watermelon silver mottle virus isolate PG8 nucleocapsid protein gene, complete cds.
- EU177876 Watermelon silver mottle virus isolate PG1 nucleocapsid protein gene, complete cds.
- FJ947155 Watermelon silver mottle virus isolate WS2 nucleocapsid protein (N) gene, complete cds.
- FR695062 Watermelon silver mottle virus partial N gene for nucleocapsid protein, genomic RNA, isolate KB
- FR695063 Watermelon silver mottle virus partial NSs gene for nonstructural protein, genomic RNA, isolate KB
- HQ695853 Watermelon silver mottle virus isolate GZ nucleocapsid protein (N) gene, complete cds.
- JX177645 Watermelon silver mottle virus isolate GZ segment S, complete sequence.
- JX177646 Watermelon silver mottle virus isolate GZ segment M, complete sequence.
- JX177647 Watermelon silver mottle virus isolate GZ segment L, complete sequence.
- U75379 Watermelon spotted wilt virus nonstructural protein (NSm) and glycoprotein precursor genes, complete cds.
- U78734 Watermelon spotted wilt virus NSs and N genes, complete cds.
- Z46419 Watermelon silver mottle virus RNA for N and Nss proteins.
Wesselsbron virus (WESSV) - Flavivirus
- EU707555 Wesselsbron virus strain SAH177, complete genome.
West Caucasian bat virus (WCBV) - Lyssavirus
- EF614258 West Caucasian bat virus, complete genome.
West Nile virus (WNV) - Flavivirus
- AF206518 West Nile virus isolate 2741, complete genome.
- M12294 West Nile virus RNA, complete genome.
Western equine encephalitis virus (WEEV) - Alphavirus
- AF214040 Western equine encephalomyelitis virus strain 71V-1658 nonstructural polyprotein and structural polyprotein genes, complete cds.
Whataroa virus (WHAV) - Alphavirus
- HM147993 Whataroa virus, complete genome.
Wheat dwarf India virus (WDIV) - Mastrevirus
- JF781306 Wheat dwarf India virus clone IN:Wel:WO1, complete genome.
- JQ361910 Wheat dwarf India virus, complete genome.
- JQ361911 Wheat dwarf India virus isolate Wellington, complete genome.
Wheat dwarf virus (WDV) - Mastrevirus
- AJ311031 Wheat dwarf virus - [Enkoping1] complete genome, isolate Enkoping1
- AJ783960 Wheat dwarf virus V1 gene, V2 gene, repA gene and Rep gene, isolate Barley
- AM040732 Wheat dwarf virus complete genome, isolate WDV-B
- AM040733 Wheat dwarf virus complete genome, isolate WDV-F
- AM296018 Barley dwarf virus complete genome, isolate SxA18
- AM411651 Wheat dwarf virus - Barley[Germany:Baden:2005] V1 gene, V2 gene and C1:C2 gene, isolate Baden-Wuerttemberg 1
- AM411652 Wheat dwarf virus - Barley[Germany:Baden:2005] V1 gene, V2 gene and C1:C2 gene, isolate Baden-Wuerttemberg 2
- AM491490 Wheat dwarf virus v1 gene, v2 gene, repA gene and rep gene, isolate Enkoping2
- AM747816 Wheat dwarf virus MP gene, CP gene, RepA gene and Rep gene, isolate Barley
- AM921649 Wheat dwarf virus complete genome, isolate SABgl2-11
- AM921991 Wheat dwarf virus complete genome, isolate SA41WhEcoFL6
- AM921992 Wheat dwarf virus complete genome, isolate SA1EcoFL2
- AM921993 Wheat dwarf virus complete genome, isolate SA12PstFL1
- AM921994 Wheat dwarf virus complete genome, isolate SA6PstFL1
- AM921995 Barley dwarf virus complete genome defective form, isolate SA45Ecogr16
- AM921996 Wheat dwarf virus complete genome defecetive form, isolate SA45Ecogr11
- AM922260 Wheat dwarf virus complete genome, isolate SA45EcoFL38
- AM922261 Wheat dwarf virus complete genome, isolate SA43EcoFL23
- AM922262 Wheat dwarf virus complete genome, isolate SA12EcoFL2
- AM922263 Barley dwarf virus complete genome defective form, isolate SA43Ecogr15
- AM922264 Barley dwarf virus complete genome defective form, isolate SA12EcoSm4
- AM942044 Wheat dwarf virus complete genome, isolate SxA 57
- AM942045 Wheat dwarf virus complete genome, isolate SxA 36
- AM980882 Wheat dwarf virus complete sequence
- AM980883 Wheat dwarf virus - Barley/SxA43-16, complete sequence
- AM989927 Wheat dwarf virus Bg17 complete genome, barley strain
- AY138520 Wheat dwarf virus replication-associated protein (RepA) gene, complete cds.
- AY138521 Wheat dwarf virus replicase (RepAB) gene, complete cds.
- DQ868525 Wheat dwarf virus - [Taiyuan], complete genome.
- EF536859 Wheat dwarf virus - [Gansu Gangu] isolate GSGG05-1, complete genome.
- EF536860 Wheat dwarf virus - [Gansu Gangu] isolate GSGG05-2, complete genome.
- EF536861 Wheat dwarf virus - [Henan zhengzhou] isolate HNZZ05, complete genome.
- EF536862 Wheat dwarf virus - [Hebei Shijiazhuang] isolate HBSJZ04, complete genome.
- EF536863 Wheat dwarf virus - [Hebei Shijiazhuang] isolate HBSJZ06-3, complete genome.
- EF536864 Wheat dwarf virus - [Hebei Shijiazhuang] isolate HBSJZ06-4, complete genome.
- EF536865 Wheat dwarf virus - [Hebei Shijiazhuang] isolate HBSJZ06-5, complete genome.
- EF536866 Wheat dwarf virus - [Hebei Shijiazhuang] isolate HBSJZ06-6, complete genome.
- EF536867 Wheat dwarf virus - [Hebei Shijiazhuang] isolate HBSJZ06-7, complete genome.
- EF536868 Wheat dwarf virus - [Hebei Shijiazhuang] isolate HBSJZ06-9, complete genome.
- EF536869 Wheat dwarf virus - [Hebei Shijiazhuang] isolate HBSJZ06-10, complete genome.
- EF536870 Wheat dwarf virus - [Hebei Shijiazhuang] isolate HBSJZ06-11, complete genome.
- EF536871 Wheat dwarf virus - [Hebei Shijiazhuang] isolate HBSJZ06-12, complete genome.
- EF536872 Wheat dwarf virus - [Sanxi Taiyuan] isolate SXTY05-1, complete genome.
- EF536873 Wheat dwarf virus - [Sanxi Taiyuan] isolate SXTY05-2, complete genome.
- EF536874 Wheat dwarf virus - [Sanxi Taiyuan] isolate SXTY05-3, complete genome.
- EF536875 Wheat dwarf virus - [Sanxi Yuncheng] isolate SXYC05-2, complete genome.
- EF536876 Wheat dwarf virus - [Sanxi Yuncheng] isolate SXYC05-3, complete genome.
- EF536877 Wheat dwarf virus - [Sanxi Yangling] isolate SXYL05-1, complete genome.
- EF536878 Wheat dwarf virus - [Sanxi Yangling] isolate SXYL05-2, complete genome.
- EF536879 Wheat dwarf virus - [Sanxi Yangling] isolate SXYL05-3, complete genome.
- EF536880 Wheat dwarf virus - [Sanxi Yangling] isolate SXYL05-4, complete genome.
- EF536881 Wheat dwarf virus - [Sanxi Yangling] isolate SXYL05-5, complete genome.
- EF536882 Wheat dwarf virus - [Sanxi Yangling] isolate SXYL05-6, complete genome.
- EF536883 Wheat dwarf virus - [Yunnan Kunming] isolate YNKM06-1, complete genome.
- EF536884 Wheat dwarf virus - [Yunnan Kunming] isolate YNKM06-3, complete genome.
- EF536885 Wheat dwarf virus - [Yunnan Kunming] isolate YNKM06-4, complete genome.
- EF536886 Wheat dwarf virus - [Yunnan Kunming] isolate YNKM06-2, complete genome.
- EU541489 Wheat dwarf virus - [Yunnan Kunming] isolate YNKM07-29, complete genome.
- FJ546176 Wheat dwarf virus isolate CZps movement protein (MP) and coat protein (CP) genes, complete cds.
- FJ546177 Wheat dwarf virus isolate CZ6128 movement protein (MP) and coat protein (CP) genes, complete cds.
- FJ546178 Wheat dwarf virus isolate CZ6482 movement protein (MP), coat protein (CP), replication-associated protein (Rep), and replication-associated protein A (RepA) genes, complete cds.
- FJ546179 Wheat dwarf virus isolate CZ8100 movement protein (MP), coat protein (CP), replication-associated protein (Rep), and replication-associated protein A (RepA) genes, complete cds.
- FJ546180 Wheat dwarf virus isolate CZ11105 movement protein (MP), coat protein (CP), replication-associated protein (Rep), and replication-associated protein A (RepA) genes, complete cds.
- FJ546181 Wheat dwarf virus isolate CZ11229 movement protein (MP), coat protein (CP), replication-associated protein (Rep), and replication-associated protein A (RepA) genes, complete cds.
- FJ546182 Wheat dwarf virus isolate CZ6481 movement protein (MP) and coat protein (CP) genes, complete cds.
- FJ546183 Wheat dwarf virus isolate CZ11160 movement protein (MP) and coat protein (CP) genes, complete cds.
- FJ546184 Wheat dwarf virus isolate CZ11326 movement protein (MP) and coat protein (CP) genes, complete cds.
- FJ546185 Wheat dwarf virus isolate CZ2069 movement protein (MP) and coat protein (CP) genes, complete cds.
- FJ546186 Wheat dwarf virus isolate CZ2070 movement protein (MP) and coat protein (CP) genes, complete cds.
- FJ546187 Wheat dwarf virus isolate CZ10062 movement protein (MP) and coat protein (CP) genes, complete cds.
- FJ546188 Wheat dwarf virus isolate CZWDV-W movement protein (MP), coat protein (CP), replication-associated protein (Rep), and replication-associated protein A (RepA) genes, complete cds.
- FJ546189 Wheat dwarf virus isolate CZ6217 movement protein (MP), coat protein (CP), replication-associated protein (Rep), and replication-associated protein A (RepA) genes, complete cds.
- FJ546190 Wheat dwarf virus isolate CZ6239 movement protein (MP), coat protein (CP), replication-associated protein (Rep), and replication-associated protein A (RepA) genes, complete cds.
- FJ546191 Wheat dwarf virus isolate CZ1841 movement protein (MP), coat protein (CP), replication-associated protein (Rep), and replication-associated protein A (RepA) genes, complete cds.
- FJ546192 Wheat dwarf virus isolate CZ7040 movement protein (MP), coat protein (CP), replication-associated protein (Rep), and replication-associated protein A (RepA) genes, complete cds.
- FJ546193 Wheat dwarf virus isolate CZWDV-B movement protein (MP), coat protein (CP), replication-associated protein (Rep), and replication-associated protein A (RepA) genes, complete cds.
- FJ620684 Wheat dwarf virus from Iran, complete genome.
- FM210034 Wheat dwarf virus H07 complete genome, barley strain
- FM999832 Wheat dwarf virus D01 complete genome, barley strain.
- FM999833 Wheat dwarf virus HE complete genome, barley strain.
- FN806783 Wheat dwarf virus complete genome, isolate WDV-Uk-g
- FN806784 Wheat dwarf virus complete genome, isolate WDV-Uk-Miron
- FN806785 Wheat dwarf virus complete genome, isolate WDV-HU-2Marton
- FN806786 Wheat dwarf virus complete genome, isolate WDV-HU-Pula
- FN806787 Wheat dwarf virus complete genome, isolate WDV-Uk-Odessa
- JN791095 Wheat dwarf virus isolate Shahrekord, complete genome.
- JN791096 Wheat dwarf virus isolate Bavanat, complete genome.
- JQ647454 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HUNGARY-PC10-1, complete genome.
- JQ647455 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HUNGARY-KP10-1, complete genome.
- JQ647456 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HUNGARY-KP10-3, complete genome.
- JQ647457 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HUNGARY-KP10-4, complete genome.
- JQ647458 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HUNGARY-KP10-5, complete genome.
- JQ647459 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HUNGARY-KP10-6, complete genome.
- JQ647460 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HUNGARY-KP10-8, complete genome.
- JQ647461 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HUNGARY-KP10-9, complete genome.
- JQ647462 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HUNGARY-KP10-10, complete genome.
- JQ647463 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HUNGARY-KP10-11, complete genome.
- JQ647464 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HUNGARY-KP10-13, complete genome.
- JQ647465 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HUNGARY-KP10-15, complete genome.
- JQ647466 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HUNGARY-KP10-16, complete genome.
- JQ647467 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HUNGARY-MO10-1, complete genome.
- JQ647468 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HUNGARY-MO10-2, complete genome.
- JQ647469 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HUNGARY-MO10-3, complete genome.
- JQ647470 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HBSJZ10-10, complete genome.
- JQ647471 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HBSJZ10-17, complete genome.
- JQ647472 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HBSJZ10-18, complete genome.
- JQ647473 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HBSJZ10-20, complete genome.
- JQ647474 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HBSJZ10-21, complete genome.
- JQ647475 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HBSJZ10-22, complete genome.
- JQ647476 Wheat dwarf virus isolate HBSJZ10-23, complete genome.
- JQ647477 Wheat dwarf virus isolate QHLD10-1, complete genome.
- JQ647478 Wheat dwarf virus isolate QHLD10-8, complete genome.
- JQ647479 Wheat dwarf virus isolate QHLD10-9, complete genome.
- JQ647480 Wheat dwarf virus isolate QHLD10-15, complete genome.
- JQ647481 Wheat dwarf virus isolate QHLD10-18, complete genome.
- JQ647482 Wheat dwarf virus isolate QHLD10-19, complete genome.
- JQ647483 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SCCD10-2, complete genome.
- JQ647484 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SCCD10-3, complete genome.
- JQ647485 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SCCD10-6, complete genome.
- JQ647486 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXDT10-2, complete genome.
- JQ647487 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXDT10-3, complete genome.
- JQ647488 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXHC10-5, complete genome.
- JQ647489 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXHC10-6, complete genome.
- JQ647490 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXHC10-7, complete genome.
- JQ647491 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXHC10-8, complete genome.
- JQ647492 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXHC10-9, complete genome.
- JQ647493 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXHC10-10, complete genome.
- JQ647494 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXHC10-11, complete genome.
- JQ647495 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXHC10-12, complete genome.
- JQ647496 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXHC10-14, complete genome.
- JQ647497 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXHC10-15, complete genome.
- JQ647498 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXHC10-16, complete genome.
- JQ647499 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXHC10-17, complete genome.
- JQ647500 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXHC10-18, complete genome.
- JQ647501 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXTY10-9, complete genome.
- JQ647502 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXTY10-18, complete genome.
- JQ647503 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXTY10-32, complete genome.
- JQ647504 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXTY10-33, complete genome.
- JQ647505 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXTY10-35, complete genome.
- JQ647506 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXTY10-39, complete genome.
- JQ647507 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXTY10-40, complete genome.
- JQ647508 Wheat dwarf virus isolate TIBET10-2, complete genome.
- JQ836568 Wheat dwarf virus isolate SXHC-2 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
- X02869 Wheat dwarf virus - [Sweden] complete genome
- X82104 Wheat dwarf virus genes for V1, V2, C1-1, C1-2 and Cx
Wheat Eqlid mosaic virus (WEqMV) - Tritimovirus
- EF608612 Wheat eqlid mosaic virus, complete genome.
Wheat rosette stunt virus (WRSV) - Cytorhabdovirus
- AF059602 Wheat rosette stunt virus phosphoprotein (NS) mRNA, complete cds.
- AF059677 Wheat rosette stunt virus matrix protein (M) mRNA, complete cds.
Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus (WSSMV) - Bymovirus
- AB010578 Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus RNA for polyprotein (capsid protein region), partial cds.
- AJ130979 Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein (NIb polymerase and coat protein), genomic RNA, country Canada: Ontario, isolate ATTC PV-116
- AJ130980 Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, (NIb polymerase and coat protein), genomic RNA, country Germany
- AJ130981 Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, (NIb polymerase and coat protein), genomic RNA, country Italy
- AJ130982 Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, (NIb polymerase and coat protein), genomic RNA, country USA: New York State
- AJ237925 Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus mRNA for coat protein, partial, isolated from USA, New York State
- AJ237926 Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus mRNA for coat protein, partial, isolated from USA, Bay Arkansas
- X73883 Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus RNA
Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) - Tritimovirus
- AF034415 Wheat streak mosaic virus coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- AF057533 Wheat streak mosaic virus strain Sidney 81, complete genome.
- AF285169 Wheat streak mosaic virus type strain complete genome.
- AF285170 Wheat streak mosaic virus strain El Batan 3 complete genome.
- AF454454 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate Czech, complete genome.
- AF454455 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate Turkey 1, complete genome.
- AF454456 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate Hungary polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF454457 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate Turkey 2 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF454458 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate Iran polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF454459 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate Russia polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511595 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate PV57 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511596 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate S81D polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511597 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate BT95 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511598 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate CK93 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511599 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate CL93 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511600 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate CM93 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511601 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate CO85 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511602 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate CO87 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511603 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate EW95 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511604 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate FO93 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511605 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate GH95 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511606 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate GO93 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511607 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate GY93 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511608 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate H81 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511609 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate H88 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511610 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate H94PM polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511611 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate H94S polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511612 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate H94USDA polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511613 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate H95LB polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511614 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate H95S, complete genome.
- AF511615 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate H98, complete genome.
- AF511616 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate HM93 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511617 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate HV91 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511618 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate ID96, complete genome.
- AF511619 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate ID99, complete genome.
- AF511620 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate IHC polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511621 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate KM93 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511622 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate KY00 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511623 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate KY0074 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511624 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate KY0083SV polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511625 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate LC95 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511626 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate LG92 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511627 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate MO99A polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511628 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate MO99B polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511629 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate MO00 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511630 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate MON96, complete genome.
- AF511631 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate ND polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511632 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate NE96 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511633 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate OK98 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511634 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate OSU polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511635 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate PL95 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511636 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate PN95 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511637 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate PV106H polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511638 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate PV106JM polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511639 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate PV91H polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511640 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate RO95 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511641 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate SD96 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511642 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate TX96 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AF511643 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate WA99, complete genome.
- AF511644 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate WO93 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AJ889242 Wheat streak mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, genomic RNA, isolate Ger
- AY327865 Wheat streak mosaic virus polyprotein mRNA, partial cds.
- AY327866 Wheat streak mosaic virus polyprotein mRNA, partial cds.
- AY327867 Wheat streak mosaic virus polyprotein mRNA, partial cds.
- AY327868 Wheat streak mosaic virus polyprotein mRNA, partial cds.
- AY327869 Wheat streak mosaic virus polyprotein mRNA, partial cds.
- AY327870 Wheat streak mosaic virus polyprotein mRNA, partial cds.
- AY327871 Wheat streak mosaic virus polyprotein mRNA, partial cds.
- AY327872 Wheat streak mosaic virus polyprotein mRNA, partial cds.
- AY858546 Wheat streak mosaic virus coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- DQ462276 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate SP-5 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- DQ462277 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate SP-6 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- DQ462278 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate SP-1 coat protein gene, partial cds.
- DQ462279 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate Ginninderra coat protein gene, partial cds.
- DQ888801 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate Mt. Burdett coat protein gene, partial cds.
- DQ888802 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate Yerritup coat protein gene, partial cds.
- DQ888803 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate Gibson coat protein gene, partial cds.
- DQ888804 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate Galong coat protein gene, partial cds.
- DQ888805 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate Kondonin coat protein gene, partial cds.
- EU914917 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate Naghadeh, complete genome.
- EU914918 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate Saadat-Shahr, complete genome.
- FJ348356 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate Arg1 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- FJ348357 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate Arg3 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- FJ348358 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate WA94 polyprotein gene, complete cds.
- FJ348359 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate Arg2 polyprotein gene, complete cds.
- KC900901 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate TR coat protein gene, partial cds.
- U53604 Wheat streak mosaic virus coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- U54567 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate 994 coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- U54568 Wheat streak mosaic virus strain pv91 coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- U54569 Wheat streak mosaic virus strain pv106 coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- U54570 Wheat streak mosaic virus isolate 964 coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- U54571 Wheat streak mosaic virus strain OSU coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- U54572 Wheat streak mosaic virus strain Colorado coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
- U54574 Wheat streak mosaic virus strain TAMU coat protein mRNA, partial cds.
Wheat yellow dwarf virus () - Polerovirus
- FM865413 Wheat yellow dwarf virus-GPV, complete genome, genomic RNA
Wheat yellow mosaic virus (WYMV) - Bymovirus
- AF041041 Wheat yellow mosaic virus 98 kDa precursor protein mRNA, complete cds.
- AF067124 Wheat yellow mosaic virus RNA1 270 kDa precursor protein gene, complete cds.
- AJ130983 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, (NIb polymerase and coat protein), genomic RNA, country China, Pujiang
- AJ130984 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial for polyprotein, (NIb polymerase and coat protein), genomic RNA, country China: Yantai
- AJ131981 Wheat yellow mosaic virus, Chinese (Yangzhou) complete sequence, isolate RNA1
- AJ131982 Wheat yellow mosaic virus, Chinese (Yangzhou) complete sequence, isolate RNA2
- AJ237924 Wheat yellow mosaic virus mRNA for coat protein, partial, isolated from China, Dengzhou county Henan
- AJ239037 Wheat yellow mosaic virus mRNA for partial polyprotein and NIb polymerase
- AJ239038 Wheat yellow mosaic virus mRNA for partial polyprotein and coat protein
- AJ239039 Wheat yellow mosaic virus mRNA for polyprotein, P3 protein, 7 kDa protein, cylindrical inclusion protein, 14 kDa protein; NIa-VPg protein; NIb polymerase and coat protein
- AJ240048 Wheat yellow mosaic virus mRNA for coat protein, from China Dengzhou (Henan province)
- AJ240049 Wheat yellow mosaic virus mRNA for coat protein, from China Luotian (Hubei province)
- AJ240050 Wheat yellow mosaic virus mRNA for coat protein, from China Yaan (Sichuan province)
- AJ240051 Wheat Yellow Mosaic Virus mRNA for coat protein, from China Yangzhou (Jiangsu Province)
- AJ240052 Wheat yellow mosaic virus mRNA for coat protein, from China Zhouzhi (Shanxi Province)
- AJ242490 Wheat yellow mosaic virus mRNA for RNA2 polyprotein (P1 protein and P2 protein)
- AJ243953 wheat yellow mosaic virus genomic RNA for NIb (partial) and cp gene, isolate Yantai
- AJ243981 Wheat yellow mosaic virus genomic RNA1 for polyprotein (partial), isolate Wuhan
- AJ243982 Wheat yellow mosaic virus genomic RNA1 for polyprotein (partial), isolate Hanzhong
- AJ243983 Wheat yellow mosaic virus genomic RNA1 for polyprotein (partial), isolate Hangzhou
- AJ243984 Wheat yellow mosaic virus genomic RNA1 for polyprotein (partial), isolate Lu'an
- AJ243985 Wheat yellow mosaic virus genomic RNA1 for polyprotein (partial), isolate Tianchang
- AJ243986 Wheat yellow mosaic virus genomic RNA1 for polyprotein (partial), isolate Anji
- AJ243987 Wheat yellow mosaic virus genomic RNA1 for polyprotein (partial), isolate Xinghua
- AJ243988 Wheat yellow mosaic virus genomic RNA1 for polyprotein (partial), isolate Xixia
- AJ243989 Wheat yellow mosaic virus genomic RNA1 for polyprotein (partial), isolate Changan
- AJ271840 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial ORF1 genomic RNA1 for polyprotein
- D86634 Wheat yellow mosaic virus genomic RNA, complete sequence of RNA1.
- D86635 Wheat yellow mosaic virus genomic RNA, complete sequence of RNA2.
- FJ361764 Wheat yellow mosaic virus isolate Xiaqiao segment RNA1, complete sequence.
- FJ361765 Wheat yellow mosaic virus isolate Zhouzhi segment RNA1, complete sequence.
- FJ361766 Wheat yellow mosaic virus isolate Zhumadian segment RNA1, complete sequence.
- FJ361767 Wheat yellow mosaic virus isolate Xiaqiao segment RNA2, complete sequence.
- FJ361768 Wheat yellow mosaic virus isolate Zhouzhi segment RNA2, complete sequence.
- FJ361769 Wheat yellow mosaic virus isolate Zhumadian segment RNA2, complete sequence.
- FR827946 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 1, genomic RNA
- FR827947 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 10, genomic RNA
- FR827948 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 11, genomic RNA
- FR827949 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 12, genomic RNA
- FR827950 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 13, genomic RNA
- FR827951 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 14, genomic RNA
- FR827952 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 15, genomic RNA
- FR827953 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 16, genomic RNA
- FR827954 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 17, genomic RNA
- FR827955 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 18, genomic RNA
- FR827956 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 19, genomic RNA
- FR827957 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 2, genomic RNA
- FR827958 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 20, genomic RNA
- FR827959 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 21, genomic RNA
- FR827960 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 22, genomic RNA
- FR827961 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 23, genomic RNA
- FR827962 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 24, genomic RNA
- FR827963 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 25, genomic RNA
- FR827964 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 26, genomic RNA
- FR827965 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 27, genomic RNA
- FR827966 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 28, genomic RNA
- FR827967 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 29, genomic RNA
- FR827968 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 3, genomic RNA
- FR827969 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 30, genomic RNA
- FR827970 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 31, genomic RNA
- FR827971 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 32, genomic RNA
- FR827972 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 4, genomic RNA
- FR827973 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 6, genomic RNA
- FR827974 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 7, genomic RNA
- FR827975 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HB3 clone 9, genomic RNA
- FR827976 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 1, genomic RNA
- FR827977 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 11, genomic RNA
- FR827978 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 13, genomic RNA
- FR827979 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 15, genomic RNA
- FR827980 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 16, genomic RNA
- FR827981 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 18, genomic RNA
- FR827982 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 2, genomic RNA
- FR827983 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 20, genomic RNA
- FR827984 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 21, genomic RNA
- FR827985 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 22, genomic RNA
- FR827986 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 23, genomic RNA
- FR827987 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 24, genomic RNA
- FR827988 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 27, genomic RNA
- FR827989 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 29, genomic RNA
- FR827990 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 3, genomic RNA
- FR827991 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 32, genomic RNA
- FR827992 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 33, genomic RNA
- FR827993 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 38, genomic RNA
- FR827994 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 4, genomic RNA
- FR827995 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 6, genomic RNA
- FR827996 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 5, genomic RNA
- FR827997 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN1 clone 8, genomic RNA
- FR827998 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 1, genomic RNA
- FR827999 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 11, genomic RNA
- FR828000 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 12, genomic RNA
- FR828001 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 13, genomic RNA
- FR828002 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 14, genomic RNA
- FR828003 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 15, genomic RNA
- FR828004 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 16, genomic RNA
- FR828005 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 17, genomic RNA
- FR828006 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 18, genomic RNA
- FR828007 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 19, genomic RNA
- FR828008 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 2, genomic RNA
- FR828009 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 20, genomic RNA
- FR828010 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 22, genomic RNA
- FR828011 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 23, genomic RNA
- FR828012 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 25, genomic RNA
- FR828013 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 26, genomic RNA
- FR828014 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 27, genomic RNA
- FR828015 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 28, genomic RNA
- FR828016 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 29, genomic RNA
- FR828017 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 3, genomic RNA
- FR828018 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 31, genomic RNA
- FR828019 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 32, genomic RNA
- FR828020 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 33, genomic RNA
- FR828021 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 35, genomic RNA
- FR828022 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 36, genomic RNA
- FR828023 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 5, genomic RNA
- FR828024 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 6, genomic RNA
- FR828025 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 7, genomic RNA
- FR828026 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 8, genomic RNA
- FR828027 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate HN2 clone 9, genomic RNA
- FR828028 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 1, genomic RNA
- FR828029 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 10, genomic RNA
- FR828030 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 11, genomic RNA
- FR828031 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 13, genomic RNA
- FR828032 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 14, genomic RNA
- FR828033 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 15, genomic RNA
- FR828034 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 16, genomic RNA
- FR828035 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 17, genomic RNA
- FR828036 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 18, genomic RNA
- FR828037 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 2, genomic RNA
- FR828038 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 20, genomic RNA
- FR828039 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 21, genomic RNA
- FR828040 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 22, genomic RNA
- FR828041 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 23, genomic RNA
- FR828042 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 24, genomic RNA
- FR828043 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 25, genomic RNA
- FR828044 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 28, genomic RNA
- FR828045 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 29, genomic RNA
- FR828046 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 3, genomic RNA
- FR828047 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 30, genomic RNA
- FR828048 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 31, genomic RNA
- FR828049 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 32, genomic RNA
- FR828050 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 34, genomic RNA
- FR828051 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 36, genomic RNA
- FR828052 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 4, genomic RNA
- FR828053 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 5, genomic RNA
- FR828054 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 6, genomic RNA
- FR828055 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 7, genomic RNA
- FR828056 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 8, genomic RNA
- FR828057 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS1 clone 9, genomic RNA
- FR828058 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 1, genomic RNA
- FR828059 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 10, genomic RNA
- FR828060 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 11, genomic RNA
- FR828061 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 12, genomic RNA
- FR828062 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 13, genomic RNA
- FR828063 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 14, genomic RNA
- FR828064 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 15, genomic RNA
- FR828065 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 16, genomic RNA
- FR828066 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 17, genomic RNA
- FR828067 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 18, genomic RNA
- FR828068 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 19, genomic RNA
- FR828069 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 2, genomic RNA
- FR828070 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 20, genomic RNA
- FR828071 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 21, genomic RNA
- FR828072 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 22, genomic RNA
- FR828073 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 23, genomic RNA
- FR828074 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 24, genomic RNA
- FR828075 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 25, genomic RNA
- FR828076 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 26, genomic RNA
- FR828077 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 27, genomic RNA
- FR828078 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 28, genomic RNA
- FR828079 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 29, genomic RNA
- FR828080 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 3, genomic RNA
- FR828081 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 30, genomic RNA
- FR828082 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 31, genomic RNA
- FR828083 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 32, genomic RNA
- FR828084 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 4, genomic RNA
- FR828085 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 5, genomic RNA
- FR828086 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 6, genomic RNA
- FR828087 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 7, genomic RNA
- FR828088 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 8, genomic RNA
- FR828089 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS2 clone 9, genomic RNA
- FR828090 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 1, genomic RNA
- FR828091 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 10, genomic RNA
- FR828092 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 11, genomic RNA
- FR828093 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 12, genomic RNA
- FR828094 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 13, genomic RNA
- FR828095 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 14, genomic RNA
- FR828096 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 15, genomic RNA
- FR828097 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 16, genomic RNA
- FR828098 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 17, genomic RNA
- FR828099 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 18, genomic RNA
- FR828100 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 19, genomic RNA
- FR828101 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 2, genomic RNA
- FR828102 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 20, genomic RNA
- FR828103 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 21, genomic RNA
- FR828104 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 22, genomic RNA
- FR828105 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 23, genomic RNA
- FR828106 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 24, genomic RNA
- FR828107 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 25, genomic RNA
- FR828108 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 26, genomic RNA
- FR828109 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 27, genomic RNA
- FR828110 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 28, genomic RNA
- FR828111 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 29, genomic RNA
- FR828112 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 3, genomic RNA
- FR828113 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 4, genomic RNA
- FR828114 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 5, genomic RNA
- FR828115 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 6, genomic RNA
- FR828116 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 7, genomic RNA
- FR828117 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 8, genomic RNA
- FR828118 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS3 clone 9, genomic RNA
- FR828119 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS7 clone 1, genomic RNA
- FR828120 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS7 clone 10, genomic RNA
- FR828121 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS7 clone 11, genomic RNA
- FR828122 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS7 clone 12, genomic RNA
- FR828123 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS7 clone 13, genomic RNA
- FR828124 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS7 clone 2, genomic RNA
- FR828125 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS7 clone 3, genomic RNA
- FR828126 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS7 clone 4, genomic RNA
- FR828127 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS7 clone 5, genomic RNA
- FR828128 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS7 clone 6, genomic RNA
- FR828129 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS7 clone 7, genomic RNA
- FR828130 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS7 clone 8, genomic RNA
- FR828131 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate JS7 clone 9, genomic RNA
- FR828132 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 1, genomic RNA
- FR828133 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 10, genomic RNA
- FR828134 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 11, genomic RNA
- FR828135 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 12, genomic RNA
- FR828136 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 13, genomic RNA
- FR828137 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 14, genomic RNA
- FR828138 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 15, genomic RNA
- FR828139 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 16, genomic RNA
- FR828140 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 17, genomic RNA
- FR828141 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 18, genomic RNA
- FR828142 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 19, genomic RNA
- FR828143 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 2, genomic RNA
- FR828144 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 20, genomic RNA
- FR828145 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 21, genomic RNA
- FR828146 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 22, genomic RNA
- FR828147 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 23, genomic RNA
- FR828148 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 24, genomic RNA
- FR828149 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 25, genomic RNA
- FR828150 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 26, genomic RNA
- FR828151 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 27, genomic RNA
- FR828152 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 28, genomic RNA
- FR828153 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 29, genomic RNA
- FR828154 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 3, genomic RNA
- FR828155 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 4, genomic RNA
- FR828156 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 5, genomic RNA
- FR828157 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 6, genomic RNA
- FR828158 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 7, genomic RNA
- FR828159 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 8, genomic RNA
- FR828160 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD1 clone 9, genomic RNA
- FR828161 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD2 clone 1, genomic RNA
- FR828162 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD2 clone 10, genomic RNA
- FR828163 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD2 clone 11, genomic RNA
- FR828164 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD2 clone 12, genomic RNA
- FR828165 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD2 clone 13, genomic RNA
- FR828166 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD2 clone 14, genomic RNA
- FR828167 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD2 clone 15, genomic RNA
- FR828168 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD2 clone 16, genomic RNA
- FR828169 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD2 clone 17, genomic RNA
- FR828170 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD2 clone 18, genomic RNA
- FR828171 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD2 clone 2, genomic RNA
- FR828172 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD2 clone 3, genomic RNA
- FR828173 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD2 clone 4, genomic RNA
- FR828174 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD2 clone 5, genomic RNA
- FR828175 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD2 clone 6, genomic RNA
- FR828176 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD2 clone 7, genomic RNA
- FR828177 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD2 clone 8, genomic RNA
- FR828178 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD2 clone 9, genomic RNA
- FR828179 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 1, genomic RNA
- FR828180 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 10, genomic RNA
- FR828181 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 11, genomic RNA
- FR828182 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 12, genomic RNA
- FR828183 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 13, genomic RNA
- FR828184 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 14, genomic RNA
- FR828185 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 15, genomic RNA
- FR828186 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 16, genomic RNA
- FR828187 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 17, genomic RNA
- FR828188 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 19, genomic RNA
- FR828189 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 2, genomic RNA
- FR828190 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 20, genomic RNA
- FR828191 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 21, genomic RNA
- FR828192 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 22, genomic RNA
- FR828193 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 23, genomic RNA
- FR828194 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 24, genomic RNA
- FR828195 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 26, genomic RNA
- FR828196 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 27, genomic RNA
- FR828197 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 28, genomic RNA
- FR828198 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 29, genomic RNA
- FR828199 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 3, genomic RNA
- FR828200 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 31, genomic RNA
- FR828201 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 32, genomic RNA
- FR828202 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 34, genomic RNA
- FR828203 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 4, genomic RNA
- FR828204 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 5, genomic RNA
- FR828205 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 6, genomic RNA
- FR828206 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 7, genomic RNA
- FR828207 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 8, genomic RNA
- FR828208 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD3 clone 9, genomic RNA
- FR828209 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD4 clone 1, genomic RNA
- FR828210 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD4 clone 10, genomic RNA
- FR828211 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD4 clone 2, genomic RNA
- FR828212 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD4 clone 3, genomic RNA
- FR828213 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD4 clone 4, genomic RNA
- FR828214 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD4 clone 5, genomic RNA
- FR828215 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD4 clone 6, genomic RNA
- FR828216 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD4 clone 7, genomic RNA
- FR828217 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD4 clone 8, genomic RNA
- FR828218 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SD4 clone 9, genomic RNA
- FR828219 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SX2 clone 10, genomic RNA
- FR828220 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SX2 clone 13, genomic RNA
- FR828221 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SX2 clone 19, genomic RNA
- FR828222 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SX2 clone 2, genomic RNA
- FR828223 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SX2 clone 20, genomic RNA
- FR828224 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SX2 clone 22, genomic RNA
- FR828225 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SX2 clone 23, genomic RNA
- FR828226 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SX2 clone 3, genomic RNA
- FR828227 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SX2 clone 30, genomic RNA
- FR828228 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SX2 clone 33, genomic RNA
- FR828229 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SX2 clone 34, genomic RNA
- FR828230 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SX2 clone 35, genomic RNA
- FR828231 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SX2 clone 36, genomic RNA
- FR828232 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SX2 clone 37, genomic RNA
- FR828233 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SX2 clone 38, genomic RNA
- FR828234 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SX2 clone 39, genomic RNA
- FR828235 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SX2 clone 4, genomic RNA
- FR828236 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SX2 clone 41, genomic RNA
- FR828237 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SX2 clone 45, genomic RNA
- FR828238 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SX2 clone 47, genomic RNA
- FR828239 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, coat protein region, isolate SX2 clone 50, genomic RNA
- FR828240 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 1, genomic RNA
- FR828241 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 11, genomic RNA
- FR828242 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 12, genomic RNA
- FR828243 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 13, genomic RNA
- FR828244 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 14, genomic RNA
- FR828245 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 15, genomic RNA
- FR828246 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 16, genomic RNA
- FR828247 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 17, genomic RNA
- FR828248 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 18, genomic RNA
- FR828249 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 19, genomic RNA
- FR828250 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 2, genomic RNA
- FR828251 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 20, genomic RNA
- FR828252 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 21, genomic RNA
- FR828253 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 22, genomic RNA
- FR828254 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 23, genomic RNA
- FR828255 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 24, genomic RNA
- FR828256 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 26, genomic RNA
- FR828257 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 28, genomic RNA
- FR828258 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 29, genomic RNA
- FR828259 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 3, genomic RNA
- FR828260 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 30, genomic RNA
- FR828261 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 31, genomic RNA
- FR828262 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 32, genomic RNA
- FR828263 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 35, genomic RNA
- FR828264 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 36, genomic RNA
- FR828265 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 4, genomic RNA
- FR828266 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 6, genomic RNA
- FR828267 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 8, genomic RNA
- FR828268 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate HN2 clone 9, genomic RNA
- FR828269 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 10, genomic RNA
- FR828270 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 14, genomic RNA
- FR828271 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 15, genomic RNA
- FR828272 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 16, genomic RNA
- FR828273 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 17, genomic RNA
- FR828274 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 18, genomic RNA
- FR828275 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 20, genomic RNA
- FR828276 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 21, genomic RNA
- FR828277 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 22, genomic RNA
- FR828278 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 24, genomic RNA
- FR828279 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 26, genomic RNA
- FR828280 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 27, genomic RNA
- FR828281 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 29, genomic RNA
- FR828282 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 31, genomic RNA
- FR828283 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 32, genomic RNA
- FR828284 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 33, genomic RNA
- FR828285 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 34, genomic RNA
- FR828286 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 35, genomic RNA
- FR828287 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 36, genomic RNA
- FR828288 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 37, genomic RNA
- FR828289 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 38, genomic RNA
- FR828290 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 41, genomic RNA
- FR828291 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 43, genomic RNA
- FR828292 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 44, genomic RNA
- FR828293 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 45, genomic RNA
- FR828294 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 48, genomic RNA
- FR828295 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 7, genomic RNA
- FR828296 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 8, genomic RNA
- FR828297 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate SD3 clone 9, genomic RNA
- FR828298 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 10, genomic RNA
- FR828299 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 12, genomic RNA
- FR828300 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 13, genomic RNA
- FR828301 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 14, genomic RNA
- FR828302 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 15, genomic RNA
- FR828303 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 16, genomic RNA
- FR828304 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 17, genomic RNA
- FR828305 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 18, genomic RNA
- FR828306 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 19, genomic RNA
- FR828307 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 2, genomic RNA
- FR828308 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 20, genomic RNA
- FR828309 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 21, genomic RNA
- FR828310 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 22, genomic RNA
- FR828311 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 23, genomic RNA
- FR828312 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 25, genomic RNA
- FR828313 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 26, genomic RNA
- FR828314 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 27, genomic RNA
- FR828315 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 28, genomic RNA
- FR828316 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 29, genomic RNA
- FR828317 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 3, genomic RNA
- FR828318 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 30, genomic RNA
- FR828319 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 31, genomic RNA
- FR828320 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 32, genomic RNA
- FR828321 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 33, genomic RNA
- FR828322 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 35, genomic RNA
- FR828323 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 36, genomic RNA
- FR828324 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 4, genomic RNA
- FR828325 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 6, genomic RNA
- FR828326 Wheat yellow mosaic virus partial gene for polyprotein, VPg protein region, isolate JS1 clone 7, genomic RNA
White ash mosaic virus () - Unassigned Betaflexiviridae
- DQ412998 White ash mosaic virus replicase, 27 kDa protein, 11 kDa protein, 34 kDa protein, and coat protein (CP) genes, complete cds.
- GU906791 White ash mosaic virus replicase gene, partial cds; and 26 kDa helicase, 11 kDa protein, 8 kDa protein, 35 kDa protein, and coat protein genes, complete cds.
White bream virus (WBV) - Bafinivirus
- DQ898157 White bream virus strain DF24/00, complete genome.
White clover cryptic virus 1 (WCCV-1) - Alphacryptovirus
- AY705784 White clover cryptic virus 1 segment RNA1, complete sequence.
- AY705785 White clover cryptic virus 1 segment RNA2, complete sequence.
White clover cryptic virus 2 (WCCV-2) - Betacryptovirus
- JX971976 White clover cryptic virus 2 isolate IPP_Lirepa segment RNA 1, complete sequence.
- JX971977 White clover cryptic virus 2 isolate IPP_Lirepa segment RNA 2, complete sequence.
White clover mosaic virus (WClMV) - Potexvirus
- AB669182 White clover mosaic virus genomic RNA, complete genome, strain: WClMV-RC.
- DQ784572 White clover mosaic virus isolate 12/13 capsid protein gene, complete cds.
- X06728 Potexvirus white clover mosaic virus (WC1MV) RNA genome
- X16636 White clover mosaic virus total genomic mRNA
White-eye coronavirus HKU16 () - Deltacoronavirus
- JQ065044 White-eye coronavirus HKU16 strain HKU16-6847, complete genome.
Whitefly VEM satellite () - Other begomovirus satellite DNAs
- HM859904 Whitefly VEM satellite isolate e, complete genome.
- HM859905 Whitefly VEM satellite isolate d, complete genome.
- HM859906 Whitefly VEM satellite isolate b, complete genome.
- HM859907 Whitefly VEM satellite isolate c, complete genome.
- HM859908 Whitefly VEM satellite isolate a, complete genome.
- HM859909 Whitefly VEM satellite isolate h, complete genome.
- HM859910 Whitefly VEM satellite isolate g, complete genome.
- HM859911 Whitefly VEM satellite isolate f, complete genome.
Whitewater Arroyo virus (WWAV) - Arenavirus
- AF485264 Whitewater Arroyo virus strain 9310141 segment S, complete sequence.
- AY924395 Whitewater Arroyo virus strain AV 9310135 segment L, complete sequence.
Wigeon coronavirus HKU20 () - Deltacoronavirus
- JQ065048 Wigeon coronavirus HKU20 strain HKU20-9243, complete genome.
Wild boar astrovirus () - Mamastrovirus
- JQ340310 Astrovirus wild boar/WBAstV-1/2011/HUN, complete genome.
Wild cucumber mosaic virus (WCMV) - Tymovirus
- AF035633 Wild cucumber mosaic virus replicase protein gene, partial cds; and virion protein gene, complete cds.
Wild potato mosaic virus (WPMV) - Potyvirus
- AJ437279 Wild potato mosaic virus complete genome
Wild tomato mosaic virus (WTMV) - Potyvirus
- DQ851495 Wild tomato mosaic virus isolate Laichau, complete genome.
Wissadula golden mosaic St Thomas virus (WGMSTV) - Begomovirus
- DQ395343 Wissadula golden mosaic St Thomas Virus, complete sequence.
- EU158095 Wissadula golden mosaic St Thomas Virus segment DNA-B, complete sequence.
- GQ355487 Wissadula golden mosaic St Thomas Virus clone W132BFL5 segment DNA-B, complete sequence.
- GQ355488 Wissadula golden mosaic St Thomas Virus segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
Wisteria vein mosaic virus (WVMV) - Potyvirus
- AF484549 Wisteria vein mosaic virus polyprotein gene, partial cds.
- AY656816 Wisteria vein mosaic virus isolate Beijing, complete genome.
Woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) - Orthohepadnavirus
- M18752 Woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV), complete genome, clone WHV 7.
Woolly monkey hepatitis B virus (WMHBV) - Orthohepadnavirus
- AF046996 Woolly monkey hepatitis B Virus, complete genome.
Woolly monkey sarcoma virus (WMSV) - Gammaretrovirus
- M23385 Squirrel monkey retrovirus-H, complete genome.
Wound tumor virus (WTV) - Phytoreovirus
- J03020 Wound tumor virus genome segment S5 encoding polypeptide P5, complete cds.
- J04344 Wound tumor virus genomic segment S8 encoding structural protein P8, complete cds.
- M11133 Plant wound tumor virus (reovius), segment S12.
- M24114 Wound Tumor Virus genomic segment S10 encoding Pns11 nonstructural polypeptide, complete cds.
- M24115 Wound Tumor Virus genomic segment S9 encoding Pns10 nonstructural polypeptide, complete cds.
- M24116 Wound Tumor Virus genomic segment S6 encoding Pns7 nonstructural polypeptide, complete cds.
- M24117 Wound Tumor Virus genomic segment S4 encoding Pns4 nonstructural polypeptide, complete cds.
- M77019 Wound tumor virus ORF1 mRNA.
- M77020 Wound tumor virus ORF2 mRNA, complete cds.
- M77021 Wound tumor virus ORF3 and ORF4 mRNA, complete cds.
- X14218 Wound tumor virus genomic RNA for structural protein P6
- X14219 Wound tumor virus genomic RNA for structural protein P9
Wyeomyia virus (WYOV) - Orthobunyavirus
- JN572080 Wyeomyia virus strain original RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene, complete cds.
- JN572081 Wyeomyia virus strain original polyprotein gene, complete cds.
- JN572082 Wyeomyia virus strain original nucleocapsid protein gene, complete cds.